The Big Bang Redesign and Growth for 2013

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On Tuesday, we launched our new set of product features and now the ashes have settled. We’ve received a ton of fantastic feedback from our users and prospective users –. the overwhelming feedback has been positive; we are incredibly pleased with the results of our launch and we’re excited for the future of and the amazing people using our platform.

We’ve been seeing some great traction in the press, as well!  TechCrunchThe Search Engine JournalBetaKit, and wrote us up, which are all huge for us.  We’ve also seen some positive sentiment in the social sphere, with mentions by key influencers in our space, check it out here and here.  Follow and retweet if you feel compelled!

We’ve been listening, too.  We did field some negative feedback and many of the users who were dissatisfied with our changes were focused specifically on the verbiage and customization of our new Insight feature, so we’ve pushed a change out to allow users to remove “[Name]’s Insight” and add their commentary without this lead in. This allows your commentary to blend in to the excerpt portion of your Scoop.  Simply click your topic page, click “manage,” click the “customization” tab, click the “insight” tab, and then de-select “show the insight decoration,” and click “save.”

We also fixed a user-discovered bug with the scheduling of Scoops. The functionality to edit the time and date a Scoop will be posted has been completely restored.

We also wanted to thank all you awesome people for helping us acheive record traffic this week. We are thrilled and proud to be hitting well over 5 million unique visitors a month, and we’ve only been live for a year!  This launch, coupled with our current traction, market penetration and expected expansion presents a clear path and big growth potential as we move into 2013.

This is all thanks to you guys, the amazing curators who make what it is, a place to shine on the web and share ideas that matter.

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12 years ago

Hello!! With the new it’s no longer easy to edit. I don’t want to see all those scary codes….. I’m not a programmer…..
Please help!!!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Hi Barbara! Could you please tell me a bit more about which portions of your scoop you are having trouble editing? I’d love to help. Thank you!

Jim Collie
12 years ago

So, I love the new bells and whistles — and I very much appreciate your willingness to continue to listen and adjust. Neat. and Thanks. My problem: the search engine seems to work differently, to me it doesn’t seem as robust. And it seems to work much slower than the previous one. For example, I generally publish a story that hits its website about 3am — it used to regularly be in my queue first thing. Now I have to go to the site itself and publish from there — it often now doesn’t show up in my queue until… Read more »

Lilleen Dee Rohe
12 years ago

I do like the new format except for my name showing up – with ‘insights’. I would prefer to be behind the scenes.

12 years ago

Hello!! With the new it’s no longer easy to edit. I don’t want to see all those scary codes….. I’m not a programmer…..
Please help!!!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Hi Barbara! Could you please tell me a bit more about which portions of your scoop you are having trouble editing? I’d love to help. Thank you!

Jim Collie
12 years ago

So, I love the new bells and whistles — and I very much appreciate your willingness to continue to listen and adjust. Neat. and Thanks. My problem: the search engine seems to work differently, to me it doesn’t seem as robust. And it seems to work much slower than the previous one. For example, I generally publish a story that hits its website about 3am — it used to regularly be in my queue first thing. Now I have to go to the site itself and publish from there — it often now doesn’t show up in my queue until… Read more »

Lilleen Dee Rohe
12 years ago

I do like the new format except for my name showing up – with ‘insights’. I would prefer to be behind the scenes.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x