The benefits of content curation for seo

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In a recent survey of 1,550 US professionals on the impact of content curation for their business goals, 65% said content curation helped with regards to SEO. Not only that but data from 65M+ pieces of content curated on the platform show that an average of 40% of traffic comes from Google Search.

This presentation explains why and outlines content curation best practices for SEO.

Guillaume Decugis‘s insight:

We’ve read a lot of things on the impact of content curation for SEO – including a lot of confusing things, particularly around duplicate content which is by no means content curation. So we wanted to set the record straight and compile (curate?) the list of benefits for SEO that good content curation brings as well as best practices  to follow.

Please add your own thoughts and feedback to the discussion.

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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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Pascal Faucompré
Pascal Faucompré
10 years ago

Sorry but I’m very far from the 40% search traffic

Guillaume Decugis
10 years ago

Yes. 40% is an average across all topics but there’s a wide distribution.

Mario Orru
Mario Orru
10 years ago

Mi piace questo argomento, è molto interessante. E’ cosi difficile trovare contenuti importanti, per chi non è un professionista.

Jhon Peter
10 years ago

Nice Blog, Thanks for Sharing. SEO Compnay India

Dadie Host
10 years ago

View all posts by Guillaume Decugis → your comprehensively sampled here
is a hell of a lot of the profound innovations going on to improve the
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aggregate into a trend you can count on.
10 years ago

This is so perfect. We just started using, and I was looking for an article to clearly and succinctly explain content curation. This was it. Thank you so much.

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