Ready for take-off? Here’s your Content Marketing checklist

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Here is a 50 point Second Half Content Marketing Checklist to help you create content like an A-lister. Use these questions to get your content on track.


Great but slightly overwhelming recap by Heidi Cohen of what it takes to have a successful content marketing plan in place. Because that list is very long, I would highlight the following since in my experience, they’ve been what helped people getting started and see value to invest more time and resources:

A. Define KPI’s – and ways to measure them (#1)

Not all content marketing strategies have the same objectives: what are yours? Focus on the key metrics that matter and audit your current situation to then plan on improving them.

B. Monitor and curate (#3 and #8):

Understand what your competitors do and what influencers write about in your market is a great way to get up to speed. But don’t get stuck at the analysis level and make it a passive experience: make it useful by curating and publishing what you find valuable. It’ll help you get started with limited time and understand how people react to it.

C. Focus your resources on a few major content pieces (#7)

You’ll get more from a few good pieces than by spreading you thin on dozens average blog posts. Pick your battles and create that white paper, slideshare or article that nobody has written yet. Use what you’ve learned at the B stage to identify the gaps that need to be filled.

D. Scale and augment through content curation (#8)

So what do you publish in between these great epic pieces? Content curation is not only a great way to bootstrap your content strategy, it’s an awesome way to scale it.

E. Measure (#1)

Go back to your KPI’s defined in A and find out whether you’ve improved them.



For more lean content marketing tips from Mark Schaefer, Rebecca Lieb, Lee Odden, Jason Miller, Erika Heald on many other inspiring content marketing influencers, download our free ebook.
ROI or RIP - The Lean Content Marketing Guide for SMBs - Download the free eBook
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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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This is great. Cool post on content marketing – big area of focus for us right now. Need more content like this :D.

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