How IS Decisions is winning the hearts & minds of IT Pros, curating content that catches their attention

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Back 6 months ago, François Amigorena, CEO of Software Publisher IS Decisions was wondering how to make its business more visible on the Web. He had great products with a proven track record (3,000 customers in 100+ countries) but he also knew that winning purchasing decisions of IT Professionals is a tough job.
How could he get top of mind awareness from IT Pro’s?
He was convinced that a good content strategy was the solution. By become the source for stories they care about, he could win them, be recognized and remembered. Yet, he couldn’t spend too much time and resources doing so. Luckily, he discovered and started several online magazines using the Business version some months ago.
Here is the success story : provides us with a new and unique way to reach out to our target customers. Publishing value-added content in an attractive layout is a great way to keep them connected with our brand and to generate leads.

  • Activity: Software Vendor specializing in Infrastructure and Security Management solutions for Microsoft Windows
  • Customers: more than 3,000 all around the world in Security demanding organizations.
  • Audience: IT Professionals specializing in Microsoft technologies.

Adopted strategy:

  • Show a strong presence on Social Media Platforms to develop interactions with IT Pros community
  • Provide to IT decision-makers value-added content by curating Industry News

Using Business, IS Decisions is achieving its objectives step by step. The key to success lies in the fact that, every day, the team demonstrates a real expertise and ability to sort the wheat from the chaff and only proposes high-quality, insightful content to IT pros through their customized, thematic online magazines.

Hosted on their own domain to increase personalization, these appealing branded pages contribute to build a consistent brand image. Additionally, with all of its content judiciously shared on relevant social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn), IS Decisions is cheerful with the achieved results.

It has only started a couple of months ago, but we already get very positive feedback from our readers and followers about our topics!

We definitely see a steadily growing number of IT pros visiting our corporate website coming from our pages.

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مدونة القسوره
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