How EcoVadis is educating Supply Chain Managers on Sustainable Procurement & Green Purchasing

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Pierre-François Thaler, Managing Director at EcoVadis, an innovative platform allowing big companies to rate their suppliers on social and environmental performance, wanted to educate his audience about Sustainable Procurement & Green Purchasing and create top of mind awareness regarding EcoVadis. He was persuaded that evangelization was the key to do this. To take the place as a reference in this niche sector, Pierre-François decided to provide high-value content to his audience. He started to publish high-quality resources like analysis, research projects that appeared quickly very time-consuming to produce. As he needed to bring a constant attention on his sphere to evangelize, Pierre-François found the solution with content curation thanks to Business.

Here is EcoVadis’ story:

Activity: EcoVadis operates a Sustainability Rating platform allowing companies to assess the environmental and social performance of their suppliers on a global basis.

Customers: Several thousands of companies in North America and Europe – Global supplier base in 95 countries.

Audience: Supply Chain Managers interested in suppliers with environmental and social performance.

Adopted Strategy:

  • Educate about Sustainable Procurement & Green Purchasing: EcoVadis publishes analyses and research projects to evangelize about its activity. These are great resources but they require too much time to produce to be published on a regular basis. Thanks to, EcoVadis now provides qualitative content to its audience in an easy and regular way to get top of mind; and this, without spending to much time in order. is a great help to evangelize Supply Chain departments about Sustainable Procurement and Green Purchasing allowing us to establish EcoVadis as the leader on the area. In a few months, we’ve got more traffic on our pages than on our blog.

  • Involve multi-expertise analysts: EcoVadis has plentiful amount of analysts, very specialized in their area, who are involved in curating news and add great value to this curated content so that EcoVadis audience benefits from the entire expertise of the EcoVadis Team.
  • Develop knowledge management: Following EcoVadis topics, each member of the team can get the most up-to-date news on EcoVadis’ industry: it ensures that no member of the team misses important information regarding green supply chain sphere and develop ideas for any future projects.

Systematically enriching our curated content with our input give our curation consistency; our customers greatly appreciate it and consider it as relevant resource they keep in mind.

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12 years ago

Thanks. Oyunlar

12 years ago

Thanks. Oyunlar

11 years ago

Thanks. you wolfteam hileleri

11 years ago

Thanks. wolflitepro

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