Essential elements of a welcome email [infographic]

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welcome email

When a subscriber signs up to join your email list, you may be tempted to simply add their name to their database and send them the next scheduled email. But have you considered welcome emails?

Welcome emails offer an excellent opportunity to grab your new subscribers’ attention and connect them with your business right away. Plus, welcome emails have high engagement rates– they boast an average read rate of 34%, which is considerably higher than for other types of marketing emails. Additionally, welcome emails get 320% more revenue than promotional emails, an 86% lift in the unique open rate, and a 196% lift in the unique click rate.

If you aren’t sending these already, incorporating them should be at the top of your to-do list. If you are sending welcome emails, it’s time to make sure you’re including all essential elements.

Thankfully, Campaign Monitor has made it easy to do exactly that. The team has created 10 Things Every Effective Welcome Email Needs, an easy-to-follow infographic that gives tips to build a great email.

Essential tips for a successful welcome email

To help take advantage of these powerful marketing tools, here are a few essential practices for successful welcome emails:

  • Promptness – To ensure your welcome email is effective, send it as soon as a subscriber interacts with your business. Your company will be fresh in the mind of your potential new customer and they’ll be more likely to interact, or even purchase, because of this.
  • Great Content – Most welcome emails are used primarily to thank a subscriber for signing up, which is certainly important to include. But in addition to a thanks, include other content you’ve created. Share links to your content, such as blog posts, ebooks, social media platforms or where subscribers can go to get more information.
  • Email Automation – Automation makes it easy to send emails quickly, without demanding your time. You can set up automation so that when someone signs up for an email list, a welcome email is sent out instantly. And sending an email quickly is vital, as we’ve noted.

If you create engaging welcome emails that hook your subscribers from the beginning, you’ll help ensure future emails are opened and acted on. To help your welcome emails perform exactly the way you want them to, be sure to check out the infographic 10 Things Every Effective Welcome Email Needs.

welcome email infographic


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7 years ago

nice article !!

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