Curation and Education

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We know that many institutions are having to rethink themselves in this Internet enabled world. Government 2.0 is already a notion that officials are trying to fully grasp and explore, even if the dilemma between the open dialogue that the web implements and the nature of a state’s responsibilities make a balance hard to find.

Education is obviously, and hopefully, an institution that will see many changes related to our new digital society. The world and the way we interact with it is shifting so much, it is hard not to question the educative system and this idea that sitting quiet in a closed room is the best way to acquire and share knowledge in an engaging way. The possibility as well to use the web as an amazing resource on many different levels of the learning process is full of opportunity. How many times do you hear students asking How did our parents live without the web?

As we always says at, curation is expression, action and passion. It is also a soft revolution for the classroom. Early, teachers saw us as a potential education tool.

That’s clearly a mission we envision.

Not only is curation a collaborative process allowing educators to share resources and explore Education 2.0 ideas, but it is also a tool that students can embrace to engage with other students and teachers. No, internet is not only a distraction that kills the focus of pupils, it is also a place offering tons of interesting new tools.

Curation also brings the possibility to build around a specific topic or subject of research an interactive discussion between the teacher and his or her students. Suddenly the room is open, without being an organic process without any structure. Curation offers a context on the biggest learning playground the world has ever known.

The teacher remains the igniting source and helps students find the resources in a process where they learn how to find the answers to their own questions. In this process they appropriate the learning and exploration process thus engaging themselves in the adventure of gaining knowledge.

One of my favorite TED talks explains very precisely how education could be the cause of the death of creativity.

Can you imagine how exciting the future will be when the web will be able to change the rules that most of us have taken for granted? Education is the key: sharing knowledge is the basis for building a strong society. And here at we are driving this revolution.

Albert Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Let’s imagine the possibilities of an education 2.0 that could help to nurture both.

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About the Author

Benoit Lamy
Former consultant and entrepreneur, sport and tech addict, Benoit is in charge of team and product, after having managed Business team in Europe for 5 years.
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13 years ago

It is true that initiatives such as can create revolution in educating people.


[…] outlines the possibilities for curation in the classroom: Curation is expression, action and passion…Not only is curation a collaborative process […]


[…] is interested in developing this tool for use in the classroom: “Curation also brings the possibility to build around a specific topic or subject of […]


[…] Curation and […]


[…] Curation and .We know that many institutions are having to rethink themselves in this Internet enabled world. Source: […]

13 years ago

I would like to quote a sentence you write above. But I’m not finding your name. Thanks.

13 years ago

Thanks great post

13 years ago

It is true that initiatives such as can create revolution in educating people.

13 years ago

I would like to quote a sentence you write above. But I’m not finding your name. Thanks.

13 years ago

Thanks great post

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