Don’t Be a Cause without a Context

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Don’t Be a Cause without a Context
Context is always the key, especially for our community of curators that know that it allows instantly to give more visibility to your passion, expertise or voice.

We know that the digital environment created a very powerful context. The web has become the world’s largest pulpit.

But everyday, more people express themselves online, for many different reasons, it therefore has become increasingly difficult to be heard. We are bombarded by the equivalent of 174 newspapers every day a new study just found. But some of those pages deserve more attention than others., since the beginning, always wanted to give a space of expression where you can have a chance to talk about your favorite topics, passions or your expertise, going beyond of the noise in order to make sense of the web again. That’s probably one of the greatest roles curators represent nowadays .

As educators found instantly how to use the context we were providing to continue the dialogue with their students out of the classrooms or to collaborate with their colleagues to explore the revolution the learning process and schools have to embrace, we are thrilled to see non-profits joining us every day.

The digital evolution definitely represents a great chance for associations to spread the word faster and maybe better if you understand the best practices. Curators such as Beth Kanter already uses curation to inform how to get the best of social media platforms or the web.

Being part of the social dialogue online is already a necessary step for non-profits.

Now, they are probably confronted even more than anybody with the need of context and the solution to escape the information overload. It is the bare minimum to have a Facebook Page and a Twitter account. But when there are 200 000 000 tweets per day or more activity on the web in 60 seconds than you could produce in a whole life, how to be sure your online strategy is still efficient. The only reason to be here is the same than when you are not in front of your computer: it’s to be heard, to express what is meaningful for you. Non-profits, by definition, have only one strategy to create on the web: being visible and be sure that people who are interested in their cause, want to support or just be part of the debate, have the possibility to interact with them. A publishing-by-curation gives them such a dedicated place. Forget the noise, start building.

We are glad to see non-profits start pages where they can not only communicate on what they are doing and lastest news but also go deeper into the conversation with users around their values. envisions to be the media for qualitative content and shared knowledge. Could it help to build a better w(eb)orld? We love to imagine that the humanrithm produces collective intelligence here. Non-profits seem like a natural curator and users for us. Being heard is their best strategy online, and it’s more a question of context than obvious tools.

Welcome to the platform that just wants to make this even more possible day after day.

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About the Author

Benoit Lamy
Former consultant and entrepreneur, sport and tech addict, Benoit is in charge of team and product, after having managed Business team in Europe for 5 years.
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[…] Scoopit: " wants to help curating content, especially for nonprofits that could use a great context: being visible and being sure that people who are interested in their cause, want to support it, or just be part of the debate, have the possibility to interact with them. A publishing-by-curation gives them such a dedicated place. Forget the noise, start building." – from Axelle Tessandier on the Scoopit Blog.  […]

Daniel Com
Daniel Com
12 years ago

Busco quien me ayude al desarrollo de un proyecto que llamo “Sistema de Control de Transito”. Para su posterior patentamiento y comercialización. Estoy dispuesto a compartir los beneficios económicos que otorgue. Si bien no seré especifico para proteger la idea, paso a exponer que beneficios permite alcanzar el “Sistema de Control del Transito”. El sistema permite: la identificiòn de los vehículos, y de sus propietarios. Dando por ende también la ubicación del mismo. Permite saber la velocidad a que circulan; por lo tanto identificar los excesos de velocidad permitida. Permite medir el flujo o caudal vehicular, identificando a cada vehiculo… Read more »

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