8 Inspiring Email Marketing Campaigns From The E-commerce Giants You Should Learn From

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As emails are becoming obsolete for personal and business correspondence, they remain incredibly effective in ecommerce sales. Researchers claim that every dollar you spend on an email marketing campaign returns nearly $42 back. Impressed with these figures?

In this post we have curated common email examples for nearly every stage of the ecommerce process that you get inspiration from.

1. Completing purchases

High cart abandonment rate is a common problem for ecommerce businesses. Customers abandon carts for various reasons, including unexpectedly high shipping rates at checkout, casual window shopping online, or simply because customers change their minds.

That’s when email marketing comes into play. With targeted emails, you can remind your customer of an unfinished purchase and make them come back. Puma, for example, stirs a FOMO (Fear of missing out) feeling with cart abandonment targeted email that tells customers that items won’t last long and it’s high time to pick them up.


Puma pushes their customers to come back with well-executed copy

2. Retaining customers

Investing in retaining and nurturing your existing customer base is efficient. It’s estimated that to acquire a new customer, you must spend approximately 5 times more than with retaining an existing one.

Did you know that 80% of ecommerce businesses rely on email marketing to retain their existing customers? Shopbop, an American designer fashion online store, returns and retains its customers with targeted emails that remind of items in a wishlist.

It’s also a good example of curated content in sales. The items in a wishlist are a priori interesting to a customer, so it would be nice to remind them of purchasing ones before they sell out.

3. Offers and deals

To stand out from the crowd of competitors that literally attack their customers with deals and special offers, it makes sense to invest in good presentation. Bold and vivid images and compelling copy must draw attention and clearly state the benefit.

Sephora delights its customers with regular weekly emails on the latest offers with the branded emails in recognizable stripped pattern, fonts, and layout. They effectively showcase their offers with vivid images and provide instructions on how to redeem a gift with a clickable promo code straight in the email body.


4. New customers welcome letter

When a new customer signs up on your website, it’s half of the battle. As your next step, lure them with deals they won’t resist. A common tactic is to provide new customers with free shipping, a discount, a referral discount, or other small perks.

Pretty Little Thing, a fashion online store, encourages their newbies with a 10% sitewide discount straight after a new customer signs up. Their email features bright signature colors and sleek images of styled outfits, so they speak for themselves. A promo code is clickable, so customers can redeem a discount right away.


5. New product arrival

To boost a launch of a new product, conduct a targeted email campaign. Emails are targeted at an existing base of loyal customers, so you’ll kill two birds with one stone by informing them of a new launch and boosting sales.

ColourPop, a cosmetics brand, follows the golden rules of email campaigns devoted to new product launches. Their emails feature attractive images and a minimum of copy that don’t distract a user from the product. ColourPop goes an extra mile with a mini tutorial on how to use their new palette, making it an email with valuable information, not just a promotion.


6. Shipping confirmation

A rule of thumb of great customer service is to keep your clients posted on every update of their order. Email marketing may come in handy if you want to keep in touch with your customers.

6pm notifies their customers in style with clear and concise copy: “Time to celebrate!” because for every customer the moment their order finally ships is a moment when the waiting starts. 6pm includes a clickable tracking number, so users can track the order manually whenever they want.

The body of an email is simple and clear, so it doesn’t distract users from the main purpose of the letter.

7. Alert on product back in stock

If for some reason you run out of products on your website, it doesn’t mean you have to lose customers who want to purchase the product. By notifying customers of a product back in stock, you increase your chances to return a customer.

Lucky Vitamin, an American retailer of wellness products, notifices its customers of products back in stock with bright and cheerful emails. Their copy is well-placed (“Healthy greetings”) and they also include an image of a product, so a customer can quickly recall what product they signed up for.

8. Flash sales

Flash sales are sales limited in time. They work pretty efficiently, evoking a sense of FOMO among customers. Some ecommerce businesses opt for closed flash sales straight on their websites, so customers can bump in a flash sale when they visit a website. Or, you can go further and create an email marketing campaign for a wider audience.

Stash tea company delights their customers with flash sales in their targeted emails. One of their latest deals included a free tea box for every order placed within a limited period of time. Their email layout draws attention and clearly states the benefit customers get.

There’s also a clickable button that leads straight to a website and an attractive image of a tea box that comes as a free gift. Stash calls their flash sale a “Random act of kindness,” making it bigger and more caring than a regular deal.

Such combination of visual elements and copy allows the company to bond with their target audience and build loyal and trustful relations.


As you can see, there are plenty of occasions to send targeted emails to your customers. Use them wisely, don’t spam, make your users wait for them with anticipation. We hope you got inspired by the email examples from our list and you’ll try some of them in the near future.

If you have any thoughts or ideas on how to create an efficient email campaign for ecommerce business, let’s chat in the comments below!

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4 years ago

Thanks for the great tips! I recently wrote a piece for my own blog about how to get the most out of email marketing, and I always believe in taking tips from the pros.

3 years ago

Email is so widespread it takes a substantial amount of creativity to stand out inside the email inbox. Getting a customer to open an email is difficult enough, let alone getting them to click through on an offer. It helps to have inspiration during the development of a campaign.

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