6 Things You Didn’t Know You Could do with Scoop.it: Part III

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The Scoop.it platform has been a perpetual work in progress for over two years. During that period, we’ve had lots of exciting accomplishments and releases, and it’s no secret that some features have remained hidden in the shadows.

As a part of the team working on building Scoop.it as the ultimate knowledge sharing hub, I like to think I know a thing or two about the product – and what fun is knowing things if you don’t get to share them? (hint: you can tweet your new knowledge too!)

Did you know that with the Scoop.it platform you can…

Create a personal portfolio filled with your areas of expertise online?

As a young professional in social media, I’m constantly struggling to bring together all aspects of my online presence in one resume-like place. As a placeholder until I found the right solution, I would send people to my Scoop.it profile. This was a great placeholder indeed, until I realized that it wasn’t a placeholder at all – it was the answer!

With a little tweaking of my bio and photo, connecting of my social networks, and categorization of my topics, I now have a landing page complete with information about myself, ways for people to reach me, and a complete library of information on my topics of expertise, curated by myself.

This is especially useful for consultants, like our very own Elynn Fish of The Fish Firm. Using a topic for each of her clients, Elynn has effortlessly created a portfolio of all of her work – without having to do anything extra. She can direct prospective clients to her current page so that they can see the types of work she has done and different companies with whom she has worked.

Say goodbye to the endless hours wasted configuring the perfect landing page with all of the links back to your profiles and curated blogs, and long live the Scoop.it Profile Page!

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is Scoop.it's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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10 years ago

I want use my ipad in the classroom ? Any ideas

Guillaume Decugis
10 years ago
Reply to  Tachlan

Have you tried using the Scoop.it iPad App with your students? There are many use cases but here are two:

1. Have them curate some topics in groups from their iPads – on topics of interest for the class (projects, ongoing lessons, etc…)

2. Create a topic and complete your textbook’s content with curated content coming from you or suggested by the students themselves

Here are a number of stories about using Scoop.it in the classroom: http://www.scoop.it/t/scoop-it-on-the-web/?tag=education

And here’s a great topic on iPads in Education by fellow Scoopiteer John Evans

Geri Richmond
Geri Richmond
10 years ago

What a great idea to use your profile as a landing page. Very clever! 🙂

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