Lord of Curation Series – Daniel Watson

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“All we have to decide is what to do with the information that is given us.”

Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on Scoop.it. They are here to share their insights and advice with you.

Daniel Watson is an Experienced Director, Senior Executive, Business Owner, Management Consultant and SME Business Transformation Specialist with broad experience in a range of Australian industries and sectors.

– What is curation to you?

I find that curation provides me with:

a)    intellectual stimulation,

b)    an ongoing challenge in respect to identifying key search terms, gathering followers and undertaking the necessary curation activity on a regular and consistent basis,

c)    an exponential increase in my knowledge of my topic as well as broader subjects,

d)    an opportunity to utilise qualifications and extensive experience in a way that can help others, and

e)    a means of delivering additional content to my social media channels.

– What is your best curating secret?

I carefully choose items that are:

a)    universally applicable,

b)    can be easily understood and digested by those who follow my topic,

c)    relatively timeless in terms of content,

d)    not overtly written for an audience in a specific country, and

e)    which are not blatant advertisements for the services of the originator.

– How has curation enriched your social media experience?

Curation has been a revelation to me in that it has:

a)    convinced me that the world did not need another business blogger, but it certainly did need a way for business owners to access useful information that had already been put through a good quality filter that they could trust to exclude rubbish,

b)    shown me a way to identify quality content to share with my LinkedIn connections, Twitter followers, Facebook Business Page fans etc,

c)    enabled me to locate other great curators and to follow their topics, and

d)    helped me see that it is not necessary to monetise everything to gain value from time spent online.

– Your Scoop.it topic successfully illustrates your obvious passion and skill for building a business. How did this become a major interest of yours?

As the Managing Director of Rhodan Management Consultants Pty Ltd, a Melbourne, Australia based company that was established in 1994, I have a professional interest in assisting the owners/operators of SME business enterprises to grow and develop their businesses. I also hold a Bachelor of Business in Business Administration, and I am a long term member of both the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Institute of Management.

I work mostly with the principals of SME businesses, and I am acutely aware of their needs and the pressures they work under, that often limit the time they have available to actually work on their businesses, rather than in them. As such, I am passionate about helping them to overcome the barriers they face to working on their businesses, hence becoming a curator and selecting Business Improvement as my topic, has been an extension of finding ways I can be of more assistance to business owners in a way that is cost and time effective for them.

The Lord of Curation Series is to be continued next week. Stay tuned!

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13 years ago

Well done Lord Daniel!


[…] Daniel Watson […]

Chuck Bartok
12 years ago

Thanks for the tips outlined above. I am new to Scoop.it and finding intriguing. Communication to others about my passions (and theirs) has been a lifelong venture

13 years ago

Well done Lord Daniel!

Chuck Bartok
12 years ago

Thanks for the tips outlined above. I am new to Scoop.it and finding intriguing. Communication to others about my passions (and theirs) has been a lifelong venture

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