Essential tips for consistent content marketing success

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Content marketing is not dead; it is one of the most effective strategies you can implement. According to some estimates, 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day while 57% reported custom content is their top marketing priority.

What’s more, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing but generates 3 times as many leads. The vast majority of B2B marketers have embraced content marketing (93% of them) and you’ve probably done it as well.

It’s not just enough to post content, you have to make sure someone will read it and keep coming back. Tips you’ll see below will help you get the maximum from your content marketing strategy.

Post unique content

The most important aspect of content marketing is providing unique content. While it is recommended to read posts similar to your niche to get inspired and see how they do it, you shouldn’t copy and paste someone else’s work.

Not only it’s unethical, but it also sends a wrong message to people who will read it and realize they may have read the same thing elsewhere. It is needless to mention Google hates plagiarism too!

Sometimes people plagiarize content intentionally and in other instances, it can be accidental. There are also cases when marketers hire someone to write high-quality content, but the writer submits plagiarized file. To avoid this and ensure the content you post is original and unique, you should use tools that check for plagiarism. Here are a few examples:

  • – the leading plagiarism checker, not only it scans files to see whether they are plagiarized, but it also searches the web to inspect whether someone else copied your content
  • – one of the most affordable tools online, it checks for plagiarism and similarity and provides easy-to-understand results         
  • – while it doesn’t have a fancy interface, it gets the job done and above all, Dupli Checker is free. This is an ideal solution for marketers who are working with a tight budget         
  • – easy-to-use, multi-purpose plagiarism detection tool. You can upload a file, use URL, or copy-paste content to check for plagiarism         

Know your audience


Image source: Pixabay

Learning about the audience you write for is yet another essential factor to bear in mind. After all, you have to understand your audience in order to write for them. Great content doesn’t start with the perfect writing, but the ability to make someone relate to your posts. Tools that can help you know your audience include:

  • Google analytics – it serves numerous purposes e.g. allows you to see which articles get the most views. The platform gives you a detailed rundown of the audience, including the device they use, top referrals and keywords, so much more. This information allows you to customize your content easily         
  • MailChimp – this tool is essential if you are sending newsletters to your subscribers. You don’t want to send emails that nobody will open, information gathered here helps you optimize email campaign. The more people open and read newsletter, the more clicks to the content you posted         
  • SurveyGizmo – the easiest way to learn more about the audience is through surveys. This useful tool allows you to create a detailed that you can send out. Based on the results, you can adapt your content marketing strategy, identify your strengths and weaknesses         
  • – it is a free 5-minute video recording a first-time user’s impression of your website. All you have to do is to enter the website’s URL and hit “start!” button. Peek provides an audio of the test user speaking aloud as they navigate through your website. Although the platform doesn’t define audience per se, it shows the thoughts of a typical first-time user and that is incredibly useful. The test user speaks about layouts, content, basically, everything he/she sees on the website

Provide high-quality content

In order to survive in the competitive market today, you have to provide high-quality content. While this isn’t the easiest job in the world, it is far from impossible. These useful tools can help you out:

  • HubSpot Blog Topic Generator – how many times have you wanted to write a post, but couldn’t come up with a topic? All you have to do is to fill in the fields with a few keywords you want to write about and the tool will provide blog titles. Then, you just choose one and start writing         
  • ReadabilityTestTool – you wrote the content, but how readable is it? The tool allows you to choose the input platform and provides detailed data and statists. Don’t worry, underneath the results you will find out how to decipher the data
  • BestEssayTips – if you don’t have enough time to spare for the creation of high-quality content, you can opt for professional writing services like Best Essay Tips. These services deliver original and unique work within a given deadline and all you have to do is to choose the type of paper you want and number of pages
  • – visual content is equally important as text you write. If the budget doesn’t allow you to hire a graphic designer, you can use this tool to create your own high-quality infographics. You can choose a template, font, edit text, colors etc.         

Create a publishing calendar


Image source: Pixabay

Consistency is important in content marketing. To gain momentum and turn this strategy into a success, it is practical to create an editorial calendar that poses as a framework to create and distribute content. Editorial calendar keeps you organized and ensures you won’t forget to publish a new post and miss a deadline. You’ll find these tools useful:

  • Kapost – software that tracks the workflow of your content marketing from a strategy to execution and social distribution. Although extremely useful, this tool is ideal for marketers with bigger budget                 
  • WordPress editorial calendar – allows you to get organized within minutes. Ideas for blog posts are laid out in calendar form, you can use a drag and drop method to make some scheduling changes. Another benefit of this tool is that you can click through the calendar and edit existing drafts                 
  • Trello – the platform enables you to map your processes, set permissions, assign tasks, and track progress in real time


Content marketing is a strategy that always brings a lot of success when you do it properly. To attract new visitors and retain a current audience that reads your posts, you have to provide a unique and high-quality content. At the same time, you have to learn more about the audience and what they’re looking for. This post featured different tools you can use to turn your content marketing strategy into a success; you just have to opt for those that will work for you.

If you want to understand what will make you succeed or fail at content marketing, and get 8 steps to beat the content marketing paradox, download our free eBook!

Image by StartupStockPhotos

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About the Author

Lucy Benton
Lucy Benton is a marketing specialist, business consultant who finds her passion in expressing own thoughts as a blogger. She is constantly looking for the ways to improve her skills and expertise. If you’re interested in working with Lucy, you can find her on FaceBook.
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Nicoli Redmayne
7 years ago

Your tips are helpful for them.Content marketing is must for those bloggers and online marketers who want more engagement to their articles. Thanks for sharing such a insight on content marketing

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