Starting a blog is easy – but creating a successful blog is easier said than done. In this article, we’ll share how to turn your passion for blogging into a successful, monetizable website with a huge following!
1. Identify your blog’s purpose
With millions of active blogs on the internet, it’s important to create something that stands out from the rest. That’s why your blog needs a niche. Your blog needs to have a strong focus, whether it’s about travel, sports, beauty, cooking, pets, etc.
Ideally, you’ll want to choose something you are passionate about, although it’s also important to provide some sort of value to your readers. If you are writing about something that thousands of other people have already said, it can be hard to gain traction and followers.
Instead, think about what makes your specific topic unique. Can you teach them something new? Do you have an experience to share? Are you a leader in your specific niche or industry? The more original your blog is, the more likely it will attract loyal readers.
And remember, pick a topic you love. If you don’t feel passionate about your blog, it can be hard to stay motivated.
2. Come up with a blog name
Choosing a name for your website is one of the most exciting parts of starting a blog. It should be memorable to readers but also related to your niche. But before you choose any random name that sounds catchy, consider the following tips:
- Availability: This isn’t just the name of your blog. It should also be your domain name and social media handles. Therefore, it’s important that you check if your name is available on all the platforms you plan on using.
- Length: Short blog names aren’t unique, but long ones might be too hard for readers to remember. Ideally, you’ll want to think of a name that is two or three words long.
- Brand: It’s crucial that your name is related to what you want to write about. It may be tempting to use your name or a funny phrase, but you might not be as marketable if you’re hoping to grow your audience.
Not sure where to start? Make a list of different verbs and adjectives that describe your topic. Combine different words together to see if anything stands out. You can also use synonyms of those words to find more unique names.
3. Get a domain name for your blog
After you’ve decided on a niche and name, you can start to set up your blog. Your first step is to register your domain name. This is to claim the website URL that readers can type in to access your blog.
There are many different sites where you can get a domain. These sites are also useful if you’re trying to check if your desired blog name is available.
When you type in your name, you’ll have the option to choose a domain extension, such as .com, .org, .net, etc. The most popular extension is .com, so it’s recommended to choose a domain name that has .com availability.
Domain names are usually provided for a year at a time. Remember to turn on auto-renew so that you don’t lose your domain name once the year is up!
4. Decide on topics and clusters
Although you can start writing immediately, it’s better to plan how you want to organize your blog. That includes figuring out what topics you want to focus on.
For example, let’s say your blog is about pets. There are many different topics related to pets, such as “dogs,” “cats,” “feeding,” “playtime,” and “training.” To provide a broad depth of information to your users, your blog should be equally focused on each of those topics. This also gives you a framework when deciding what types of articles to write about.
Topic clusters are also important for SEO (which is crucial if you want to run a successful blog). A cluster is a collection of different blog articles that are all related to a similar topic. You should plan on linking between each of those cluster topics (also referred to as internal linking) to keep readers engaged and active on your site.
5. Write outlines & hire writers
Once your topics are defined, it’s time to start planning the writing process. This usually starts with an outline that covers important details to include in the article. You’ll want to think of a title, topic headlines, and any keywords that should be included for SEO purposes. This might take some research to put together, but it’s an important step if you want your blog to be found on the internet.
If you want to be successful and grow your blog quickly, then you should also consider hiring additional writers to help with the content production process. They’ll help to push out articles so your blog has plenty of content your readers might find valuable.
Having article outlines also helps your writers stay focused, so they know exactly what to write about in the article. Make sure to also include word count, linkable websites, or any other helpful pieces of information that the writers might find useful.
6. Publish quality content
This is one of the most important steps to consider when creating a successful blog. Even if you have hundreds of articles, you won’t go anywhere unless people like your content. Writing a high-quality blog post is not just necessary for attracting new readers but also if you want them to keep coming back to your site.
Therefore, it’s important that you write to your reader. Give them something valuable that they can’t find anywhere else on the web.
In addition to the actual content, there are a few other ways to make your articles stand out. Adding pictures and photos to your article is a must (make sure they are professional and high-quality images). Illustrations, infographics, and embedded videos can make things more visually appealing.
Your article should also include a catchy title, an informative introduction, and a friendly, easy-to-read layout. These are ingredients to writing amazing articles and creating a noteworthy blog.
7. Track and optimize content
As important as quality content is, it’s not the only thing that matters when starting a successful blog. Your articles also need to be optimized for SEO or search engine optimization. Mastering SEO is a must if you want to grow traffic and appear in search engines like Google.
There are many factors to consider when optimizing your content for SEO. One of the biggest tasks is to include keywords. You’ll want to use keywords that are commonly used in search (volume), although the higher the volume, the more difficult it is to rank high in Google! Backlinking (link to another website) and internal linking (link to another page on your website) are also important for SEO.
Once your blog is live, you should track the performance of your articles. Google Analytics is a great tool to see the number of visitors, bounce rate, session time, and traffic sources.
8. Promote your blog
Now that you have a blog full of amazing content, it’s time to start attracting readers! However, you can’t just sit back and wait for the crowds to roll in. Growing your blog takes time, patience, and a lot of hard work.
Optimizing your blog for SEO is one way to increase organic traffic to your blog. You may also consider running advertising campaigns through sights like AdWords or Facebook Ads.
Creating awareness on social media is another way to reach your users. After creating a profile, you can post photos, stories, or reels linking back to your blog. It’s also possible to partner with different bloggers or influences to have them promote your blog through their websites or social media channels.
9. Make money blogging
A great blog attracts a wide audience, but a successful blog makes money while doing so! Monetizing your blog can be challenging, but with a few tips, it could be a lucrative adventure to earn extra cash.
One way to make money blogging is to sell ad space on your site. Advertisers will place small banners or ads on your blog, and you’ll get money every time someone views, clicks, or makes a purchase through the ad.
You can also become an affiliate marketer, which means you’ll make a small commission by promoting products for other companies. Sites like Amazon, Booking.com, eBay, Overstock have created affiliate programs specifically for bloggers to earn money.
10. Take it further
Running a blog means continuous tweaking and adjusting. You can always learn from your past experiences (or mistakes) to improve your blog for your future readers. And even if you grow your blog to be one of the most successful sites on the internet, you can always find ways to take things a step further.
Here are a few ideas for inspiration:
- Partner with companies for sponsored posts
- Have guest bloggers (or be a guest blogger yourself)
- Host giveaways
- Create an email list and fun newsletter templates
- Hire a professional website designer
- Decrease your page load times
- Update old content and articles
Creating a successful blog doesn’t happen overnight. It may take a lot of work, but having a money-making blog that people enjoy reading is always worth the effort.