Lord of Curation Series: Mariano Pallottini

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Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on Scoop.it. They are here to share their insights and advice with you.

About Mariano Pallottini:

Public Relations – Event Organizer

Web Design – Internet Marketing

Business developer & Product Promoter

Property finder & Real Estate Solutions

-What is curation to you?

In these times of “information overload”, when what you are researching is obscured by the noise of irrelevant contents, when internet sites and seo, which were our main source until recently, are losing importance in favourof “quality contents”, I see the role of curation as the way forward today and in the future.

-What is your best curating secret?

My best curating secret is my extensive knowledge of my subject and my exact understanding of what I want to talk about.

I must mention the passion for curation that drives me to constantly update the content of my site which is particularly appreciated by my followers.

-How has curation enriched your social media experience?

Curation has quickly provided me with a large and loyal readership who provide valuable feedback to my material.

Curation transcends my language barriers, permitting me to offer quality information to a large audience.

Curation, in my case, has the power to rapidly disseminate content which would otherwise remain unseen and overlooked.

-All your topics talk about Le Marche, which you seem to love very much. Tell us what make it so special?

Having travelled extensively worldwide I know that Le Marche encompasses not only all that is best in Italy – food, wine, culture, history, countryside – but what is supreme in the world – this is what makes it so special to me and why I love it so much. As Le Marche is still relatively unknown and the regional government is slow to advertise all its qualities it is very important that I pass this knowledge and passion onto the world. Le Marche still has so many properties to buy or restore, it is a superb opportunity for anyone to achieve ‘la dolce vita’, to save the heritage of the buildings and also to enable the region to prosper.

Our Lord of Curation Series continues next week. Stay tuned!

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David Parish
13 years ago


The extensive knowledge you have enables you to give people the so called “inside track” on your chosen subject. That’s what people are after I think.

Fran Kruc
Fran Kruc
13 years ago

I think Mariano – with his technical and subject skills as well as great connections and abundant energy – is achieving fantastic PR for Le Marche. Brilliant!

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13 years ago

I think you have command on your subjects that’s why people like you more.

Fashion Shows
13 years ago

You got extensive knowledge in your own subjects you share your thoughts in best manners. 

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Very good knowlage for every one.

David Parish
13 years ago


The extensive knowledge you have enables you to give people the so called “inside track” on your chosen subject. That’s what people are after I think.

Fran Kruc
Fran Kruc
13 years ago

I think Mariano – with his technical and subject skills as well as great connections and abundant energy – is achieving fantastic PR for Le Marche. Brilliant!

toronto homes for sale
13 years ago

I think you have command on your subjects that’s why people like you more.

Telephone Installation
13 years ago

You got extensive knowledge in your own subjects you share your thoughts in best manners. 

Plastic Surgery Specialist Tx

Very good knowledge for every one. Your have command on your subject.

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