integrates with Yammer to supercharge enterprise social media

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Be gone, irritating chain email about a fake virus scare that your head of HR sent out! Away, pictures of a random offsite meeting that no one actually cares about! Never again will your inbox show 298324 because everyone replied all on a staff-wide email about break room etiquette!

We decided to integrate with Yammer because we believe the communities of co-workers and colleagues in the enterprise being formed on the Yammer platform deserve a better mechanism for sharing relevant, value-adding content with their teams and with each other than email currently offers, thereby facilitating greater and more meaningful exchanges of knowledge with one another.

Enterprise knowledge sharing is becoming more and more important to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with smaller, more agile teams. Relevant breaking industry news and brand new ideas can help employees work, sell, and manage their resources more effectively. Smart does have a ROI and it can be accelerated through better knowledge management systems. for Yammer allows professionals to communicate across teams and easily source and share great content — enriched with their own unique insight — to supercharge their Yammer feed, sparking better communication and idea sharing among co-workers.

To use, simply sign in to or sign up for a free account, create a topic, and attach your Yammer account through the sharing options. Then scroll through your suggested content, select an article to share, edit to include your expert opinion, and share to all your social profiles, including your Yammer account, in one click. Or, when you find a piece of interesting content anywhere on the web, simply use the bookmarklet to share any content from anywhere with your Yammer feed.

We’re very excited to be able to integrate with a great company like Yammer and push great content and unique perspectives into the enterprise, where they are definitely needed.

What do you think? Do you think high-quality content and idea sharing is a step forward for enterprise communication? Tell us in the comments.

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11 years ago


Jeff Domansky PR
11 years ago

An an excellent way to use curation inside your organization. The obvious benefits are ease-of-use, curation by appropriate experts and speed. This has great potential benefits for knowledge sharing inside any organization.

11 years ago

In the spirit of sharing, you might have included even 1 link to something yammer.

11 years ago

This is very cool. I was wondering if there is a way to post directly to a group in Yammer, rather than to the main company stream.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas

Yammer groups are not supported yet but thanks for the suggestion: noted!

10 years ago

I’ve just started posting to yammer. i work in a very large company, and posting to “all company” is really not an option.

I’m going to have to stop using it if Yammer groups are not supported. Have you made any progress in the past year on this?

Guillaume Decugis
10 years ago
Reply to  Vince

Hi Vince – We’ve actually added a lot to to make it useful in the context of a large organization. Care to hear about it? We’d be happy to give you a tour: shoot us an email at business at so we can schedule something.

Luz Rodrigo Martorell
Luz Rodrigo Martorell
9 years ago

I am also interested. Our company is huge and some users are overflowing the all company thread.

Guillaume Decugis
9 years ago

Sure @luzrodrigomartorell:disqus – Let’s plan a discussion when you have a chance. guillaume at

11 years ago
Reply to  Nicholas

I agree. Yammer group support would be cool !

Mark @ Make Them Click
11 years ago

Looks like there’s still a few bugs with the integration. Couldn’t get it to work, kept getting a “The development team will be notified of this horrible mistake” message.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago

Hey @Mark_Make_Them_Click:disqus – Thanks for reporting. We had one rarely occurring configuration that triggered a similar result and that was fixed since then (it occurred when you were logged in to both and Yammer with different email addresses and initiated the connexion from Yammer: was that your case? Don’t hesitate to send details and we’ll investigate. Thanks!)

Mark @ Make Them Click
11 years ago

Actually I was trying to do it from within Scoopit using the Profile menu and selecting the Yammer icon.

Just tried it again today and it worked fine, must have just been a bad day before.

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago

Good to hear Mark: thanks for the update!

Shyam Viking
Shyam Viking
11 years ago

I think I have this problem. My yammer mail address is different from that of used in Scoop.It? Any suggestions on how to integrate?


Laura Brown
11 years ago

If someone rescoops to their account on Yammer will that show up in our feeds here too? Will people be able to follow a link back to the original curator?

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Laura Brown

@thatgrrl:disqus Yes. It works exactly as sharing on Facebook.

Riaz Khan
Riaz Khan
11 years ago

Needs Yammer group support for sure.

tom cockburn
tom cockburn
11 years ago

I agree–a useful integration

Minecraft Games
11 years ago

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about that.

Guillaume Decugis
7 years ago

Hi @kimbowa – We fixed that bug today: can you confirm you’re seeing images now?
(Btw, you can report bugs by using the ? help menu in the bottom right of the site – makes it faster for us to respond :-)).

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