The Most Important Reason to Practice Lead Generation

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A common theme at is helping people with important things to say be heard through all of the noise that exists online today. Creating an integrated content strategy that includes a healthy mix of creation and curation is the first step to success in this area, but another very important aspect that’s often overlooked is lead generation.

Today, marketing isn’t about broadcasting a message and being found by potential customers. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – with the ability of everyone to broadcast their messages through new media, marketers now need to find their customers and let them know that their product or service is the right one.

Due to the abundance of marketing messages out there, audiences pay less attention to brands and more attention to sifting through all of the content that’s constantly being put in front of their faces. In turn, it’s easier for customers to pay no attention at all to brands’ marketing messages and it has now become the responsibility of the marketer to win that attention back.

Enter lead generation. According to Marketolead generation is the marketing process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing sales pipeline.

The most important reason to implement a lead generation strategy is so that you can capture some information about the people reading your content and, even after you lose their attention, you can reach out to them and regain it. 

Once you’ve taken the first steps to develop your content strategy, it’s time to start exploring lead generation options for this content. In reality, you might be creating the most relevant and informational content for your potential customers, but the truth is, so are a lot of your competitors. The way to make yourself stand out is to consistently put yourself and your brand in front of your customers, and the way to do this is to make sure that you are tracking everyone who expresses any level of interest in your brand or your content and following up with them.

There are many ways to generate leads, including using landing pages (like this), using social media, and using forms on your website or blog. Launching your content onto the Internet is a great first step, but being able to concretely see who is interested in it and connect with them is the way to convert content into money.

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Branavan Ganesan
Branavan Ganesan
10 years ago

Well, its good to know I have options when it comes to flowers. Interesting post, and I think you’re on point about lead gen as it relates to social. I think a lot of people have figured out how to place people into nurture streams around their web content. However, many ppl are still in the awareness phase (and that too from a bullhorn approach) when it comes to Social. We are starting to look at some ways in which to engage folks as they discuss things and target / retarget them by pointing them to an add’l piece of… Read more »

Joe Cardillo
10 years ago

Andy Crestodina over at Orbit Media just published a good video/post on how to put together framework –

He also has lots of detailed posts that address Q on right mix of content, definitely recommend a look at the blog.

Rock Desmarais
Rock Desmarais
10 years ago

I want to know how I can make revenue with my account. Is there such a way?

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