at the University of San Francisco’s Interactive Media Summit, March 5th

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The team has always seen curation as a means more than an end. For us, building a platform that allows passionate individuals to share and build their own audience around their message, favorite topic or project is an essential part of our vision.

All of us use for different reasons and in different ways. We have always strived to make sure is adaptable to each users needs. As a tool for new practices, we are very proud to be invited to present “” as a new tool for “Public Good” during the Interactive Media Summit of the University of San Francisco.

The goal of this summit will be to explore how social medias and new technologies empower us by creating new ways of sharing information and engage citizens.

As a publishing platform that allow experts to share content related to specific news, we wanted to be there. The story of our first curator is a perfect illustration that is a new tool for improving what I really believe in: the concept of “conversational journalism” in opposition to the citizen journalism.

As an expression tool, we wanted to be there. wants to give a voice to people who have a message or a project they believe benefits the “Public Good”.

What does Public Good mean if not “a good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable”. Leveraging our users’ knowledge and passions to inspire, intrigue and improve the fluidity of the learning process on the web are core values for us. Sharing knowledge is the DNA of the internet and of a real social media tool.

As a passion driven tool, we wanted to be there. Passion stays for me the main vector of commitment, the most powerful arm to bring people on board to build a community of interest or to engage your audience behind you. already appears as a tool for teachers, journalists, users like you and me, all of us using it to share what we consider information and knowledge valuable for our community.

By partaking in this conversation organized by the Media Studies of USF, wants to give a meaning back to the word “social”. We believe there is a way to merge “Social” and “Public” for… Good.

If you are in the Bay Area, please, join us

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About the Author

Benoit Lamy
Former consultant and entrepreneur, sport and tech addict, Benoit is in charge of team and product, after having managed Business team in Europe for 5 years.
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Bobby Lee
14 years ago

Axelle – thanks for your wonderful presentation at SF-IM on Saturday! This tool stood out to me as one of the most valuable tools presented throughout the conference!

Bobby Lee
14 years ago

Axelle – thanks for your wonderful presentation at SF-IM on Saturday! This tool stood out to me as one of the most valuable tools presented throughout the conference!

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