7 Proven Benefits of Using Social Media for New Content Creation

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7 Proven Benefits of Using Social Media for New Content Creation

Content curation is the engine behind every successful brand. Regardless of your specialization, your projects and ideas can grow in size and complexity thanks to a constant influx of content.

For getting new content, social media is the undisputed best source. Unlimited time and space for conversation create content that is later a viable part in a campaign.

Almost every big brand gets at least a part of their content from social media. Therefore, we can say it’s surely effective in both content curation and content marketing.

In this article, we’ve decided to dive into the details of social media as a platform for new content creation.

Reachability is a major key

When using social media for content marketing, you need it to be a space to gather new ideas and launch them. Acquiring ideas from another source and uploading it on social media wastes precious time.

For efficiency primarily, social media has proven to be the best solution for content curation. The sheer speed which you will share new content will give you more options for growth.

Social media can theoretically never stop growing, and your newly acquired content can reach more and more people. Content creation is pointless unless you can share it the moment it’s available. With social media, you also have additional options for discussion and customer feedback.

“Content is only as effective as its potential reach,” elaborates Emma Billups, a marketing expert at Brillassignment.co.uk. “Social media is a platform for both content creation and marketing, so acquiring content through it is the future.”

Access to categorized groups

The birth of the hashtag has brought something new to the world of content marketing – categorization. Both customers and service providers have managed to tag their products and comments.

As soon a large number of people does this, it becomes a community of sorts. In these communities, people exchange their thoughts and, most importantly, content.

Clicking on a hashtag on Instagram or Twitter will take you to the crux of that topic. Both social networks highlight the most popular posts, showing you thecontent which is successfully marketed. To improve your content marketing, you have to observe the competition and be aware of the latest trends.

Users can subscribe to hashtags, so there is no reason for you not to follow them. Doing so allows you to keep track of the latest innovations and ideas.

Lesser time invested in content marketing

No matter how prevalent artificial intelligence is in marketing, humans still have to do almost everything. Effectively marketing your content still requires you to approve the next campaign.

The “machine” only gathers and analyzes, it still doesn’t pull the trigger. For this reason, we have to save valuable time by off-sourcing our marketing.

On social media, you will find fertile soil for new content creation. Anyone can share whichever content suits them, and it can be re-shared an infinite number of times.

Using social media results in the audience sharing content not just amongst themselves, but amongst people unaware of your content. A wider outreach like this doesn’t require you to work hard on designing campaigns – your audiences do the content marketing for you.

Better audience analysis

Followers on social media can be tracked and segmented, just like any stat related to your content marketing strategy. Knowing their profiles and their preferences, you can gather data much more efficiently.

Later on, you can use that data to target your campaigns more correctly. With more success, you will see that social media is great for improving your audience analysis.

All the data you’ve gathered will result in a large margin for error and more evident results. No more content will go to waste, and your content budget will suddenly be more “flexible.” Like a chain reaction, your new utilization of social media will cause other improvements related to your brand. The basis of all that improvement lies in correct audience analysis.

A problem every marketer commonlyfaceis the validity of his audience-related data. With social media, you can observe much more details than on other platforms. Ineffective marketing, even on a tight budget, should be a problem of the past, with social media-aided solutions.

Collaboration options

Having a strong presence on social media is paramount for every brand that strives to be better. Not only will your audience expand, but you will also encounter like-minded people.

During the growth stage of your brand, you should look to make connections that will take you to the next level. For content creation in particular, social media is perhaps ideal for finding collaborators, advisors. You can even find new team members through audience outreach.

As your team becomes better suited for challenging campaigns, you will be ready for bigger and better tasks. For instance, Apple is always open to collaborating with young developers. Such a business relationship both promotes their brand and gives them fresh content to work with.

Acquiring audience-generated content

User generated content is the talk of the town. Every brand faces a challenge when they need to release new content to the public. First and foremost, the content was to be of good quality, but the biggest obstacle lies in creating it constantly.

Self-imposed deadlines, plans, and schedules can take a toll on your content marketing team. To prevent this from happening, rely more on social media for new content creation.

Organize contests for your followers to create new designs or to participate in your ideas. Like the previous benefit relating to collaboration, competitions can lead to great business relationships and benefits from both sides. Thisperfect balance leads to your “content vaults” always filled with fresh and interesting content.

Knowledge of trends

You’ve prepared your next round of content for publishing, including videos, infographics and blog posts. While they are all of the great quality, people don’t seem to be interested in them.


The most likely answer is because they either focus on ephemeral or past trends. Social media can help you prevent these kinds of mistakes, keeping you in touch with the latest topics and news.

While most marketers may notice, following trends improves your critical thinking capabilities. As a witness of many trends, you will be able to compare them. Afterward, you can use that knowledge to better your campaigns.

To Conclude

Social media holds many benefits for content marketing and content curation. Maintaining channels and observing the sphere you’re in doesn’t require much time. With such a safe investment, you will see your campaigns result in more conversions, expansions and overall success. If you haven’t already included social media into your content marketing strategy, be sure to do it as soon as possible.

You want to integrate content curation in your digital marketing strategy? Just read this free eBook and become an expert!


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About the Author

Scott Mathews
Scott Mathews is a professional content writer at content marketing, SEO and SMM. Scott`s biggest passion is blogging and travelling. He regularly takes part in different conferences and contributes his posts to different websites. Contact him on Facebook and Twitter.
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