Unveils Newly Re-Designed Platform to Give Professionals and Business the Visibility They’ll Need to Survive in a Post-Apocalyptic Business Environment

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[San Francisco, CA — December 11, 2012] —, a leading social media and content curation platform for professionals and businesses, recently announced it’s platform redesign, elements of which focus specifically on increasing visibility for its community of users after Dec. 21, 2012, the commonly-accepted “End of the World.”

“We realize that getting your business’s message out after the apocalypse will be incredibly difficult, as we’ll be facing unseemly conditions including mass power outages, mob mentality, and general chaos,” says Guillaume Decugis, CEO and co-founder of, “We believe that simply because the world as we know it is on fire, business owners and professionals shouldn’t be deterred to continue business as usual, or what’s more, even see their growth accelerate.”

This latest iteration comes after several weeks of beta testing and feedback cycles from a select group of appropriate businesses on’s global platform, including Doomsday Planners, Nuclear Scientists, and pharmaceutical organizations working on zombie outbreak prevention. They have now rolled these validated changes out to their 5M+ unique visitors per month.

Feature Tour

Insight: The aptly named “Insight” feature allows a user to quickly enrich and personalize any article, video or image they post to their network with personal commentary and unique perspective. has made the platform as user-friendly and efficient as possible to be cognizant of the new pressures that rampant looting and roving groups of motorcycle bandits may cause. We also wanted to allow users to stand out from the post-apocalyptic noise, so instead of simply being able to comment on a piece of content, the user’s Insight is customizable using a Wyswyg-style editor — allowing a user’s perspective to shine amidst country-wide blackouts.

User Experience:’s sleek, sophisticated responsive design and user experience updates create a better environment for professionals to be discovered by the panicked masses with similar interests they’ll need to succeed.

Redesigned Boomarklet: Praised by the community as the most simple way to curate any web content to topic pages, the bookmarklet now includes a Wysiwyg-style editor, giving the curator as much control over the look and feel of their topic pages as possible, while keeping it fast and easy. The world may be in utter chaos, but your topic pages and related web presence should feel like the world never ended.

Community: The new builds community through relationships and similar interests without the noise we’ll be seeing on other social networks due to mass panic. Cut through the “RT @mayancalendar THE END IS NIGH” and focus on the connections that really matter.’s community feature shows the user’s social connections from Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin and which topics they are curating on–provided these other social networks make it through impending doom…

Notifications: The new notification functionality encourages content discovery through the social graph and provides updates on the user’s community. Notifications are also more accessible by being hosted permanently on the user’s homepage; allowing for speedy downloads on what’s happening in your network, i.e. who found the latest stash of twinkies.

Social Sign In: Professionals with LinkedIn accounts can now leverage their existing presence on the LinkedIn website by signing into with their LinkedIn credentials. We wanted to make signing in and sharing content as seamless as possible to help alleviate the stress of doing business in an unstable business environment full of nuclear meltdown and uncertainty. With Social Sign In, your contacts and professional groups will never know you are marketing products from a bunker under what was once your office.

Redesigned Content Suggestions:’s redesigned content recommendation algorithm makes it easy for users to never fall short on positive inspiration during tough doomsday times.’s new rollout comes on the heels of announcing new integrations with SlideShare, Hootsuite and Buffer, which allow users to optimize their social media publishing as part of a content marketing strategy or for their own professional development. is on a steady growth pattern, exceeding 5M unique visitors per month in just one year since public launch. Doomsday is only expected to grow the community (now averaging 1,500 new sign ups per day), because aside from a cockroach, the only other thing capable of withstanding nuclear meltdown is the internet.

About lets you share ideas that matter and shine on the web through beautiful topic pages. Collect relevant content and add your insight to attract an avid audience. Whether you’re a professional or educator, representing a business, or a nonprofit, will help you efficiently and effectively build your online presence. is a one-stop-shop for social media and content curation publishing. When you post on your topic page, you can easily share to your social networks including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Advance analytics available on Pro and customizable pages, post scheduling and WordPress integration available on Business. Launched in November 2011, is headquartered in San Francisco, California with offices in Toulouse, France. has received Series A funding from Partech International, Orkos, Elaia and IXO.

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11 years ago

Keep up the good work! Thank you for giving us this marvellous platform to keep growing 🙂

Gracias por darnos esta maravillosa plataforma para seguir creciendo en nuestros objetivos

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Victor

Thank you so much and I’m glad you are happy with our platform. Please let me know if you think there are improvements we could make.

Michel Reymond
11 years ago is a great platform, easy to use, re-use, over-use and almost abuse !!!!!, Thanks to the team behind it ! Long life after dooms day !

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Michel Reymond

So glad to hear you love it! Share this with your friends and networks! You rock, thank you so much for your support.

11 years ago

can leave without FB not… 🙂 congrats!!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Wow, that’s high praise! Thank you so much!

susan coils
11 years ago

Great news. I wondered how I’d manage once the world ended. Nice to know you’ve got us covered. 🙂

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  susan coils

We absolutely have your back during these tough pre-doomsday times. 😀

Andrea Raquel
11 years ago

Too funny. Congrats and thanks for the laugh.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Andrea Raquel

Glad you found the humor in this piece. 😉

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Glad to hear you are enjoying the platform, Christophe.

Jose Antonio Ferreira
Jose Antonio Ferreira
11 years ago

Great news! Tks for being different among equals!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Thanks so much for joining on this journey. 🙂

11 years ago

thank’s 🙂 and in french : ” longue vie à scoop it ” !!!

Baja By Bus
11 years ago

Thanks for improving an already excellent platform 🙂

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Baja By Bus

So glad you like the changes. Let us know if there is anything you notice that could be better. 🙂

Stephen Taylor
11 years ago

I am very worried about the upcoming Mayan threat. I live near where all the Bourbon comes from, if you drink it, it’s from around here. We’re going to be rich, and will be our ticket to post-apocalyptic freedom!

Ajaan Rob Hatfield, M.Ed.
Ajaan Rob Hatfield, M.Ed.
11 years ago

Thanks to all you team for a great platform / program…sad really so little time to use it…I guess I will read it on the other side…

Manish Dhane
11 years ago

The new and improved is awesome.

11 years ago

Your graphics are banned in the UAE which is really sad (due to problems with pornography I am told by your support team). Why are other curration plaforms able to pass the proxies while yours is not. Pinterest for example has a lot of porn on it but is not banned in the UAE.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  justaskdan

Strange as we’re very strict on porn and don’t tolerate any.

Alok Raghuwanshi
11 years ago

The new and improved is awesome.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Thank you so much!

Neil Ferree
11 years ago

The new UI is excellent work product. I just tested the new routine and it works like a charm. I was curious if the Viewbix player and the Visibli social tool bar would muck things up but they rendered perfectly

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Neil Ferree

Neil, so excited that you like the changes and thanks for the screen grab!

steve rutter
11 years ago

The new format looks nice, but I really dislike being forced to add “(Name’s) insight.” I like having just simple text in white. And often, my commentary is pretty straightforward and not “insightful.” Can you make the “insight” thing an option that can be turned off? I really dislike it.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  steve rutter

Hi Steve! So glad you think the format looks nice and I’m sorry you don’t like the new Insight feature. You can actually omit the Insight portion and post with out it, no need to type anything in. Are you having problems posting without an Insight?

Fran Jurga
11 years ago
Reply to  Clair Byrd

The problem with that is that there is no rich text in the main window. Can you please fix that? For instance, I wrote “Click on the headline or image to open the article” and make it bold after each blurb, then add my comments/insight. Given that many people read it on RSS and Facebook, not “on”, who knows what they will see UNLESS it is in the main window?

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

The RSS includes the Insight piece that you can now make part of the story as you requested Fran. And Insights support rich text so you can do exactly what you describe using the Insight box now. Enjoy!

Full detail here:

Ira Wise
Ira Wise
11 years ago

Terrific! Now where are the mobile apps? iPad? Did I miss them?

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Ira Wise

Glad you like it! We do have an iPhone app and Android app. Stay tuned for the iPad app!

11 years ago

everything can be true, as everything can be fake …. the reality is that we are all waiting for the day (J).

steve rutter
11 years ago

I left a post yesterday complaining about being forced to use the “[Name]’s Insight” box. Turns out it’s an option. I see that if I leave “(Name)’s Insight” blank, it doesn’t show. Sorry. Nevermind. Carry on.

11 years ago

I do not see the ability to share on facebook, etc when publishing anymore? I uninstalled and reinstalled the bookmarklet as I was told (using chrome)

11 years ago
Reply to  Katie

NEVER MIND. I restarted the browser and see it now.

Nganguem Victor
11 years ago

j’aime ça

Fran Jurga
11 years ago

Thanks very much for being responsive to our suggestions (and complaints, in my case); removing that intro to the insight box may help a little bit. I believe you are trying hard. The problem is that you had a great platform before and many of us used it voraciously and didn’t mind paying for it. Without rich text and html in the main box, the type looks pale and bland and lacks ooomph to compel the reader to delve into it. Some of us have spent months building up a curation platform and gaining followers. When you make changes that… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

But as explained in my previous reply, this is no longer the case with the adjustment we made: the Insight box supports rich text and html for Pro and Business users so you can use that as your main input area.

Furthemore, none of your previous scoops were affected.

So yes, we agree, curation and rich text/html enhanced text IN THE WINDOW is critical. And you have it: either highlighted or – if you don’t like the way we highlight it – exactly the way it was before.

Let’s keep up rocking! 😉

Christophe Le Bihan
11 years ago

thx for your job, quite exciting to discover all this !

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Glad to hear you are enjoying the platform, Christophe.

11 years ago

Keep up the good work! Thank you for giving us this marvellous platform to keep growing 🙂

Gracias por darnos esta maravillosa plataforma para seguir creciendo en nuestros objetivos

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Victor

Thank you so much and I’m glad you are happy with our platform. Please let me know if you think there are improvements we could make.

Michel Reymond
11 years ago is a great platform, easy to use, re-use, over-use and almost abuse !!!!!, Thanks to the team behind it ! Long life after dooms day !

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Michel Reymond

So glad to hear you love it! Share this with your friends and networks! You rock, thank you so much for your support.

11 years ago

can leave without FB not… 🙂 congrats!!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  liveconnection

Wow, that’s high praise! Thank you so much!

susan coils
11 years ago

Great news. I wondered how I’d manage once the world ended. Nice to know you’ve got us covered. 🙂

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  susan coils

We absolutely have your back during these tough pre-doomsday times. 😀

Andrea Raquel
11 years ago

Too funny. Congrats and thanks for the laugh.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Andrea Raquel

Glad you found the humor in this piece. 😉

Jose Antonio Ferreira
Jose Antonio Ferreira
11 years ago

Great news! Tks for being different among equals!

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Thanks so much for joining on this journey. 🙂

11 years ago

thank’s 🙂 and in french : ” longue vie à scoop it ” !!!

Ian Wright
11 years ago

Thanks for improving an already excellent platform 🙂

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Ian Wright

So glad you like the changes. Let us know if there is anything you notice that could be better. 🙂

Stephen Taylor
11 years ago

I am very worried about the upcoming Mayan threat. I live near where all the Bourbon comes from, if you drink it, it’s from around here. We’re going to be rich, and will be our ticket to post-apocalyptic freedom!

Ajaan Rob Hatfield, M.Ed.
Ajaan Rob Hatfield, M.Ed.
11 years ago

Thanks to all your team for developing a great platform / program…sad really, so little time to use it…I guess I will read it on the other side…

Manish Dhane
11 years ago

The new and improved is awesome.

11 years ago

Your graphics are banned in the UAE which is really sad (due to problems with pornography I am told by your support team). Why are other curration plaforms able to pass the proxies while yours is not. Pinterest for example has a lot of porn on it but is not banned in the UAE.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  justaskdan

Strange as we’re very strict on porn and don’t tolerate any.

Alok Raghuwanshi
11 years ago

The new and improved is awesome.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago

Thank you so much!

Neil Ferree
11 years ago

The new UI is excellent work product. I just tested the new routine and it works like a charm. I was curious if the Viewbix player and the Visibli social tool bar would muck things up but they rendered perfectly

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Neil Ferree

Neil, so excited that you like the changes and thanks for the screen grab!

steve rutter
11 years ago

The new format looks nice, but I really dislike being forced to add “(Name’s) insight.” I like having just simple text in white. And often, my commentary is pretty straightforward and not “insightful.” Can you make the “insight” thing an option that can be turned off? I really dislike it.

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  steve rutter

Hi Steve! So glad you think the format looks nice and I’m sorry you don’t like the new Insight feature. You can actually omit the Insight portion and post with out it, no need to type anything in. Are you having problems posting without an Insight?

Fran Jurga
11 years ago
Reply to  Clair Byrd

The problem with that is that there is no rich text in the main window. Can you please fix that? For instance, I wrote “Click on the headline or image to open the article” and make it bold after each blurb, then add my comments/insight. Given that many people read it on RSS and Facebook, not “on”, who knows what they will see UNLESS it is in the main window?

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

The RSS includes the Insight piece that you can now make part of the story as you requested Fran. And Insights support rich text so you can do exactly what you describe using the Insight box now. Enjoy!

Full detail here:

Ira Wise
Ira Wise
11 years ago

Terrific! Now where are the mobile apps? iPad? Did I miss them?

Clair Byrd
Clair Byrd
11 years ago
Reply to  Ira Wise

Glad you like it! We do have an iPhone app and Android app. Stay tuned for the iPad app!

11 years ago

everything can be true, as everything can be fake …. the reality is that we are all waiting for the day (J).

steve rutter
11 years ago

I left a post yesterday complaining about being forced to use the “[Name]’s Insight” box. Turns out it’s an option. I see that if I leave “(Name)’s Insight” blank, it doesn’t show. Sorry. Nevermind. Carry on.

11 years ago

I do not see the ability to share on facebook, etc when publishing anymore? I uninstalled and reinstalled the bookmarklet as I was told (using chrome)

11 years ago
Reply to  Katie

NEVER MIND. I restarted the browser and see it now.

Nganguem Victor
11 years ago

j’aime ça

Fran Jurga
11 years ago

Thanks very much for being responsive to our suggestions (and complaints, in my case); removing that intro to the insight box may help a little bit. I believe you are trying hard. The problem is that you had a great platform before and many of us used it voraciously and didn’t mind paying for it. Without rich text and html in the main box, the type looks pale and bland and lacks ooomph to compel the reader to delve into it. Some of us have spent months building up a curation platform and gaining followers. When you make changes that… Read more »

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Fran Jurga

But as explained in my previous reply, this is no longer the case with the adjustment we made: the Insight box supports rich text and html for Pro and Business users so you can use that as your main input area.

Furthemore, none of your previous scoops were affected.

So yes, we agree, curation and rich text/html enhanced text IN THE WINDOW is critical. And you have it: either highlighted or – if you don’t like the way we highlight it – exactly the way it was before.

Let’s keep up rocking! 😉

11 years ago

Good day, Good work for the understanding in social Network .

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