How to improve SEO – the power of content curation

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How to improve SEO - the power of content curation - eBook by

90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years. Faced with this huge, ever-increasing amount of data, threatened by social networks such as Facebook, search engines had to adapt or die. They found a better way of identifying quality and relevant content that genuinely addressed users’ needs. How can companies improve SEO to comply with secret algorithms that are constantly being revised by search engines?

Improve SEO by not doing SEO

That’s right! The old SEO is dead. Backlinks-only strategies are not only inefficient but condemned by search engines. As Neil Patel says, “you can’t just pop up an ugly website, throw up mediocre content, build a few links and expect to rank well”. The only way to improve SEO now is to understand the new SEO: content marketing. Don’t do SEO, Search Engine Optimization like we meant it when the acronym was invented. Do content. Content that you audience cares about. Content that brings them added value. That’s how search engines feed their first page.

Content Curation can help you improve SEO, and more!

Just because you have to publish great content doesn’t mean you have to create all of it. As Jason Miller, Senior Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn, puts it, “content curation not only alleviates the pressure of having to devote valuable time to creating original content, but it also adds credibility and third party validations to your efforts.” So we created an eBook. A very practical eBook to show you that if you want to improve SEO and if you ever want to appear on the first page of any search engine, you have to create high-value content. On a regular basis. That eBook goes even further: we show you how content curation can help you in that marathon effort. And we give you 15 practical tips on how you can leverage content curation in your marketing mix in order to improve SEO, increase traffic and generate more leads. So don’t wait and improve your SEO today! Click
here to download your free copy.

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About the Author

Julie Gauthier
Julie was our Director of Marketing. Before joining the other side of the Force, Julie was a client of while managing the Marketing of another SaaS software start-up in San Francisco for 2 years (Ivalua). With a Master’s Degree in Consulting from Audencia Graduate School of Management, Julie has lived in 4 different countries and worked in Marketing and Consulting for Apple, l’Oréal, Cartier and Weave Consulting. Besides being a tech nerd tweeting about New Technologies (@JulieGTR), Julie is a pretty serious sports addict (ski, muay thai, field hockey, tennis, etc.), a traveling fanatic and a foodie (either in the privacy of her kitchen or at new trendy restaurants).
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Scott in Nashville
Scott in Nashville
9 years ago

Totally agree. I look forward to reading the book. Thanks!!

Neil Ferree
9 years ago

An excellent eBook Julie. Your insights echo an interview I saw on Social Media Examiner with Guy Kawasaki where he talked about how to build a following using other people’s content.

Guillaume Decugis
9 years ago
Reply to  Neil Ferree

Great tips from Guy too, @NeilFerree:disqus: thanks for sharing!

Jason Fox
9 years ago

Thanks Julie… I just did a blog post about this for real estate agents. An industry that is desperate for leads and handcuffed by time.

Great ebook that should help small business marketers increase their search engine rankings.

cyber frame
9 years ago

Thanks julie ! To
share this wonderful knowledge with us.
I will surely share this article on social site and also it will help me in my

Luca Giorgio
Luca Giorgio
9 years ago is this good content? COmment?

9 years ago

Thank you for your excellent article. Content is moving so fast, it’s hard to keep up and I believe that video content is going to continue to explode in the next few years. I’d love your thoughts on Video SEO Best Practices:!

janice wald
9 years ago

Food for thought. Thanks!

Antonio Merlo
Antonio Merlo
9 years ago

è molto importante curare gli articoli ed i contenuti redazionali dei propri siti, aggiornarli con novità e post freschi ed originali, possibilmente capaci di risolvere problemi e dare spunti di riflessione sulle problematiche trattate dal sito e sul suo settore di riferimento; vero è che però questo da solo non basta per essere forti sui motori…

Mafia Hax
9 years ago

Don’t do off page SEO!

9 years ago

Thank you for your ebook, I will read it and apply for my site : and surely will review it on my blog.

9 years ago

Content is king

Moral Max
Moral Max
9 years ago

I just did a blog post about this for real estate agents. An industry that is desperate for leads and handcuffed by time.Casquette Superman

Tuition South Delhi
9 years ago

nice services.

9 years ago

Its sweet 🙂

9 years ago

Thats really good…

Neha Kumari
9 years ago

Nice tips..

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CrunchySuperMom Sarah
9 years ago

You said Backlinking isn’t important yet everyone is Backlinking in the comments. This post is from 9 months ago so is it still relevant? I just received it in my Inbox from you.

9 years ago

Ha ha! Good point @@disqus_WgTsTeSZ19:disqus 😉 We said backlinking-only strategies are inefficient and that’s still relevant. Old habits die hard and to be honest we’ve had a tough time fighting spammers (we turned pre-approval for commenters adding links only recently). But you comment made me spot a few more spammers so thanks! On your other point, yes this post is still very relevant and that’s why we’ve recently re-shared and included it in today’s round-up email on SEO. In short: 1. Today’s SEO is about publishing good content consistently. 2. Publishing curated posts as we explain in this eBook is… Read more »

9 years ago

Thanks for the great e-book, Julie. One thing though: “Backlinks-only strategies are not only inefficient but condoned by search engines.” Surely you mean “condemned”, the actual opposite of “condoned”? I’ve noticed this phrase appears elsewhere on your website as well.

Julie Gauthier
8 years ago
Reply to  cursedun

Oh my… Have you noticed yet that English is not my first language? I’m confused and sorry about that mistake, of course I meant condemned! 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Julie Gauthier

It’s only a very minor point. 🙂 I just mentioned it in case of confusion amongst your readers. Your English is outstanding and your articles are really helpful, thank you again.

9 years ago

Valuable note.
I should now focus more on content curation.
Thanks for providing such an helpful and effective post.

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