Is Curation The Future of The Social Web?

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Curation event
Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social behavior that curation represents online. The debate was moderated by Ben Parr, Mashable’s editor-at-large.
The first question from Ben Parr was legitimate. ”What’s the hell is curation?”
Of course, we feel that curation has become quite a hot topic in recent months, especially with amount of information on almost any particular topic seems to keep growing exponentially. The debate around the need of filters, and how to be sure to find the “right” information theorized by authors such as Clay Shirky or Eli Pariser collide with the need to know what you share with who to make the web social again according to social media specialist such as Brian Solis.
But the term represents a new activity online that needs to be defined. According to the panel, the activity is absolutely not new. “Picking great stuff” as said Chris McCann is not specific to the web, but its democratization is the innovation. We are now able to be a resource on many topics and stories.
Because behind the concept of curation, you have humans. The curator cannot be automated, that what makes the difference between his or her work and aggregation. As Burt Herman said “humans are telling a story, which is the opposite of aggregation”, while Guillaume Decugis used the metaphor of the bad DJ versus the good one: “At a party, it is not the collection of content that matters, it is how you put music together”

Humanization and democratization are coming together. The web created the feeling we could all be creators, bringing us to this age of digital abundance, where you have “so much data out there, it makes sense to try to make sense of it” as explained Burt Herman. That is the biggest challenge curation has to face according to the panel: the overload of content. According to Guillaume Decugis, social media is now very person oriented, and even described it as “egocentric”. Reorienting our social and experience around curation and what you are sharing, your “interest graph”, in opposition to your “social graph” could help to make sense of the web again, to access not only content, but what is relevant to you. Ben Parr asked if Google+ was a new social media platform that was bringing a innovative way to share clusters of interests. The panelists seemed skeptical. It seemed to them to be a lot of work in order to find a more meaningful and contextual way to share than adding a new social platform to LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. We are already exposed to so many demands online.

The democratization of creation is one aspect of the internet. But if we can be all creators, can we all be curators? Who should be the ones in charge of it? Journalists and educators were both examples of natural curators according to Burt Herman and Guillaume Decugis. But what about the enlightened amateur. Is it enough to build your legitimacy? “Passion makes you an expert” according to Guillaume.
We are all an expert on something, the things that we know, love, and drive us.

The future of curation should be also about defining who you are through what you are passionated about. Curation is definitely related to passion for us. You will always be more ready to pay attention to someone talking with his or heart about his favorite topic or more enthusiasm to embrace the words of a great storyteller or trusting someone who knows what he or she is talking about because that’s what drives them.

While curation could be the future of the social web, it looks definitely like the future of Media. A future where,as Chris McCann said, “media would be profitable again.”

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About the Author

Benoit Lamy
Former consultant and entrepreneur, sport and tech addict, Benoit is in charge of team and product, after having managed Business team in Europe for 5 years.
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[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]

William Mougayar
13 years ago

There is a lot of hype around curation today. Curation is a means to an end, not the end objective itself. If you stick to that thinking, that it’s fine- and that’s where our clients are. Otherwise, you’ve got to be careful with that word. It’s being used, misused, and abused. 

13 years ago

Absolutely wonderful thoughts, but did I miss something? Why does someone/something/some entity need to be ‘in charge?’ Aren’t we liberated enough as creators and consumers to be responsible for ourselves yet?

Sheila Hansen
Sheila Hansen
13 years ago

I would prefer a world where the individual is free to ‘curate’ to their hearts content. 🙂 The uniqueness of the individual makes the world a more interesting, fascinating, and exciting place.  If all the information is going to be cleansed by the ‘professionals’ then I will compare the result to living within a stainless steel sink.


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web? Source: […]

13 years ago

Sheila, I think that is what Guillaume wanted to express affirming that “passion makes you an expert”, not referring only to professionals. Passion is also a form of legitimacy from my point of view. 


[…] παρουσιάζει την ιδέα στην οποία στηρίζεται το ή διαβάστε μια σχετική ανάρτηση από συζήτηση που έγινε για το αν η «επιμέλεια» – […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” The future of curation should be also about defining who you are through what you are passionated about. Curation is definitely related to passion for us. You will always be more ready to pay attention to someone talking with his or heart about his favorite topic or more enthusiasm to embrace the words of a great storyteller or trusting someone who knows what he or she is talking about… Read more »


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social behavior that curation represents online. The debate was moderated by Ben Parr, Mashable’s editor-at-large.The first question from Ben Parr was legitimate. ”What’s the hell is curation?”Of course, we feel that curation has become quite a hot topic in recent months, especially with amount of information on almost any particular topic seems… Read more »


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social behavior that curation represents online. The debate was moderated by Ben Parr, Mashable’s editor-at-large.The first question from Ben Parr was legitimate. ”What’s the hell is curation?”Of course, we feel that curation has become quite a hot topic in recent months, especially with amount of information on almost any particular topic seems… Read more »


[…] to social media specialist such as Brian Solis…. [read full article original Founder and CEO of Internet Billboards who is pioneering inbound advertising. An avid […]

13 years ago

Thanks for that article. Passion might be a right trigger for curation, that’s why my upcomming relaunch is going in this direction: Another trigger might be gaming, but it’s not easy to think of gamification in the world of information (concepts for news-gamification are allmost lame, I think). The key for me is, that neither the buzzword “curation”, nor “bringing sence to the web” is something, that a single user cares about, when he wakes up in the morning. This might become a result of a process, but the motivation of single users is probably a hedonistic one. Suppose… Read more »


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .The curator cannot be automated, that what makes the difference between his or her work and aggregation. Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]

Ron C. de Weijze
13 years ago

Social Media enable us to recover things that intentionally or not, fell out of the vital equation of life. Ideas that postmodernism feels “cannot categorically demand their own realization”, so that we all were supposed to be of the same making, de-individualized, with no more attention for ideas such as God, Truth, Self or even Reality. It got all deconstructed and nihilized into nothingness. But no more, thanks to our own cure: curation and returning to what mattered before postmodernism took hold.


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, … Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] – agree with the gist but think the image is completely misleading – sieves are designed to hold what is important, and to let the rest go through […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be…Show original Compartir:Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Comentarios (0) Deja un […]


[…] Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? .Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social be… Source: […]


[…] invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “ is curation the future of the Social Web? Is Curation The Future of The Social Web? Curation – Techniques curation yes Content Curation Curation Content Curation [+] […]

William Mougayar
13 years ago

There is a lot of hype around curation today. Curation is a means to an end, not the end objective itself. If you stick to that thinking, that it’s fine- and that’s where our clients are. Otherwise, you’ve got to be careful with that word. It’s being used, misused, and abused. 

13 years ago

Absolutely wonderful thoughts, but did I miss something? Why does someone/something/some entity need to be ‘in charge?’ Aren’t we liberated enough as creators and consumers to be responsible for ourselves yet?

Sheila Hansen
Sheila Hansen
13 years ago

I would prefer a world where the individual is free to ‘curate’ to their hearts content. 🙂 The uniqueness of the individual makes the world a more interesting, fascinating, and exciting place.  If all the information is going to be cleansed by the ‘professionals’ then I will compare the result to living within a stainless steel sink.

13 years ago

Sheila, I think that is what Guillaume wanted to express affirming that “passion makes you an expert”, not referring only to professionals. Passion is also a form of legitimacy from my point of view. 

13 years ago

Thanks for that article. Passion might be a right trigger for curation, that’s why my upcomming relaunch is going in this direction: Another trigger might be gaming, but it’s not easy to think of gamification in the world of information (concepts for news-gamification are allmost lame, I think). The key for me is, that neither the buzzword “curation”, nor “bringing sence to the web” is something, that a single user cares about, when he wakes up in the morning. This might become a result of a process, but the motivation of single users is probably a hedonistic one. Suppose… Read more »

Ron C. de Weijze
13 years ago

Social Media enable us to recover things that intentionally or not, fell out of the vital equation of life. Ideas that postmodernism feels “cannot categorically demand their own realization”, so that we all were supposed to be of the same making, de-individualized, with no more attention for ideas such as God, Truth, Self or even Reality. It got all deconstructed and nihilized into nothingness. But no more, thanks to our own cure: curation and returning to what mattered before postmodernism took hold.

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