5 Ways to Beat Content Marketing Overload

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This intensive guide created by Vocus was inspired by Mark Schaefer’s infamous Content Shock theory of a few months back. He essentially states that soon, there will be too much content for anyone to stand out and that marketers need to start taking actions to combat this unfavorable outcome sooner than later.

I’d recommend that content marketers read this entire guide and note some of the tips inside, but here are a few of the key takeaways worth noting.

– Be unique by using new tactics like visual media, the Internet of Things, and user-generated content (UGC).

According to this report, over 50% of Internet users share visual content and 47% of those are re-sharing photos and videos from other users and brands on social media. Making your content more visual makes it easier to digest as well as requiring less effort on the part of the reader to properly understand the message.

Another opportunity lies in taking advantage of the data and content that are already out there. Specifically, the Internet of Things includes devices like iBeacon, which can transmit signals to shoppers based upon their iPhone’s location and app usage, as well as data-gathering wearable technology like Nike+ fuelbands and Ford’s embedded sensors. Taking advantage of all of the data being collected by these preexisting cools can help give marketers an insight into their customers behaviors and reach them more directly.

– Leverage different media sources like word of mouth marketing and sponsored & branded content.

68% of “millennials” trust peer reviews over professional reviews, which makes for a great argument in favor of influencer/ambassador marketing.

Additionally, native advertising is an increasingly used method which consists of placing content on an external publication within its editorial context. Branded content & native advertising allow you to get the right content to the right audience and also to leverage a preexisting audience of another publication. An example of this is brands who write on BuzzFeed.

– Go live and be human via shared experiences, meetups, and community building.

Sharing the experiences created by your product or service with your actual consumers is probably the most obvious and also the most difficult way to break through the noise and directly reach your customers. Hosting events and meetups for people sharing the values and interests of yourself, your brand, and your colleagues and taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver your message to them is certainly guaranteed to break through content overload.

–  Provide context.

Making sure that your consumers are getting the full message rather than just being inundated by words, numbers, and photos is crucial to providing deeper meaning to your content marketing efforts.

Circling back to the Internet of Things & using existing data, companies can analyze consumer behavior information to contextualize their brand messaging and place it within the personal experiences of users, making it easier to relate to and understand.

Create a seamless experience through transmedia storytelling. 

To quote Vocus, “”each piece of content adds one experience to the larger narrative.” By connecting your content marketing efforts across online platforms and tying the same stories into the face to face meetings you have with your audience & consumers, you create a full experience rather than broadcasting seemingly random marketing messages into the vastly overcrowded Internet.

Read the full report for more detailed statistics, quotations, and resources on how to overcome content marketing overload.

See on images.prsoftware.vocus.com

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is Scoop.it's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Stepanov Sergey
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