End of School Roundup: Using Creation & Curation in Education

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Editor’s note: This is a guest post from our friends at Tackk

According to the Content Marketing Institute, original content should be the cornerstone of your content marketing. And curating content can raise your brand awareness and bring more visitors to your website. So how do these two fundamental marketing pieces work together? Very nicely. In terms of content marketing in any industry, how you marry creation and curation could mean your success or failure.

Specifically in education, EdTech consultants, teachers and librarians are doing a great job combining creation and curation to showcase student creativity, school information and thought leadership. We’ve pulled four worthy examples of users in the EdTech space who exemplify using powerful online tools to master creation and curation consistently.

1. ICTPHMS – Middle school

Patrick Henry Middle School’s ICT (Information, Communications, & Technology) class shows the creativity of students and organized streams of tech content by using two simple tools: Tackk and Scoop.it.

Creation: Tackk
– Prompt unique student projects like creative advertisements and flyers
– Use multiple content widgets like photo, video, text and headlines
– Collaborate with other students by commenting on completed Tackks
– Create informational flyers for parents, school district and classrooms

Curation: Scoop.it
– Curate five EdTech topics relating to ICT class objectives
Continually Scoop and give insights on relevant tech articles within curated lists
Follow education and technology topics that help teach ICT to students
Share Scooped articles and topic lists with social community

2. Edudemic – EdTech blog
Edudemic’s website hosts a community of educators and technologists looking to enhance learning. Not only does the community post original content on the website, they also use Twitter and Feedly to create and curate.

Creation: Twitter
– Unique tweets to 90K followers linking to posted blog articles
– 8-12 average tweets per day linking to EdTech resources
– Interaction with other EdTech enthusiasts to discuss current topics

Curation: Feedly
– Curates Edudemic reading list around topics like education and edtech
– Customizes its follow feed for immediate updates on current topics
– Uses ReadKit to store content that’s available to read even when offline

3. TechChef4u – EdTech specialist, blogger, speaker
Lisa Johnson is using a variety of digital creation and curation tools to establish her TechChef4u brand as one of the most influential in the EdTech space.

Creation: Tackk + TechChef4u website
– Creates insightful Tackks about informational EdTech topics
– Weekly blog posts about tools and apps to use in today’s classroom
– Increased views on unique content through guest blogging and social sharing

Curation: Scoop.it + Pinterest
– Curates 7 Scoop.it topics related to EdTech and Web 2.0 (nearly 100k views)
– 14k followers engaged with 30 TechChef4u Pinterest boards curated by Lisa
– Re-pinning and mentions of trending posts and articles increase curation following

4. University of San Francisco – Higher education institution
The University of San Francisco builds community and maintains an exciting and engaging online presence by collecting content that’s shared by over 10,000 people and curates the best of it to share with the world.

Creation: crowdsourced via social media
– Encourages community of students, teachers, and faculty to share articles, news, and photos concerning the university
– Articles are written, photos are taken, and reports are published and then shared by their creators

Curation: Scoop.it
– Executive team of curators are delivered all content shared with the #usfca hashtag in the Scoop.it backend
– Curators choose the best content to tell the story of the USF community and share it to the USFCA page
– Share the curated page with the world to exhibit the accomplishments, events, and personal lives of the USF community

Are you in EdTech? How are you using a health mix of creation and curation to achieve your education-related goals?

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About the Author

Andria Trivisonno
Andria leads marketing and partnerships at Tackk, the easiest way to create pages on the web. She’s an avid traveler and sports enthusiast, loves anything tech related and studies astrology in her free time. Follow Andria on Twitter @andriatriv.
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