Welcoming New Rewards Members

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Last week, the Scoop.it team and I were extremely excited to announce the launch of our brand new Rewards Program. Now that all of the new rewards members have been notified, I’d like to shine the Scoop.it spotlight on a few of the top curators from the past six months.

These curators have set an extraordinary example for the rest of the Scoop.it community as well as the greater online community of curators. They’ve helped us through every step of our journey to making the web a smarter place, and we’re proud to have them on our team. Check out their profile and topic pages, and think about even sending them a tweet to say hi!

Ana Cristina Pratas

Having been a part of the Scoop.it community since the very beginning, Ana Cristina is an amazing educator, curator, and learner. With more than 1.1 million views on her Scoop.it topics, she’s always got something interesting to share and never stops her quest for more knowledge. Follow her topics and send her a tweet to connect with an extremely dedicated digital native!

Jon Samuelson

Hailing from Austin, Texas, Jon Samuelson, a Solution Specialist for Atlas Learning, has been a longtime friend of Scoop.it and curator of awesome information on how technology advancements can be beneficial in the classroom. Affectionately known as “iPad Sammy,” Samuelson is always filled to the brim with information on Ed Tech, learning apps, and of course, the latest uses of iPads in schools.

Thumpy Covey

Thumpy is one of the most unique curators I’ve ever seen on Scoop.it! He has certainly found a niche – Airsoft! Thumpy curates and shares all of the latest news on anything happening in the world of Airsoft (and I can personally say that I’ve actually learned more about it than I ever could have thought from him)! I’m also excited to say that Thumpy live-curated a conference a few weeks ago and earned over 5K views on his topic in just a few hours. He’s a true example of passionate curation – just ask him yourself!

Mary Clark 

Mary Clark is a middle school librarian who should also be an example to all of those in similar fields. Having racked up over 100K views on her topics, she’s got curation for education figured out. Focusing on creativity, digital literacy, and critical thinking while still maintaining a bubbly personality is Mary’s best trait. She is definitely someone worth connecting with and epitomizes the idea of a cool librarian!

We’re extremely grateful to these and all of the other curators who entered our Rewards program this month. On behalf of the Scoop.it team, I’d like to thank each and everyone of you (mentioned here or not!) for doing all that you do and helping make the Internet a much smarter place. I would love to hear from you to talk about the rewards program, how we can help each other, or just about being awesome online! If you have any questions about the Rewards Program, feel free to reach out!

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is Scoop.it's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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11 years ago

The French are once again considered the plague. Why so denying its origins?

Guillaume Decugis
11 years ago
Reply to  Pascalf49

The plague? Absolutely not! There were many rewardees from France such as Francis Le Guen (http://www.scoop.it/u/francis-le-guen ), Deloste (http://www.scoop.it/u/deloste ) or Frederic Debailleul (http://www.scoop.it/u/frederic-debailleul ): the above are just some examples which content everybody can read and understand.

11 years ago

so I’m the plague ? I publish longer and I more traffic than them with 4 gold topics ! I know you don’t like me but it’s unfair !

11 years ago

Thanks so much! I was as pleasantly surprised to receive the award as I was vexed before, by the absence of formatting in the free scoop.it version and by your reduction of the number of external shares permitted a few months ago…

Mary Clark
Mary Clark
11 years ago

Thanks! I love being able to create carefully curated resources to teachers and librarians. Scoop.it is so visually appealing that it’s enjoyable to dip into a variety of topics. I’m such a curation geek!

Jon Samuelson
Jon Samuelson
11 years ago

Thanks so much for the upgrade, Ally. Scoop.it helps keep me current on what is going on in the world of educational technology. I just talked about it today at a conference I attended.

Mohammad Taha
Mohammad Taha
11 years ago
Vmrakhesh Mohanraj
Vmrakhesh Mohanraj
10 years ago
Webdesign Stuttgart
Webdesign Stuttgart
10 years ago

Thank´s for reward me..I´m very surprised and pleased ! 🙂

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