Lord of Curation Series: Karen du Toit

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Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on Scoop.it. They are here to share their insights and advice with you.

Karen du Toit is an Information Specialist, who has worked as librarian and archivist.

At the moment  she is an archivist at the South African Broadcasting Corporation in South Africa where she works at the SABC Radio Archives. We catalogue radio and audio material for preservation, historical and rebroadcasting purposes. She has a keen interest in social media to connect, share and broaden her own knowledge base, in which curation plays a big role.

What is curation to you?

– Curation is a way for me to get a handle on the enormous amount of information that is available.

– Curation is a way to stay abreast of the most current trends in library and archiving practices.

– Curation  is a way to get an introduction to the thought leaders in the field of interest.

– Curation is a way of connection with my peers from around the world.Scoop.it has made it very easy to curate, and I find myself coming back to my own curated stories time and again for the information that I know is available.

What is your best curating secret?

– It has been a trial and error experience.

– I have find that the visual enhances the curated subject immensely and that it adds to the value of the information.  I always try to add the photo/image etc available with the content.

– It is imperative to give credit to the original author.

– I always read my curated topics, and copy a piece of the information (more than what is available through the scoop.it process), and I try to add a personal note to show the value of the curated content.

– It is essential to add the tags of each curated article.

How has curation enriched your social media experience?

– Curation has definitely enhanced my social media experience.

– It increased my social network activity without much more effort on my part.

– I got more followers on social networks through it, and my network has increased with influencers in the library and archiving world.

– What advice would you give to librarians to embrace the digital shift?

Librarians have always been involved with content curation in some form and to make information available to their patrons and users. The digital shift has changed their the information landscape, but the opportunities have increased exponentially.

I find it exciting that we now have all the digital tools to our disposal, and if we do not embrace the shift, we will simply be left behind!

Our Lord of Curation Series continues next week. Stay tuned!

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Tugba Daldan
13 years ago

Jobnak Insan Kaynaklari


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Tugba Daldan
13 years ago

Jobnak Insan Kaynaklari

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