3 reasons why you should include content marketing in your 2017 budget

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Dear marketers, the end of the year is just around the corner. It’s time to take a deeper look into 2017 and start thinking about which marketing actions to deploy for 2017. Why not launching a content marketing strategy, in addition to your usual marketing efforts? Here are 3 reasons why you should consider it.

1. Drive high-quality traffic to your website

What’s the goal of content marketing? To provide solutions to your customers’ pain points and drive engagement. To achieve this, you’ll definitely need to have an audience-centric approach, by producing educational and customized content through various formats: blog posts, eBooks, white papers, webinars etc.

Therefore, your website visitors are naturally qualified by your content and decide by themselves to consume it. Also, you’ll notice that these visitors will better match the buyer personas you defined in your strategy.

2. Boost your lead generation results through content marketing

Lead generation is one of the main goals of content marketers. As your prospects visit your website and see content that meet several of their needs, they are more likely to leave their info through effective CTAs.

Hubspot explains in a study that an inbound marketing strategy (via your content) helps generating 54% more leads than outbound marketing techniques, which are more traditional e.g. cold calling, adwords, display ads etc.

3. Keep your budget under control, and get proper visibility of your ROI.

Content marketing allows you to have a highly accurate approach of your ROI, thanks to an in-depth analysis of the number of leads generated per published post. This allows you to understand precisely the impact on your sales strategy.

Furthermore, a lead’s cost of acquisition is lower with a content marketing strategy, in comparison to other marketing campaigns. This leaves an extra budget space for your other marketing actions!

If you want a whole set of tips to generate leads with content marketing such as ways to repurpose your content into other forms, insights on which format you should focus on, techniques to measure the results and other data points, download the eBook “How to generate leads through Content Marketing“.

how to generate leads through content marketing CTA Download ebook

Image by Cafecredit.com

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