ranks best content marketing software app by GetApp

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Top Content Marketing Software 2015 | GetRank

Check out the top 25 cloud-based Content Marketing apps on GetApp and read the quarterly report on industry trends and insights.

Read the full article at: recognized best content marketing software app by GetApp for Q2 2015

We’re proud to be ranked best content marketing software app in GetApp’s Q2 2015 GetRank of the t​op 25 content marketing solutions.

GetApp is the largest cloud­-based business apps marketplace. In the four different categories evaluated, Infusionsoft took the top spot in Marketing Automation, Mailchimp in Email Marketing, in Content Marketing and Hootsuite in Social Media Marketing.

The goal of the ranking is to provide valuable data to businesses looking to make a first assessment when looking for the best content marketing software. GetApp’s ranking was determined using data collected from GetApp and other third­-party sources. Factors used to calculate an app’s ranking include User Generated Reviews, Integrations, Mobile Platforms, Media Presence, and Security. The ranking will be updated every quarter to reflect newly available data.

“Investing in marketing is expensive and time-consuming, and getting it wrong can be disastrous. Marketing software can help, with anything from automating campaigns to measuring their effectiveness. And because there are now so many ways that a product can be marketed online, there needs to be solutions tailored to every single one,” says GetApp CEO Christophe Primault.

A range of data points is what makes GetApp’s ranking unique in the industry. User generated reviews and integrations were calculated using data listed on GetApp, while security scores were calculated using vendor responses to a security survey based on the Cloud Security Alliance Self-­Assessment Form. Mobile platform data was pulled from Google Play and the App Store, while Media Presence was calculated using data collected from social media monitoring tool Brandwatch.

We’d like to thank the customers who reviewed our software and helped us rank #1 best content marketing software app. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and we constantly monitor product and company feedback to evolve and answer our users’ needs. Our goals now is to have the same good reviews in the upcoming quarters!

In a more general sense, we really do our best to help marketers (like myself) get results our of their content marketing efforts: with our tool Content Director but also with our content. We blog consistently on content marketing subjects to try and answer the questions our audience has and we also spend a lot of time creating long-form content such as eBooks or white papers to really provide added value to marketers. Whether it’s to improve SEO rankings, increase traffic to your website or get more leads, our resource center should have content that can help you reach your content marketing goals!

Don’t hesitate to give us feedback in the comments below!

And for more lean content marketing tips from Mark Schaefer, Rebecca Lieb, Lee Odden, Jason Miller, Erika Heald on many other inspiring content marketing influencers, download our free ebook.
ROI or RIP - The Lean Content Marketing Guide for SMBs - Download the free eBook
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About the Author

Julie Gauthier
Julie was our Director of Marketing. Before joining the other side of the Force, Julie was a client of while managing the Marketing of another SaaS software start-up in San Francisco for 2 years (Ivalua). With a Master’s Degree in Consulting from Audencia Graduate School of Management, Julie has lived in 4 different countries and worked in Marketing and Consulting for Apple, l’Oréal, Cartier and Weave Consulting. Besides being a tech nerd tweeting about New Technologies (@JulieGTR), Julie is a pretty serious sports addict (ski, muay thai, field hockey, tennis, etc.), a traveling fanatic and a foodie (either in the privacy of her kitchen or at new trendy restaurants).
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9 years ago

Congratulations team! I agree it is the best content software I have ever used.

Barry Feldman
9 years ago

Woot! Congrats and well-deserved. The best tools always simplify things and clearly has achieved this with Content Director.

Neil Ferree
9 years ago

My top performing topic page shows date created on July 1, 2001. As memory serves, was stil in (beta) way back when. Been using your top rated app ever since! Glad to see you guys getting your well deserved props!

Neil Ferree
9 years ago

My top performing topic page shows date created on July 1, 2011. As memory serves, was stil in (beta) way back when. Been using your top rated app ever since! Glad to see you guys getting your well deserved props!

Marco Bertolini
Marco Bertolini
9 years ago

Happy to read that ! It’s well deserved, anyway 🙂

Vincent Dickie
9 years ago

Congrats to the team! Content Director just steps things up another notch. Well deserved!

Shahana Akter
8 years ago

Glad to read this article. Congratulations team for such kind of post.

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