7 Reasons to Love the New Scoop.it

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You may have noticed (or maybe not, because they are so awesome to use) that we recently rolled out some big changes to the Scoop.it platform.  Firstly, don’t panic. Secondly. you’re going to love them. We had you (and your success online) in mind while designing them, and we’ve done some intense testing with the new features and the beta testers are just as excited as we are. All the changes make the platform better — allowing you to accelerate and grow your visibility on the web and truly shine.

The changes are all awesome; giving you more control over the look and feel of your topic pages, deeper access to your social networks and more seamless connections between your various social properties.

I’d like to lay out 7 reasons to love the new Scoop.it to help with the transition. Big changes like this can suck (we know because we all use Facebook), but we promise these don’t.

  1. Insight: We value your thoughts on the content you curate. So we decided to highlight those thoughts. The “Insight” functionality allows you to enrich curated content with your unique perspective, and you have control over the look and feel through the editing widget.
  2. User Experience: We’ve turned on a cleaner, more focused design to encourage exploration and discovery of content and topic pages.
  3. Redesigned Bookmarklet: We’ve redesigned our bookmarklet to allow for customization — giving you control of the look and feel of your Scoops from anywhere on the internet at anytime.
  4. Community: We’ve redesigned the “My Community” portion of your Scoop.it profile to display a more holistic view of your social connections and networks, allowing you to leverage all of your connections to find people with similar interests.
  5. Notifications: Now you don’t have to click anything! Notifications now live permanently on your homepage. We wanted to encourage content discovery through your social graph.
  6. Social Sign In: Seamlessly sign in and share content with your professional networks on LinkedIn.  Social should be easy with few barriers; this is another wall we’ve knocked down.
  7. Redesigned Content Suggestions: We’ve tweaked the design of the content recommendation functionality to display larger images and improved readability. We never want a Scoop.it user to lack inspiration.

As always, we actively encourage feedback on our platform. We want to be the best of the best, so please, get the red pen out and let us know how we can make the Scoop.it experience better.

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the changes to the platform!

P.S. I figured since my fingers are occupying the top of this blog post that I should probably introduce myself. I’m Clair, the newest addition to the Scoop.it team. I head up our Content and Community department and am so excited to be on board with this awesome platform! You can see more about me over here.

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12 years ago



12 years ago

@4b528c15493d3d056111f5b20b3fb593:disqus Les changements sont tous géniaux, vous donnant plus de contrôle sur l’aspect et la convivialité de vos pages de sujet, plus profond d’accéder à vos réseaux sociaux et plus de connexions transparentes entre vos différentes propriétés sociales. Je voudrais exposer 7 raisons d’aimer la nouvelle Scoop.it pour aider à la transition. De grands changements de ce genre peut aspirer (nous le savons parce que nous utilisons tous Facebook), mais nous vous promettons de ces pas. Insight: Nous apprécions vos pensées sur le contenu que vous vicaire. Nous avons donc décidé de mettre en évidence ces pensées. Le “Insight” fonctionnalité… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Chezmadeline

Merci d’avoir posté traduction !

12 years ago

When I’m curating my topic, why can’t I find a button or tab to get back to the topics I follow? They are on a completely different subject to my topic that I curate, but I would still like not to have to hit the browser back button to get to them. Also I find the business emphasis on the UX feedback pretty irritating. Some of us are doing this for love of the topic we curate. And not all of us live in the USA.

steve button
steve button
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Probably shouldn’t respond but I will. If the “business emphasis on the UX feedback pretty irritating” was directed at me, the reality is that Scoopit offers a business package which provides certain features, customization being one. As a user of those features, I’m not allowed to respond politely to changes that affect me? As you are allowed to respond to having to use your back button. Love of the topic is not the issue, although I do love the topics I’m curating which is why I’m willing to pay a modest price to present them the way I want for… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Hi Steve – Thanks for using one of our premium versions. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any issues with the new release: we’re here to help!

steve button
steve button
12 years ago

no didnt see it and not in spam – no biggie will proceed onward, just had a bit of a fright this afternoon. Appreciate the replies & willingness to help. Maybe for future major changes, there could be a ticker / announcement in dash board as well as e-mail.
I’m seeing one bug – In Safari the “Flag as Innappropriate” button gives a 50% opacity lightbox screen – no info. Other buttons -filter etc, fine.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

I’ll have to investigate why you weren’t on that list then as we did a dashboard message too 😉

Thanks for reporting this bug with the flag button but we can’t reproduce it for now. Can you send us a screenshot through http://feedback.scoop.it ?

It seems your topics are looking fine by now but please confirm. Thanks!

steve button
steve button
12 years ago

Think the reason I didnt see anything was timing – I was on the business trial and didnt sign up for real til last monday. I probably fell through the cracks. Will see if Im still seeing issue and send screenshot.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Same here. I did get an email saying that you were thanking me for previewing the changes, but I assumed that the changes were invisible since I hadn’t seen any changes and was very happy with the status quo.

12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Not directed at you, or at business users. Directed at the focus of the Scoop.it promotional email sent yesterday. I have no objection to UX except that devotees sometimes stereotype personas too much and leave out critical groups. I belong to a university whose web developers managed to develop many types of student users and intending student users but no staff user personas for their site.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Hi there – there’s a dashboard link that gets you right there from the main menu: click on your name in the upper right to see it. Or… just click on the Scoop.it logo in the upper left.

Not sure I understand the second feedback (please detail: we’d love to understand how we can improve) but for what it’s worth, yes, we love you’re curating for love outside the USA. Why wouldn’t we? 😉

12 years ago

Thanks for the reply on the way to get back to my topics that I follow. Who knew they would be called a “dashboard”? On the matter of the scoop.it focus, here is the wording that made me prickle a bit. “…making Scoop.it the best platform for businesses and professionals to quickly and efficiently leverage the web to build their audiences, develop their professional brands”. This was followed by “The team here at Scoop.it believes that social media for businesses is going to fundamentally push the needle for small- and medium-sized businesses all over the world, and we hope you’ll… Read more »

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Hello! I’m sorry that you found the positioning on our email update to feel wrong or exclusive. We are simply trying to state that curation is serious, whether the topic is a “brand” or the ethics of Parliamentary governance in Australia. We see this as “work,” maybe not work we get paid for, or even are overly appreciated for — but it is a passion-driven. We (as curators) are driven to convey information about a specific area of expertise and to us that needs for a “professional” atmosphere to do it justice. One that requires a focus on people curating… Read more »

12 years ago

Hi Steve,
We pay attention that the customizations remain fair. For the sake of compliance and ergonomics, some buttons have changed design, and it is possible that there are some graphical errors on certain topics.
If you need help or advice do not hesitate to contact me, I am the webdesigner Scoop.it.
It will be a pleasure to help you.

Best regards.

steve button
steve button
12 years ago
Reply to  Thierry

thanks Thierry – what is the best way to contact you?

12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Contact me @ tung@scoop.it

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

A lot of things to love about the new look and feel (congrats!), but a few things that are a problem as well:
> Insights doesn’t seem to be a part of the rss feed as far as i can see, but maybe i’m wrong. Then that is useless for us using widgets and apps with the feeds.
> We can’t use the other field only because that doesn’t contain html and we want to be able to link and number etc.
> The Chrome bookmarklet and the new site are no friends. Doesn’t open properly.

12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

Hi Erwan,

> We fixed the RSS feed to add insights.

> About Chrome extension, A new version is available. Chrome will update it automatically but if you don’t want to wait, You can uninstall the old one and install the new one ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scoopit/opjkhfahjokocpjfihcbfkmipdhcaknn )
After restarting your Chrome Browser, everything should work.

Thanks for you feedback.


Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago
Reply to  Vincent

Thanks a lot!

Cor Calmo
12 years ago
Reply to  Vincent

I love the new Scoop.

You were talking about the Chrome extension. A demo of that one you see here: http://www.indebioscoop.com

12 years ago

I love some of the new features but I have lost functionality’s that I depend on. It’s no longer possible to schedule a post for the future and than change it to post sooner or later – you have to delete and re-do the whole thing (I customize my posts so it’s more work than you would think) and it’s no longer possible to add a link to find the scooped article under the scooped text unless I put it under my insights which is just silly looking. The photos no longer come out large when I add them directly… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  vicki

Hi Vicki – Glad you love the new features! The scheduling is still here in the Advanced Options as before (but it’s at the bottom now). The link doesn’t have to be added as any click on the scoop takes you to the original web page and its source is also clearly added in the scoop. For the photos, you can now choose their size directly from the publishing window which we think is much better precisely for people like you who customize their scoops. Let us know if this isn’t clear. And thanks again for the feedback!

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

I very much agree that html should be possible as well in the normal text as in insight. Insight is context is opinion etcetera, but if i just want to summarize 3 points of if i want to point to another site without being deep (insight!) or outspoken, it should be possible. I would say: switch it on 😉 !

Fran Jurga
12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

I agree with Erwin! We are curating and it is important sometimes to point readers to multiple sources. So disappointed in the new format and changes to the stats reporting…hoping you will see the light!

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Hi Fran – But did you see we made adjustments to make the insight optional? http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Ally Greer
12 years ago
Reply to  vicki

Hi Vicki,

Just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your feedback and made a few changes that I think you might like! YOu You can now remove “Insights” if you wish to play around with the text, and the post scheduling bug is fixed. http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Roman Kuznetsov
12 years ago

Только вчера подумал: хорошо бы ScoopIt сделать интерфейс светлым, или хотя бы посветлее. Вы услышали мои мысли. Спасибо

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago

Здравствуйте, Roman! so glad to hear that you like the new look and feel. I’m happy that the changes we made were in line with what you thought would make the platform better! очень cпасибо!

Michael Searles
12 years ago


12 years ago

Goodness me… what have you done??? I’m terribly sorry to spoil the party, but I don’t like these changes at all. Especially the look and feel is much much worse. What happened to that sparkling user panel where everything was so obvious and clear? Now it is bleak, dull and very unclear. Yes, you may have added some nice new features, but the price to pay for those changes is too high as it is all too user – unfriendly now. Also the glossy magazine look for the visitors / end users has disappeared, one of the strongest points of… Read more »

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  ShoeCurator

I’m so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the changes we’ve made to the platform. 🙁 We hate to disappoint our users.. I would love to understand your concerns a bit more. Would you mind telling me which features you are least happy with?

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

My initial attempt to use the new bookmarklet was a miserable “fail”. Perhaps I will adjust, but all the work I have gone to to create a personalized experience for my readers is GONE, I don’t want to leave a COMMENT because I am the CURATOR: my reaction and insight is integral to the story, not a comment that follows it. This seems to be a one-size-fits-all solution for users in a hurry who just grab the blurb but I have always carefully customized and enhanced with extra links all my content. I have gladly paid for a premium service… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Thanks for the feedback but one quick question: why don’t you precisely use the Inisght area for that? This is exactly the intention: to highlight better the work you do when adding extra content. To make it the story and detach it from the excerpt which was somebody else’s work. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

You might see that as an insight box but readers who are accustomed to social media will see it as a comment box. You have taken the curator out of the story and demoted him/her to a commentor. I don’t know that people will look down there. They are used to seeing me comment right after the blurb. I used Scoop.It as a micro blog–each story was personally interpreted so people knew why it was there. I think you are defeating the idea of content curation. It’s just another Facebook link post now. It’s like the difference between going to… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Interesting feedback. I totally respect what you’re saying as we agree the world needs curation… and see it. During our tests, the vast majority of people actually saw the added content of curators much better with this insight box than without it. Plus there was no confusion anymore. So this was a no-brainer natural choice to reach the same objectives you’re describing yourself. We’ll keep on monitoring how people react to this as, again, the goal is precisely the one you described.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

Guillaume, isn’t editing one of the upgrade features of my pro account? Maybe I’m mistaken. But it seems like you have downgraded the service, by forcing us into boxes, a la Facebook. Many of us are much more interested in reaching out to our readers than corresponding with commenters. We can do that on Facebook. I think you are going to get pushback from business users like me. You’ve cheapened my role and limited my ability to present the text I want to present from the linked page. I think the sources I was scooping would agree that my enrichment… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Fran – Again we agree on the objectives and – believe it or not – not only did we do this to make them easier for all our users to reach but also we had great feedback from a lot of users about this. The choice we had was between (i) separating the curator’s added text to highlight it or (ii) leaving it in there to make it “part of the story” (I love the expression!). Option (i) got a lot of positive feedback and was also inspired by some conversations with our users. It was also judged more ethical… Read more »

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

PLEASE ADD RICH TEXT EDITOR TO THE EXCERPT WINDOW, INCLUDING THE ABILITY TO ADD LINKS. Also, in my daily newsletter today, I see that you have discontinued providing daily stats to the Pro user. This is one of the services that made me want to go Pro. Now you have taken it away. That stat report allowed me to see, in one glance, all my topics and how each one was doing. It was critical to know that early in each day. On the analytics page of my dashboard there is no way to view all my topics’ stats. I… Read more »

12 years ago

Loving the new Scoop.it! Congrats to your talented team. You have just made the most amazing platform even better. Thank you. (Small a suggestion for you, as Social Media is my thing, went to tweet your post and no tweet or Facebook like or share buttons that I can see. Guess I’ll have to scoop it!)

Tina Cook
Tina Cook
12 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Oh I see them on the side now. And a Scoop.it button. Cool.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Glad you like the new changes, Tina! Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with!

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

I just started using Scoop.it 2 days ago and am still trying to get the feel for it. So obviously I’m still using the free version. A few very annoying changes have happened.

– No preview ability?

– When I’m writing my “insight” I no longer can even make a line break!!!? That seems a bit chintzy. I understand having to pay for access to advanced typographics and formatting, but depriving me of line breaks seems too harsh. Especially when yesterday I did have that ability.

Losing important useful and meaningful work features isn’t helpful.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

Hi Terry, We didn’t change anything on the Preview ability: what do you mean by that? Actually the new publishing window should help you better visualize the end-result of your scoop. And of course you can make line breaks in insights. See for instance: http://www.scoop.it/t/web-content-digital-curation/p/3643884194/the-new-seo-rules-in-a-content-marketing-world This is not part of the paying options and our intention is not to monetize through these two features. Nor did we remove anything that was free yesterday to make it premium with this new version. Would love to dig out what seems to be causing the problem you seem to have (could be a… Read more »

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

Nope, the line breaks do not work. I’m just using the return on my keyboard like I did before the update of scoop.it. Even if I insert several returns it doesn’t work. A post of mine: http://bit.ly/WcgyS5 There should be a line break before the last sentence in this posting. It’s not displaying for me. I’m using chrome. With the previous scoop.it version the line breaks worked. Thoughts? As for the preview, I’m not sure what you see, but the publishing window does not allow me to see the final end result of my scoop. I had to publish it… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

Hmm… This is a bug. And a strange one as it works fine on other posts. But we’ve seen other uses have it too so we’re investigating it. I’m going to create a ticket for us to follow-up with you more easily on that. Thanks for having sent the example!

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

Now if only we could get that preview feature back! 🙂

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

So what do you mean exactly by this preview feature Terry? As I commented earlier, I’m not sure we understand what you mean. Can you detail? Thanks!

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

It is impossible in the new lay out to change the time and date of a scheduled post after saving. That used to be the case. And is dearly missed. Please bring it back!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

Hi Erwin, so sorry you are having trouble. I’ve asked our engineering team about your problem and I’ll let you know as soon I hear back. Thank you for your feedback!

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Clair Byrd

Erwin – this has been fixed by now: please confirm. Thanks for reporting!

Katrina Moody
12 years ago

So far I love it! Easy to use, easy on the eyes, and I’m not noticing much in the way of interface errors. I still need to explore – but bravo! I think it’s great!

katrina cristofoli
12 years ago

thankyou for scoop it………..yahoo…………..great……………fun…………..

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago

Glad you like us, Katrina! 😀

Pascal Ménigoz
12 years ago

une raison pour ne pas aimer la nouvelle version ? Mes topics ne sont plus alimentés et les commentaires de partage ne suivent plus apparemment !! En attente de réponde de votre help desk ;^(

Ally Greer
12 years ago

Hi Pascal! Thanks for reaching out. We’re here and listening! Please let me know what issues you’re having with your comments – I’m glad to investigate.

erwin blom
erwin blom
12 years ago

Scoop.it people, hoping for an answer on the questions about the lack of html-possibilities in the normal content field and the impossibiliity of changing scheduled post-times.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  erwin blom

Hi Erwin! The changing of scheduled post-times was a bug and the engineers are working on fixing it. As for HTML, we are not planning to allow the excerpt to support HTML, but we are making some changes to the Insight portion that will (we hope) meet your needs. I’ll be releasing a blog post about it today, stay tuned! 🙂

Ally Greer
12 years ago
Reply to  erwin blom

Hey Erwin,

Just wanted to let you know that the scheduling bug is taken care of! http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Paulo Tomás Neves
Paulo Tomás Neves
12 years ago

This post gives us 7 Reasons to hate the New Scoop.it (and there are even more).

The design imposes a new column all the time making the scoops harder (for me impossible without cutting the column by increasing the zoom in the browser) to read, this alone is making me think about leaving scoop.it.

«et us know how we can make the Scoop.it experience better.»: get back to the previous design

12 years ago

The new Scoop.it is very great ! You made a good work guys. I share all my page from http://www.alexeo.fr with Scoop.it, my favourite tool ^^

12 years ago



12 years ago
Reply to  CS

@4b528c15493d3d056111f5b20b3fb593:disqus Les changements sont tous géniaux, vous donnant plus de contrôle sur l’aspect et la convivialité de vos pages de sujet, plus profond d’accéder à vos réseaux sociaux et plus de connexions transparentes entre vos différentes propriétés sociales. Je voudrais exposer 7 raisons d’aimer la nouvelle Scoop.it pour aider à la transition. De grands changements de ce genre peut aspirer (nous le savons parce que nous utilisons tous Facebook), mais nous vous promettons de ces pas. Insight: Nous apprécions vos pensées sur le contenu que vous vicaire. Nous avons donc décidé de mettre en évidence ces pensées. Le “Insight” fonctionnalité… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Chezmadeline

Merci d’avoir posté traduction !

steve button
steve button
12 years ago

Hi- while I welcome the changes, a little notice would have been welcome. We are one week deep into customizing the look and feel of our topics and have invested a lot of man hours in customizing CSS etc. Now at a stroke we have new elements to deal with and old ones to re-configure. We were literally about to go live with our changes tonight but everything has become a moving target. Please – if you are selling Business users on being able to customize, let them know when changes are being planned that will impact their customization. On… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Hi Steve,
We pay attention that the customizations remain fair. For the sake of compliance and ergonomics, some buttons have changed design, and it is possible that there are some graphical errors on certain topics.
If you need help or advice do not hesitate to contact me, I am the webdesigner Scoop.it.
It will be a pleasure to help you.

Best regards.

steve button
steve button
12 years ago
Reply to  Thierry

thanks Thierry – what is the best way to contact you?

12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Contact me @ tung@scoop.it

12 years ago

When I’m curating my topic, why can’t I find a button or tab to get back to the topics I follow? They are on a completely different subject to my topic that I curate, but I would still like not to have to hit the browser back button to get to them. Also I find the business emphasis on the UX feedback pretty irritating. Some of us are doing this for love of the topic we curate. And not all of us live in the USA.

steve button
steve button
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Probably shouldn’t respond but I will. If the “business emphasis on the UX feedback pretty irritating” was directed at me, the reality is that Scoopit offers a business package which provides certain features, customization being one. As a user of those features, I’m not allowed to respond politely to changes that affect me? As you are allowed to respond to having to use your back button. Love of the topic is not the issue, although I do love the topics I’m curating which is why I’m willing to pay a modest price to present them the way I want for… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Just saw your comment below: sorry to hear about the problems. We sent an email to all our Business and Pro users about the coming changes about 2 weeks ago. Maybe hit your spam folder. Anyway, as Thierry said, we’re here to help and fix everything for you. We want you to be excited as we are about these changes so don’t hesitate!

steve button
steve button
12 years ago

no didnt see it and not in spam – no biggie will proceed onward, just had a bit of a fright this afternoon. Appreciate the replies & willingness to help. Maybe for future major changes, there could be a ticker / announcement in dash board as well as e-mail.
I’m seeing one bug – In Safari the “Flag as Innappropriate” button gives a 50% opacity lightbox screen – no info. Other buttons -filter etc, fine.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

I’ll have to investigate why you weren’t on that list then as we did a dashboard message too 😉

Thanks for reporting this bug with the flag button but we can’t reproduce it for now. Can you send us a screenshot through http://feedback.scoop.it ?

It seems your topics are looking fine by now but please confirm. Thanks!

steve button
steve button
12 years ago

Think the reason I didnt see anything was timing – I was on the business trial and didnt sign up for real til last monday. I probably fell through the cracks. Will see if Im still seeing issue and send screenshot.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Same here. I did get an email saying that you were thanking me for previewing the changes, but I assumed that the changes were invisible since I hadn’t seen any changes and was very happy with the status quo.

12 years ago
Reply to  steve button

Not directed at you, or at business users. Directed at the focus of the Scoop.it promotional email sent yesterday. I have no objection to UX except that devotees sometimes stereotype personas too much and leave out critical groups. I belong to a university whose web developers managed to develop many types of student users and intending student users but no staff user personas for their site.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Hi there – there’s a dashboard link that gets you right there from the main menu: click on your name in the upper right to see it. Or… just click on the Scoop.it logo in the upper left.

Not sure I understand the second feedback (please detail: we’d love to understand how we can improve) but for what it’s worth, yes, we love you’re curating for love outside the USA. Why wouldn’t we? 😉

12 years ago

Thanks for the reply on the way to get back to my topics that I follow. Who knew they would be called a “dashboard”? On the matter of the scoop.it focus, here is the wording that made me prickle a bit. “…making Scoop.it the best platform for businesses and professionals to quickly and efficiently leverage the web to build their audiences, develop their professional brands”. This was followed by “The team here at Scoop.it believes that social media for businesses is going to fundamentally push the needle for small- and medium-sized businesses all over the world, and we hope you’ll… Read more »

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  jmsthornton

Hello! I’m sorry that you found the positioning on our email update to feel wrong or exclusive. We are simply trying to state that curation is serious, whether the topic is a “brand” or the ethics of Parliamentary governance in Australia. We see this as “work,” maybe not work we get paid for, or even are overly appreciated for — but it is a passion-driven. We (as curators) are driven to convey information about a specific area of expertise and to us that needs for a “professional” atmosphere to do it justice. One that requires a focus on people curating… Read more »

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

A lot of things to love about the new look and feel (congrats!), but a few things that are a problem as well:
> Insights doesn’t seem to be a part of the rss feed as far as i can see, but maybe i’m wrong. Then that is useless for us using widgets and apps with the feeds.
> We can’t use the other field only because that doesn’t contain html and we want to be able to link and number etc.
> The Chrome bookmarklet and the new site are no friends. Doesn’t open properly.

12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

Hi Erwan,

> We fixed the RSS feed to add insights.

> About Chrome extension, A new version is available. Chrome will update it automatically but if you don’t want to wait, You can uninstall the old one and install the new one ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scoopit/opjkhfahjokocpjfihcbfkmipdhcaknn )
After restarting your Chrome Browser, everything should work.

Thanks for you feedback.


Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago
Reply to  Vincent

Thanks a lot!

Cor Calmo
12 years ago
Reply to  Vincent

I love the new Scoop.

You were talking about the Chrome extension. A demo of that one you see here: http://www.indebioscoop.com

12 years ago

I love some of the new features but I have lost functionality’s that I depend on. It’s no longer possible to schedule a post for the future and than change it to post sooner or later – you have to delete and re-do the whole thing (I customize my posts so it’s more work than you would think) and it’s no longer possible to add a link to find the scooped article under the scooped text unless I put it under my insights which is just silly looking. The photos no longer come out large when I add them directly… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  vicki

Hi Vicki – Glad you love the new features! The scheduling is still here in the Advanced Options as before (but it’s at the bottom now). The link doesn’t have to be added as any click on the scoop takes you to the original web page and its source is also clearly added in the scoop. For the photos, you can now choose their size directly from the publishing window which we think is much better precisely for people like you who customize their scoops. Let us know if this isn’t clear. And thanks again for the feedback!

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

I very much agree that html should be possible as well in the normal text as in insight. Insight is context is opinion etcetera, but if i just want to summarize 3 points of if i want to point to another site without being deep (insight!) or outspoken, it should be possible. I would say: switch it on 😉 !

Fran Jurga
12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

I agree with Erwin! We are curating and it is important sometimes to point readers to multiple sources. So disappointed in the new format and changes to the stats reporting…hoping you will see the light!

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Hi Fran – But did you see we made adjustments to make the insight optional? http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Ally Greer
12 years ago
Reply to  vicki

Hi Vicki,

Just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your feedback and made a few changes that I think you might like! YOu You can now remove “Insights” if you wish to play around with the text, and the post scheduling bug is fixed. http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Roman Kuznetsov
12 years ago

Только вчера подумал: хорошо бы ScoopIt сделать интерфейс светлым, или хотя бы посветлее. Вы услышали мои мысли. Спасибо

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago

Здравствуйте, Roman! so glad to hear that you like the new look and feel. I’m happy that the changes we made were in line with what you thought would make the platform better! очень cпасибо!

Michael Searles
12 years ago


12 years ago

Goodness me… what have you done??? I’m terribly sorry to spoil the party, but I don’t like these changes at all. Especially the look and feel is much much worse. What happened to that sparkling user panel where everything was so obvious and clear? Now it is bleak, dull and very unclear. Yes, you may have added some nice new features, but the price to pay for those changes is too high as it is all too user – unfriendly now. Also the glossy magazine look for the visitors / end users has disappeared, one of the strongest points of… Read more »

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  ShoeCurator

I’m so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the changes we’ve made to the platform. 🙁 We hate to disappoint our users.. I would love to understand your concerns a bit more. Would you mind telling me which features you are least happy with?

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

My initial attempt to use the new bookmarklet was a miserable “fail”. Perhaps I will adjust, but all the work I have gone to to create a personalized experience for my readers is GONE, I don’t want to leave a COMMENT because I am the CURATOR: my reaction and insight is integral to the story, not a comment that follows it. This seems to be a one-size-fits-all solution for users in a hurry who just grab the blurb but I have always carefully customized and enhanced with extra links all my content. I have gladly paid for a premium service… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Thanks for the feedback but one quick question: why don’t you precisely use the Inisght area for that? This is exactly the intention: to highlight better the work you do when adding extra content. To make it the story and detach it from the excerpt which was somebody else’s work. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

You might see that as an insight box but readers who are accustomed to social media will see it as a comment box. You have taken the curator out of the story and demoted him/her to a commentor. I don’t know that people will look down there. They are used to seeing me comment right after the blurb. I used Scoop.It as a micro blog–each story was personally interpreted so people knew why it was there. I think you are defeating the idea of content curation. It’s just another Facebook link post now. It’s like the difference between going to… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Interesting feedback. I totally respect what you’re saying as we agree the world needs curation… and see it. During our tests, the vast majority of people actually saw the added content of curators much better with this insight box than without it. Plus there was no confusion anymore. So this was a no-brainer natural choice to reach the same objectives you’re describing yourself. We’ll keep on monitoring how people react to this as, again, the goal is precisely the one you described.

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

Guillaume, isn’t editing one of the upgrade features of my pro account? Maybe I’m mistaken. But it seems like you have downgraded the service, by forcing us into boxes, a la Facebook. Many of us are much more interested in reaching out to our readers than corresponding with commenters. We can do that on Facebook. I think you are going to get pushback from business users like me. You’ve cheapened my role and limited my ability to present the text I want to present from the linked page. I think the sources I was scooping would agree that my enrichment… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

Fran – Again we agree on the objectives and – believe it or not – not only did we do this to make them easier for all our users to reach but also we had great feedback from a lot of users about this. The choice we had was between (i) separating the curator’s added text to highlight it or (ii) leaving it in there to make it “part of the story” (I love the expression!). Option (i) got a lot of positive feedback and was also inspired by some conversations with our users. It was also judged more ethical… Read more »

Fran Jurga
12 years ago

PLEASE ADD RICH TEXT EDITOR TO THE EXCERPT WINDOW, INCLUDING THE ABILITY TO ADD LINKS. Also, in my daily newsletter today, I see that you have discontinued providing daily stats to the Pro user. This is one of the services that made me want to go Pro. Now you have taken it away. That stat report allowed me to see, in one glance, all my topics and how each one was doing. It was critical to know that early in each day. On the analytics page of my dashboard there is no way to view all my topics’ stats. I… Read more »

12 years ago

Loving the new Scoop.it! Congrats to your talented team. You have just made the most amazing platform even better. Thank you. (Small a suggestion for you, as Social Media is my thing, went to tweet your post and no tweet or Facebook like or share buttons that I can see. Guess I’ll have to scoop it!)

Tina Cook
Tina Cook
12 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Oh I see them on the side now. And a Scoop.it button. Cool.

12 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Glad you like the new changes, Tina! Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with!

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

I just started using Scoop.it 2 days ago and am still trying to get the feel for it. So obviously I’m still using the free version. A few very annoying changes have happened.

– No preview ability?

– When I’m writing my “insight” I no longer can even make a line break!!!? That seems a bit chintzy. I understand having to pay for access to advanced typographics and formatting, but depriving me of line breaks seems too harsh. Especially when yesterday I did have that ability.

Losing important useful and meaningful work features isn’t helpful.

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

Hi Terry, We didn’t change anything on the Preview ability: what do you mean by that? Actually the new publishing window should help you better visualize the end-result of your scoop. And of course you can make line breaks in insights. See for instance: http://www.scoop.it/t/web-content-digital-curation/p/3643884194/the-new-seo-rules-in-a-content-marketing-world This is not part of the paying options and our intention is not to monetize through these two features. Nor did we remove anything that was free yesterday to make it premium with this new version. Would love to dig out what seems to be causing the problem you seem to have (could be a… Read more »

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

Nope, the line breaks do not work. I’m just using the return on my keyboard like I did before the update of scoop.it. Even if I insert several returns it doesn’t work. A post of mine: http://bit.ly/WcgyS5 There should be a line break before the last sentence in this posting. It’s not displaying for me. I’m using chrome. With the previous scoop.it version the line breaks worked. Thoughts? As for the preview, I’m not sure what you see, but the publishing window does not allow me to see the final end result of my scoop. I had to publish it… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

Hmm… This is a bug. And a strange one as it works fine on other posts. But we’ve seen other uses have it too so we’re investigating it. I’m going to create a ticket for us to follow-up with you more easily on that. Thanks for having sent the example!

Update: ok so we identified the bug and it will be fixed early next week. Sorry about that and thanks again for helping us identify it.

Terry Lightfoot
12 years ago

Now if only we could get that preview feature back! 🙂

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago

So what do you mean exactly by this preview feature Terry? As I commented earlier, I’m not sure we understand what you mean. Can you detail? Thanks!

Erwin Blom
Erwin Blom
12 years ago

It is impossible in the new lay out to change the time and date of a scheduled post after saving. That used to be the case. And is dearly missed. Please bring it back!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  Erwin Blom

Hi Erwin, so sorry you are having trouble. I’ve asked our engineering team about your problem and I’ll let you know as soon I hear back. Thank you for your feedback!

Guillaume Decugis
12 years ago
Reply to  Clair Byrd

Erwin – this has been fixed by now: please confirm. Thanks for reporting!

Katrina Moody
12 years ago

So far I love it! Easy to use, easy on the eyes, and I’m not noticing much in the way of interface errors. I still need to explore – but bravo! I think it’s great!

katrina cristofoli
12 years ago

thankyou for scoop it………..yahoo…………..great……………fun…………..

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago

Glad you like us, Katrina! 😀

Pascal Ménigoz
12 years ago

une raison pour ne pas aimer la nouvelle version ? Mes topics ne sont plus alimentés et les commentaires de partage ne suivent plus apparemment !! En attente de réponde de votre help desk ;^(

Ally Greer
12 years ago

Hi Pascal! Thanks for reaching out. We’re here and listening! Please let me know what issues you’re having with your comments – I’m glad to investigate.

erwin blom
erwin blom
12 years ago

Scoop.it people, hoping for an answer on the questions about the lack of html-possibilities in the normal content field and the impossibiliity of changing scheduled post-times.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
12 years ago
Reply to  erwin blom

Hi Erwin! The changing of scheduled post-times was a bug and the engineers are working on fixing it. As for HTML, we are not planning to allow the excerpt to support HTML, but we are making some changes to the Insight portion that will (we hope) meet your needs. I’ll be releasing a blog post about it today, stay tuned! 🙂

Ally Greer
12 years ago
Reply to  erwin blom

Hey Erwin,

Just wanted to let you know that the scheduling bug is taken care of! http://blog.scoop.it/en/2012/12/13/scoop-its-big-bang-success/

Paulo Tomás Neves
Paulo Tomás Neves
12 years ago

This post gives us 7 Reasons to hate the New Scoop.it (and there are even more).

The design imposes a new column all the time making the scoops harder (for me impossible without cutting the column by increasing the zoom in the browser) to read, this alone is making me think about leaving scoop.it.

«et us know how we can make the Scoop.it experience better.»: get back to the previous design

12 years ago

The new Scoop.it is very great ! You made a good work guys. I share all my page from http://www.alexeo.fr with Scoop.it, my favourite tool ^^

11 years ago

one can no longer see the entire scoop it window on chrome so it makes it impossible to use 🙁

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x