Best practices to be the curator of your favorite topic

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At we aim to empower you, dear users, to be the curator of your favorite topics. ”Noble ambition”, we’ve heard, “but what does it mean to be a good curator?”

We’ve seen you do great things with features: here are some of the best practices we found!

Give your own angle

That’s not easy but your topic will be more appreciated if you give your point of view. Pick a side, share your analysis, tell your audience what you found interesting in an article or simply why you decided to share it on your topic!

We love the example of Wonderful Artwork and Images where Rob L explains us his choices.

Take care of your topic look and feel

Personalize your topic. In your topic edition page (pen icon next to your topic’s name), you can add your own theme or picture to customize the look of your online magazine. It’s as easy as uploading a picture. Some of you already did: Violins by Marc, All Geeks by Deloste, In the kitchen: recipes by Forpus. We could give a lot of other great examples.

To make it even easier, here is a template wallpaper to create your own wallpaper.

Format your posts

Edition features are available for each post of your topic to: change the size of the image, edit the layout of your post, choose a star post, and change the order of the posts. In a short time you can get a beautiful topic and be proud of sharing it to the world!

Editorialize your topic

A curator is often compared to a chief editor so why not create an editor’s note to introduce your topic, describe your motivations or review current events related to your topic?

Have a look on the brilliant topic Coveting Freedom, where Amarji wrote up his Editor’s corner to share his thoughts about the Egyptian crisis and the situation in the Middle East.

We hope you’ll find these tips helpful! Know some other things that are cool to do to make a great topic? Please share it in the comments or at feedback at! Thanks.

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Jos Essers
14 years ago

On Editor’s note: How can you “anchor” the editor’s note to stay in its place and does not get overwritten?

The wallpaper template is a psd file. Any alternative?

Jos Essers

14 years ago
Reply to  Jos Essers

To anchor a post to the top of your topic, you just have to click on the white-star-on-green-circle icon that shows on each post of your topic (you have to be in view mode, not curation mode).

The psd is just to help you design it (eg if you use Photoshop) but you can use any png or jpeg to change the background of your topic.

Don’t hesitate if not clear.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Angela Natividad, cedric giorgi, vincentlieser, Hélène Brevet, and others. said: [Blog] Best practices to be the curator of your favorite topic […]

13 years ago

Looking forward to getting started. Thanks for the how-to 101.

Jos Essers
14 years ago

On Editor’s note: How can you “anchor” the editor’s note to stay in its place and does not get overwritten?

The wallpaper template is a psd file. Any alternative?

Jos Essers

Guillaume Decugis
14 years ago
Reply to  Jos Essers

To anchor a post to the top of your topic, you just have to click on the white-star-on-green-circle icon that shows on each post of your topic (you have to be in view mode, not curation mode).

The psd is just to help you design it (eg if you use Photoshop) but you can use any png or jpeg to change the background of your topic.

Don’t hesitate if not clear.

13 years ago

Looking forward to getting started. Thanks for the how-to 101.

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