Tweetchat Reveals Secrets to Curation for Marketing

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For this week’s #Scoopitchat, we were joined by Brian Yanish, founder of Marketing Hits. Brian is a web developer and marketer specializing in exploring ways to better connect with customers. Brian had a lot of insight to share with us concerning using and curation to feed your social media presence, grow your audience, and connect with your readers.

We were joined by many great users and had an exciting chat about selecting your topics, using as a curation and social media hub, and spreading content around the web to your specific audiences.

Some key takeaways include:

1. Curation can help you segment your audience and provide different content to different segments.

2. Curation also helps share ideas from many different people, establishing yourself as a resource and strengthening your connections.

3. Combining and Bufferapp is a great way to make sure your content is being shared over a span of time.

4. Curation helps build trust and transparency while encouraging engagement.

5. Curating different topics for different segments of your business helps keep your different audiences interested.

Check out the full transcript here and make sure to join us again next Thursday at 11amPST!

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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11 years ago

Hey Ally, this was a great #scoopitchat and I’m so glad I got a chance to take part. I met some great content curators and I even learned a trick or two. For example I didn’t realize that the official extension for Chrome had been updated and I’m really pleased with it.

Please let me know when you plan the next #scoopitchat. Thanks.

11 years ago

Hey Ally, this was a great #scoopitchat and I’m so glad I got a chance to take part. I met some great content curators and I even learned a trick or two. For example I didn’t realize that the official extension for Chrome had been updated and I’m really pleased with it.

Please let me know when you plan the next #scoopitchat. Thanks.

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