3 ways content marketers can use mobile to push content

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3 ways content marketers can use mobile to push content

Content marketing – as an industry – is quickly migrating towards mobile devices. After all, that’s where users are reading and engaging with content. For the first time ever, the number of mobile-only internet users now exceeds desktop-only users. That means you can no longer ignore mobile, or look at it as a sub-segment of your overall strategy. Mobile needs to be one of your primary targets. But how do you successfully push content to these users?

3 ways content marketers can use mobile to push content

There are dozens, and perhaps even hundreds of ways for content marketers to utilize mobile devices as part of larger marketing campaigns, but we’ll briefly look at three of the most practical and high-returning.

1. Leverage Real-Time Social Feeds

The most obvious and natural convergence of content marketing and mobile devices occurs in real-time social media feeds, like Twitter. This is still the ideal place to push content and allows brands to maximize exposure and increase the amount of peer-to-peer shares between users.

While Twitter feeds are becoming increasingly noisy, the path to standing out amongst the crowd is also more apparent than ever. Twitter is feeling the pressure from other social networking apps and is trying to shift its strategy to appease the visually-inclined portion of its user base. As such, the use of images and videos has now become extremely important. If you want to leverage real-time social feeds, it’s important that you put an emphasis on creating striking short-form video content that’s designed to be shared.

2. Carefully Consider Mobile Apps

The second thing to consider is your mobile app. Do you have one – or are you planning on designing one? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, you must invest in quality content. According to a Harris Interactive study, 68 percent of mobile users agree that if a branded app isn’t helpful, useful, or easy to use that it actually results in a negative perception of that brand. On the other hand, if a branded app is valuable and easy to use, it can enhance that brand image.

The two most critical components of a successful mobile app are the design and concept. If you want to push quality content to your users, you need to invest in fluid design features that enhance the consumption of the content you work so hard to create. Resources like InVision, a free tool that allows you to develop interactive prototypes, can aid in this process.

3. Utilize Responsive Web Design

The third way you can use mobile to push content is to pay careful attention to your website and how mobile users interact with it. Responsive web design (RWD) is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. Content has to be accessible on mobile devices, and your website should appeal to screens of all sizes. If users are forced to zoom in and out to see various aspects of your site, you’re going to lose them. Bounce rates will be through the roof and conversions will be virtually non-existent.

An investment in RWD today will pay dividends for years to come. It eliminates the need to create multiple designs and layouts and lets you maximize your time as you focus on content, not design. If you’re looking for some good examples of RWD, check out these five websites. They should give you an idea of just how powerful content can be when displayed correctly.

Leverage Mobile Today

The surge in mobile popularity is useless to your brand unless you learn to leverage it by using the right strategies. In 2015, that means using real-time social feeds, mobile applications, and responsive web design. Now’s the time to get started!


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Image by Kristina Alexanderson.

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About the Author

Larry Alton
Larry Alton is a professional blogger, writer and researcher who contributes to a number of reputable online media outlets and news sources. A graduate of Des Moines University, he still lives in Iowa as a full-time freelance writer and avid news hound. Currently, Larry writes for Inquisitr.com, SocialMediaWeek.org, Tech.co, and SiteProNews.com among others. In addition to journalism, technical writing and in-depth research, he’s also active in his community and spends weekends volunteering with a local non-profit literacy organization and rock climbing.
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