How a Nobody can become a Somebody

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This is a great post by Raymond Morin on how Social Influence and Curation are tightly interconnected. “The key to influence is based primarily on the quality and relevance of the content offered“, he writes, “Only by adding value to the maelstrom of content on the Web can a blogger reveal themselves as an influence within their network“.

And he finishes with a precious tip: “always ask whether our contents are worth sharing“.

This is precisely one of the drivers we had for creating creating Social Media for the rest of us. Not the celebrities or the movie stars (we like them too!) but the people who – in spite of not being famous – had expertise to share. Everyone has a favorite topic they care passionately about and that is worth sharing.

What is yours?
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Cendrine Marrouat
12 years ago

Love what Raymond does! I have been following him for a little while.

Maag Kronis
12 years ago

nice your article

Infeksi Saluran Kemih
12 years ago

nice article, thanks for sharing

12 years ago

Thanks for sharing the post. You are part of Windmill networking too?

Cendrine Marrouat
12 years ago

Love what Raymond does! I have been following him for a little while.

Maag Kronis
12 years ago

nice your article

Infeksi Saluran Kemih
12 years ago

nice article, thanks for sharing

12 years ago

Thanks for sharing the post. You are part of Windmill networking too?

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