10 One-Liners That Will Drastically Improve Your Marketing: Social Media Edition

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This is a guest post from our friends at Tackk.

Social media needs no introduction. Although initially created for personal use, social media is particularly important for many business marketing strategies. The social content your business creates gives your business a personality, creditability, and most importantly, expertise in your area. Here are some one-liners to use on your Facebook and Twitter accounts to show you know your stuff:

1. Our tip of the week: [informational, humorous, etc.].

Keep your consumers educated about your product by giving out useful weekly tips. This is a simple way to build your brand without directly marketing your product. Try to make the tips interesting enough to keep fans coming back for more.

2. Big thanks to [author of article] for recognizing [company name] as [what the article is about].

Every business loves positive, free press. Take advantage of Facebook’s share option and show your fans what is being said about you.  Make sure to give credit to the author who may write about you in the future.

3. Want to win a [prize, incentive]? Enter our [title of contest] contest for a chance to win [link to more details].

Most contest entries require an online submission. Announcing your contest on your Facebook page with a shortened link will give fans a quick way to get more information about the contest and hopefully enter. Go a step further and announce the winner of the contest on a Tackk, then post on your Facebook page. This will keep people with entries on the look out on your Facebook page for a bit.

4. Have you read this exclusive post from [author, company]?

Resharing popular posts from other major companies or key players in your industry will add content to your Facebook page and engage your fans in a positive conversation.

5. Right on! We love using [certain product or service] for [use case].

Commenting on other fans or potential partners pages is never a bad thing to do. Stay engaged on posts that you aren’t directly tagged in, and take the opportunity to get your name out there to further build your brand.

Tweeting, Following, Retweeting

1. Ready to #chat? Join the convo with [#twitterchatname]

Twitter chats are your business’ way to indirectly market itself.  Whether it’s creating your own chat or jumping on another one, your business has the opportunity to build trust by adding valuable insight to an entire audience of potential customers.

2. [@customer] sorry to hear that. DM us with an email address so we can help fix this problem ASAP

Many companies get small complaints via Twitter. Don’t be afraid to publicly apologize to the customer so others can see your concern. Ask for another way to privately contact them to fix their issue and get them back to using your product.

3. [@customer] awesome to [hear, see]! [Quote retweet a compliment or use case of your product posted by a customer]

When customers brag about your product, everyone should know. Go one step beyond the Retweet and add a short comment back to make that customer feel extra special. Other customers may see the praise, want the attention too, and share their own positive experience with your product.

4. [@company or @keyplayer] thanks for the follow.  Would love to chat more about how we could work together.

When major companies or key players in your industry follow your Twitter account, take advantage of the opportunity.  Reach out to them in a simple Tweet to let them know you’re paying attention to them and want to build a stronger relationship that can mutually benefit both companies.

5. Newly launched: we’re happy to announce our newest product: [product name]. Check it out here: [shortened link to more info about the new product] [insert photo]

Target both current and prospective customers with an exciting Tweet that will catch a user’s scrolling eye. Add a shortened link to clean up the Tweet and ensure it fits in the character limit. If limit permits, add a simple pic of the new product to really have the customers drooling.

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About the Author

Andria Trivisonno
Andria leads marketing and partnerships at Tackk, the easiest way to create pages on the web. She’s an avid traveler and sports enthusiast, loves anything tech related and studies astrology in her free time. Follow Andria on Twitter @andriatriv.
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10 years ago

Social media market is the best place for any kind of business


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