Digital Learning Day: 5 #EdTech Curators to Follow

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Today, February 5th, 2014, is Digital Learning Day. According to its website, the focus of this awareness campaign is “about giving every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment everyday, with the goal of success in college and a career.”

To celebrate, here are 5 of the best, must-follow #edtech curators on

 John Evans (@joevans)

Retired Teacher/School Leader with a passion for technology infusion across the curriculum.

Curates iPads in Education, Professional Learning for Busy Educators


Jim Lerman (@jimlerman

Learner, Teacher, Leader, Author, Speaker, Collaborator, Consultant, Curator, Focused on new schools for new learning.

Curates Into the Driver’s Seat, The 4th Era


Kathleen McClaskey (@khmmc)

Co-founder of Personalize Learning, EdTech evangelist, innovative leader, consultant, presenter & trainer of tools!

Curates Leveling the Playing Field with Apps, Personalize Learning


Mark E. Deschaine, PhD (@MarkEDeschaine)

Focuses on leadership issues, effective education, special education, edtech, professional development.

Curates Effective Technology Integration into Education


Anne Whaits (@vcnam)

Teaching & learning specialist in HE; drive adoption of interactive pedagogies, supporting ed tech & innovative learning design.

Curates Interactive Teaching and Learning, Transformative Digital Learning Design 

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Vmrakhesh Mohanraj
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