Introducing Direct Links and Hidden Topics

Spread the love Pro and Business just got a little more exciting! We’re excited to announce two new features of the premium plans on

As you know, the platform allows you to enrich your curated content with a curation layer that’s indexed in search engines and adds extra value for your audience: by clicking on your social media links, they land on your page where the curated piece is layered with your insight on top of your topic. Through this system, users have seen an average of 40% of their traffic coming from search and higher engagement from their readers who discover and click on 3 related stories on average per visit. Sometimes however, we’d like to send our social media followers directly to the original content.

Now, with Pro and Business, you, the curator, have the option to either send your social media followers back to your page where they can read your insight and see related content you’ve curated on the topic, or you can switch the Direct Link feature on and have all of your social links pointing directly to the original content.

Of course, when using Direct Link, your curated content is still posted on your topic page to be discovered later on through search, newsletters, etc… With the Direct Link option, social media publishing through offers you the greatest flexibility to optimize the impact of your curated content.

Secondly, we’re excited to announce hidden topics, a feature of Business. We launched private topics in our enterprise version a few months ago, and now we’re taking it a step further. With private topics, you can choose to either password protect your topic or give specific people access to it. Hidden topics, though, are for the eyes of their creators and those eyes only. Hidden topics won’t show up their creators’ profiles, and no one will be aware of their existence except for their creators. If you’re looking for a secret space to collect business intelligence, content for your newsletter, or content you might want to publish in the future, check out Business today.

As always, we can’t wait to hear what you think of the new features, and are always open to discussing how we can make better and more useful for you.

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Alessandro Iotti
Alessandro Iotti
10 years ago

the new features seem very cool. The Fazland team will definitely give them a try!

Glenn Robinson
10 years ago

This is genius. Thank you!

Richard Kastelein
10 years ago

Ten scoops a day now? Limiting us on the freemium model? Looks like it’s time to go. Shame as I scooped over 12,000 articles.

Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts
10 years ago

Have to agree. I use Scoopit to gather news articles – averaging 20 per day.
Time to go… trying out Bagtheweb now.

Jan Hesse
10 years ago

I did want to have DirectLink since the beginning. Thanks for the integration, so much + for my visitors.

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