The end of the so-called digital life

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Scoop.It was proud to be a media partner at last Saturday’s TEdxSoMa, which is hosted twice a year by pariSoma. The topic of this edition was “Community 2.0”

As with most innovation, it can be used for good and bad: finding the right direction is  the responsibility of human beings, not of your laptop.

TEDxSoMa wanted to explore how the web can produce collaboration and make you even more connected with others than before, how to be sure we use the amazing possibilities of new technologies for the best. To not feel far from each other but nurture the fact that everything is literally just one click away. We are all more tightly connected than ever before. Many of the speakers Saturday expressed this idea very clearly. If you decide to, as says Leah Busque, CEO of TaskRabbit, online networks can help create offline communities. Many of the projects presented expressed the desire to make the offline and online existence an old dichotomy.

Indeed, who you are does not change depending upon the medium you use. I definitely believe that the internet is not a function but a medium. It does not replace my need for human interactions, sociability and shared experiences. Quite to the contrary, as I know now, it makes all this even easier. One click to send a thought or to connect with a person I could meet or help. There is no digital life versus …“real life”.

This artificial opposition expresses how this idea of a digital existence becomes a non sense: I have no digital life. I am a connected human being, linked to the world.  Of course, you can feel overwhelmed as the access to information you receive has been revolutionized over the last few years. To that effect it no longer really is a worldwide network, but more a web of many different communities that interact with each others. has the dream to help you find yours. A community helping you to share your interests, to find information or explore a new passion. Your community is not only the people who are interested in the same things as you but the ones who, like you, see intelligent content as a great basis for an inspiring discussion.

The next challenge is to use the web to allow you to interact with others and get exactly the same human experience. At, we always love to imagine that using curation to make more sense does not only give a context for smart content but creates a place for a community based on the interest graph. Because curation is not a concept or a buzzword. It is the work and creation of passionate human beings who use the web as a medium to share even more.

It is exactly what you do, and always did, in your life, and will do, with a little help from even more in the near future….

To explore TEDxSoMa and the insights of this event, have a look at their page

Credits: Mischa Nachtigal

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About the Author

Benoit Lamy
Former consultant and entrepreneur, sport and tech addict, Benoit is in charge of team and product, after having managed Business team in Europe for 5 years.
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Vago Bond
13 years ago

Noble stuff. Nice to see that people are thinking about the future and the consequences.

Vago Bond
13 years ago

Noble stuff. Nice to see that people are thinking about the future and the consequences.

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