The Newest Version of Welcome to the Meritoc[u]racy

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1.  Why sharing ideas that matter, matters

We built to make it easy and rewarding to share ideas that matter.

Ideas matter: they make all of us, individuals, businesses and societies, progress. Sharing ideas is equally important as creating them: it honors the creators; it enriches the recipients; and it also benefits the “passers”, who enhance their reputation through propagation of wisdom.

In today’s web, that’s what curators do: they discover, enrich and share content. When they do it well – with passion and expertise and with all due respect to the authors, they make the web a better place and are consequently, quite rightly, rewarded. They, as individuals or as businesses, shine on the web!

So we built to make it easy and rewarding to share ideas that matter. And you, our great community of curators, have embraced the concept at large; you elevated from a clever publishing solution to an active community of savvy people who together make the web a better place. You have indexed, organized, edited and published more than 50 million pieces of content, attracting an audience of nearly 80 million unique visitors. You demonstrated that sharing ideas that matter matters; and is, indeed, rewarding.

2.  A humanrithm-powered influence upgrade

But you also challenged us — and we love it 🙂

You wanted to make it even easier to discover relevant content; to organize content in a more meaningful way; to connect with people who share your interests.

So we worked together, with our specialists group on Google+, with our power users, collecting hundreds of suggestions, testing and exchanging ideas. We are really grateful and impressed by your involvement. Together we designed this new major release that enables merit-based organization of web content and helps great curators shine even more on the web.

But how to organize content on a meaningful way? Considering the sheer amount of content at stake, we could not do it manually. We needed algorithms: uses a Big Data semantic algorithm to analyze content, to identify “meaning” within your curation.

But as much as we trust robots to help you find content (’s engine suggests content), we do not trust robots to publish or organize content for you (on, you decide what’s published). We believe in humanrithm — robots working together with humans.

3.  Interest channels

The first major feature in this release are the interest channels: that’s categories in which the best topics are organized. Interest channels enable interest-based discovery.

How do we build these channels? By means of the humanrithm: when your curation reaches a certain quality score (based on activity, freshness and engagement) our algorithm invites you to categorize it into an interest channel (the algorithm even suggests possible channels, based on semantic analysis).

These channels enable effective navigation along the interest graph. They help you find relevant content and curators.

And when your topic eventually becomes part of an interest channel, its shining power increases dramatically!

How do we then organize these channels? How do we make sure they make sense? Enter peer recommendation.

4.  #Curatethecurators

When one of your topics becomes eligible to join an interest channel, you are rewarded with additional power: The power to recommend other curator’s topics!

Recommending a topic contributes to its quality score. It helps it grow toward an interest channel! And of course, topics in the channels are also sorted by quality score (you’ll see silver and golden badges attached to the best topics). Recommending a topic makes it shine even more!

By being a great curator you earn the power to recommend other topics; and by doing so, you contribute to a merit-based organization of web content.

5.  You told us! is not a place where random users trick scoring algorithms by posting “lol cat pictures” or “twerking videos.” is a place where passionate people, savvy professionals, and serious businesses come to discover, enrich and publish ideas that matter; for their visibility and for their reputation.

Moving toward a merit-based organization was only natural. That was written into our DNA — our core values. And that’s what you told us you needed. 🙂

Discovery of relevant content, connections with people who share your interests and increased visibility based on your merit: all of this benefits the curators, you.

So don’t be shy: use your power, shine; and #curatethecurators!


For the exact details about what’s new with this release, check out our knowledge base article here.

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11 years ago

And when do we get to do that on the go ? with a decent android app that allows tagging for example ? or a CSS that allows us to do it via the web while the app is being written ? Just asking

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Hello! There are three apps for on the go: iPad, iPhone and Android. The iPad is a full blown curation + discovery app. Admittedly, the iPhone and Android apps are (still) very basic. Lately, after the release of the iPad app, we have focused our forces on this new release (with lots of interaction with the community so it took time and effort and hopefully you’ll like it :)). But your point is totally valid and is taken. Must Do! Thanks for your feed back.

11 years ago
Reply to  Marc Rougier

Hi Marc, the main problem for me – why I don’t share much much more on to my “future” topic (that leveled up to ‘gold’) – is that I have no quick and easy option to do so Post-PC. That’s why I currently focus 90% of my sharing time on other platforms, such as Flipboard. As background: I’m mainly in news discovery mode when using my iPhone apps and in work mode when at my PC (where I don’t like to open while working). – With the current iPhone app I can’t even re-scoop an article that I… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  konterkariert

Hi Christoph – You’re right: Apple offers limited sharing possibilities (and iOS7 was actually disappointing for us on that point as they’re still not on par with Android on this). And you’re right that we don’t support send to email as a sharing mechanism for of course. But like you, I do a lot of content discovery on my iPhone and as a pretty fast workaround, I’ve used the copy/paste function of iOS. Most content apps allow you to “copy link” (or if not open in Safari where you can copy). From there on, it’s pretty fast to open… Read more »

11 years ago

The copy/paste function of iOS is so slow, but I’ll give it a try. I hope you can add send-to-email sharing soon as a feature.

BTW: How can it happen, that I my topic ( had ‘gold’ status 7 days ago, when I wrote my comment here and mentioned it in the first sentences, quote: “Why I don’t share much much more on to my “future” topic (that leveled up to ‘gold’)”.

And now my status is only ‘silver’ ? Has this been done by algorithms or humans?

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  konterkariert

The logic here is that Gold status can’t be granted forever: these topics are supposed to be the best of the best and therefore this is not something that can be granted once and for all if we follow that rationale. Several factors are being considered for this: users can stop recommending a topic (we made the feature reversible as you may have noticed), our algorithms also has an input, etc… Having said that, we’re just at the beginning of this and like you and a few others pointed out, we’ve observed that our assessment method on this might not… Read more »

11 years ago

Thanks for giving me these detailed insights, Guillaume. I guess I know what your algorithms noticed. Exactly in the time when you launched the new version with the new silver/gold curator status – I had no time to update my topic for about 8 days. And what made things worse, my last update had a picture that looked ugly and boring in the preview section of the “innovation” topic. Overall I know that I tend to post more boring “dry” stuff, which always gets much lower reactions, as I currently learn on my Flipboard magazine, which I guess has… Read more »

Ian Wright
11 years ago

Well this is great! Thanks for the kudos of being “incredibly highly-recommended”. Hopefully it’ll lead to more people discovering us 🙂

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Ian Wright

Thanks Ian!

That’s exactly the purpose! When you recommend others, you contribute to making the web a better place, by using your human values to complement algorithm-based ranking.

And when you are recommended, your visibility increases and you can be discovered by more people – and not any people, but people who care about the interest you are curating about.

This we hope is to the benefit of great content and great curators; merit-based visibility. That’s why we encourage you to keep curating and be recommended. And to #curatethecurators!

Laurence Veya
Laurence Veya
11 years ago

Please, deliver soon a French traduction of and simplify the webpage so that the non initiate users of can use it easily…

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Laurence Veya

Bonjour Laurence,

Nous serions ravis, vous vous en doutez, de pouvoir maintenir une version française de Et même dans d’autres langues (nous avons de nombreux utilisateurs hispanophones par exemple). Malheureusement nous sommes encore une jeune startup et devons concentrer nos ressources sur la valeur la plus générale; concernant la langue, sur le web, c’est bien sûr l’anglais. Mais la traduction en français est dans nos plans! Et d’ici là, si vous avez des questions ou problèmes spécifiques, nous pouvons vous assister en ligne, et en français!

Merci pour votre intérêt,


Laurence Veya
Laurence Veya
11 years ago
Reply to  Marc Rougier

Hello, je comprends bien que votre budget ne vous permette pas de traduire pour l’instant…aussi je vous recommande mettre simplement une boussole au lieu de Find par exemple et de remplacer par des symboles la navigation de car je remarque que les non-initiés sont très vite déboussolés et quittent scoopit rapidement alors que moi j’adhère complètement à votre vision. Je fais même maintenant une redirection 301 depuis mon nom de domaine…car je crois en vous Meilleures salutations *Laurence Veya* *Rue de la paix 62 * *2740 Moutier* *Suisse* *Tel. 0041795315288* * * ** Le 3 octobre 2013 01:10,… Read more »

Karl Steinmeyer
11 years ago

Nicely done.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Thanks Karl!

11 years ago

Impressive upgrade Marc and thanks for making it easier to find communities of similar interests. Scoopit has proved a very useful tool for us.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Thanks a lot. We value your feed back.


Stephen Kirk
Stephen Kirk
11 years ago

Guys – love what you’re doing – can we have a membership tier between pro and business [?Pro+] that allows us to brand as an individual curator (ie our own visual id) still with limited topics… the hike between pro and biz is pretty steep…

Marc Kneepkens
Marc Kneepkens
11 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Kirk

Totally agree.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Kirk

Stephen, Marc,

Thanks for the positive words on

Thanks also for the suggestion. We are constantly reviewing our users needs and we know that one size doesn’t fit all needs. Having an intermediate package with branding is certainly an interesting value proposition. Point taken! Please do not hesitate to continue the discussion if you have any other ideas which would make better for you.

11 years ago

Good update, nice try

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to

Thanks! And we will keep trying!

11 years ago

Great, nice and easy to use! Bravo!

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  DIVIES Naima

Thanks much. Our community pushes us forward 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  DIVIES Naima

HI Marc,
I plan to get the business package related to Scoop it services

Before that I would like to check various points
1- I plan to have between 5 to 10 topics for a private use (dedicated to internal use – employers)
2- the second part, we would like to have a public Scoop it (from 2 to 5 topics dedicated to our parteners, customers)).

Is it possible to have these two services in the same subscription?
Thanks for your advice.

Álvaro Ricárdez
Álvaro Ricárdez
11 years ago

I like the idea of creating interest channels! It would facilitate searches and it will increase productivity! Great work!

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Thanks Alvaro,

We really like your feed back. And because Interest Channels facilitate searches, they also, consequently, increase visibility: it’s really a two way discovery benefit. So it should be valuable for any curator to make it to a channel!


11 years ago

Just Love Congrats for a job Well Done Developers
Keep Up the Good Work Marti Zuidam

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  martiz

Thanks for sharing the love Marti.

Yes we are lucky to have awesome team of developers!

Nice topic on more than mountains 🙂


Steve Freeman
Steve Freeman
11 years ago

Being new to I am pleased with the interaction. I use the provided suggestions plus I will post articles written by authors I enjoy from my Linkedin group. I’ve got to say that when I comment that I have Scooped their article (I provide them a link) they get excited to see their post somewhere besides their blog. It is a great way to build authority for them and me.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Steve Freeman

Thanks much Steve, Building authority, demonstrating though leadership is really what’s at stake. Very glad to read that you see it work; hopefully with the new Interest Channels, we’ll enabling this even more (by facilitating discovery and connection with content and people relevant to your interest). Since I read that you are using the suggestion engine as well: do you know that you can fine-tune it, apply filters, etc, to make suggestions more relevant and increase the signal-to-noise ration? And of course, you also have the bookmarklet to easily capture content outside Do not hesitate to ask if it’s… Read more »

11 years ago

More feedback.

Please add Zemanta to I guess you have never heard of Zemanta, but trust me, they could drastically change the experience of tagging to the better. And with more tags lead to even more visitors on

You can test Zemanta if you have a wordpress blog with their plugin:

And they have a quick and easy to use demo here that just takes 30 seconds to understand the potential:

Zemanta is a semantic analysis engine. They can very quick identify the topics of any content. They are the best in what they do world-wide.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  konterkariert

Nice! Thanks for sharing.

Not sure how / where we should add Zemanta to, but very interesting technology / product. I’ll try further!


11 years ago

I think Scoop is great, but the reason I do not use it as much as I want is the simple fact that I cannot embed my pages in my own website. At least, not that I know about. Above you talk about sharing, curating social, curating the curator, amplifying it. All fantastic, but I want to share it with my own website an share the fruits of my ‘hard work’ with my website and embellish that too at the same time.
I hope it can be done soon. Thanks Robert

Ante Lauc
Ante Lauc
11 years ago

I agree with your vision, but it is much more difficult to create synergy at scoop, than I thought. We could become “learning organization” as Peter Senge initiated, but lack of warm hearts and smart minds diminish it.

11 years ago

Finally comes with flat Ui. Well thats great but i found some color complications in “upgrade” button, notification icons , hope you will try other colors for that.. you can try world best flat ui designs
for your inspiration

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Bhavik

Yes flat was a necessary move. For it’s today’s web. But also it’s somehow aligned with the values of curation: less is more 😉

Colors are a difficult debate (there are rules and there are tastes). We AB tested several options, but thanks very much for sharing this interesting resource!


11 years ago
Reply to  Marc Rougier

Agree about colours Marc, there are indeed rules. There are rules about text too. Rule Number 1 is that it should be clear and legible. As far as I know there’s no rule about it having to match the company logo (who cares?). The new GUI makes me wince each time I return to Scoop.It from the largely-legible-rest-of-the-world. Not a good user experience mate 🙁

Claire Allwood
Claire Allwood
11 years ago
Reply to  wyatte

Thanks, wyatte, I was beginning to think I was the only one ‘wincing’. I actually checked all my browsers before realising that it wasn’t a problem with the browser rendering fonts incorrectly but an actual design decision. Really not pleasant. I wince every time I scoop as well. Very iOS7 (not downloading that one till I absolutely have to). I know looks aren’t everything but in a GUI they are important for a good experience. I am all for clean and simple, but it just doesn’t work for me.

11 years ago
Reply to  Claire Allwood

You’re right Claire, the app graphics are clear as a bell, while the web site is total rubbish. How about that for a cross-platform service? BTW you’re right to ignore the app. Just tried it and the suggestions list on every one of my topics displays blank, even though I can see the listed items on the web version. Look, I’m convinced Scoop.It! has the potential to become seriously big but someone in there is sending it into a nose dive just when it should be soaring.

Catherine Fitzpatrick
11 years ago

I’ve loved Scoopit and I found it really enhanced my blog and attracted Twitter followers. I spent a lot of time happily curating. But if I’ve understood you correctly, what you’re saying here is only those accounts that have attracted a sufficient amount of traffic (and it’s not clear how much) can be expected to be offered the chance to be boosted into the interest channel and get even more views. So it’s basically a way of making the power curve steeper and ultimately shaking loose the long tail people in very niche topics like some of mine. OK, understood,… Read more »

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Hello Catherine, Thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive comment. And thanks for the nice words 🙂 You address three points: – how does a topic become eligible to a channel – UX choice: drag & drop vs slider – Comparison with Storyful Let me briefly respond to each of them. On the eligibility to reach a channel, you misunderstood me. Sorry if I was not clear. We do NOT want topics to earn additional visibility just based on the fact that they already have visibility. This would actually be contrary to our values: our mission is… Read more »

11 years ago

Good improvements but not enough. I would like to see changes to the pricing. Using your own domain shouldn’t be that expensive. That’s one of the reasons I’ve switched to Also again, there has to be an option for some level of automated article posting, at least give us the option to choose. Maybe a separate section which states auto collected scoops? And let us change the format of the display, for example from 2 columns to 3 columns.

Before these changes, especially the pricing for using your own domain, I will have to continue to use

11 years ago

Great idea!

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  F2M

Idea born in our community of users 🙂 Thanks for your nice comment!

11 years ago

C’mon chaps,the new font’s gotta be one of the worst ever adopted! The buttons border on the illegible. Scoop.It! can do much, much better than this. We know you can. At the top of this screen it says “smart is the new sexy”. Get smart 😉

Shaun Ling
11 years ago

i love!

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago
Reply to  Shaun Ling

Thanks! This gives us lots of energy to forge ahead 🙂

Guillaume Dumortier
Guillaume Dumortier
11 years ago

✮✮✮✮✮ Loving all the updates. Lovin’ it.

Marc Rougier
Marc Rougier
11 years ago

Many thanks Guillaume!

11 years ago

Hi, Marc. I think make Structuring of Information / Big Data / for the Understanding !

Akilade Ayotunde
Akilade Ayotunde
11 years ago

Here, I’ve met and interacted with people I could never have met in any other circumstances and I’ve been the richer for it.

11 years ago

On the app, the My Topics page has counters showing the number of new items, if any, waiting in each topic’s suggestion queue. On the website this fundamental feature is on the Dashboard page but not on the My Topics page. Don’t see why.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  wyatte

Thanks for the feedback. Rationale is we try to avoid overwhelming pages with too much information but this might be more useful than others. Quick question: do you actually miss that on the profile page because you use it more than the dashboard @wyalurch:disqus?

11 years ago

Hi Guillaume. The My Topics page was my default for curating…my topics. Now I’m using Dashboard but only for the My Curated Topics menu. I’d consider un-nesting My Curated Topics to the home page; it’s a (small) drag having to go thru’ the menu each time to change topic when curating. Anyway, these are minor issues compared to the problem of the iOS-friendly fonts that are really awful on the website. Cheers, Jeff

11 years ago

LOVE the new changes! Love the gamification leveling up with the awards (thanks for the 2 golds!)

But I DO miss the black? Can I loan you some? Check out my blog, wiki, electronic portfolio – I have loads! It’s part of my branding! Can we customize that or shall I just get used to it? 😉

Made sure to mention my love of you during the Global #RSCON4 conference last night – see?

Cheers & thanks again!
~Gwyneth Jones
The Daring Librarian (.com)

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago

Thanks for spreading the love @gwynethannejones:disqus ! And great to hear from you. Don’t worry: those of you Stones fan can still paint it black 😉 How? Just go to any of your topic, click Manage and then Customization: you can easily change the Background color to black. The rest of the site won’t be affected but your topics will have your own signature background.

11 years ago

Est-il envisageable d’avoir ici une explication claire (en français si possible) concernant l’attribution des “médailles” sur ? Certains topics ont des médailles et moins de vues que d’autres pourtant non médaillés… J’avoue ne pas comprendre comment on peut être recommandé.Ca semble tenir du “club d’initiés”

Eric Chan Wei Chiang
10 years ago

Some of my topics already have more than a thousand views but they are still not on any interests channels.

Some curators with fewer views are already on interest channels. Is it because there were no recommendations by other curators?

How do I get more recommendations? I have received quite a few thanks and have several accepted suggestions, do these count towards getting on interest channels? Are there other criterias such as number of scoops?

10 years ago

This was a year ago, any improvements for me to come back as a customer?

Guillaume Decugis
10 years ago
Reply to  yustein

Hi @yustein:disqus: yes, there’s been a lot of new things, including the ability to use templates which one of them is actually multiple columns in responsive designs just as you suggested. They’re available from our Professional plan which is only about $10/month when paid yearly. More details here:

Guillaume Decugis
9 years ago

They need a account but it just takes a few clicks to sign up with Facebook, Twitter or email and be able to comment. So not longer than any other comment system.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x