Is content marketing hard? 7 lessons learned +1 (curation)

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Is content marketing hard? “Content Marketing is a long term commitment.”

Read the full article at:

In this article, Mike Huber rightly says “more is what you need when it comes to content marketing”, and then points out in 6. that “your team needs to be all in”.

And since “the best time to start a content marketing program is 5 years ago and the second best time is today” and “1 in 1,691 at bats = grand slam”, you’d better start publishing content regularly now.

Our experience adds one lesson to this post: curation helps you publish more. And not just more, also better. Because not only creating content is long (4 hours average for a blog post), it’s also 4x to 7x less trusted than third-party content.

Curation provides you fresh content that is relevant to your audience (if chosen correctly, of course) and qualitative.

It helps you get better at SEO, and thus increases traffic to your website.

So… What are you waiting for?


And if you want experts’ tips to make your Content Marketing easier, download our free ebook.

ROI or RIP - The Lean Content Marketing Guide for SMBs - Download the free eBook
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About the Author

Julie Gauthier
Julie was our Director of Marketing. Before joining the other side of the Force, Julie was a client of while managing the Marketing of another SaaS software start-up in San Francisco for 2 years (Ivalua). With a Master’s Degree in Consulting from Audencia Graduate School of Management, Julie has lived in 4 different countries and worked in Marketing and Consulting for Apple, l’Oréal, Cartier and Weave Consulting. Besides being a tech nerd tweeting about New Technologies (@JulieGTR), Julie is a pretty serious sports addict (ski, muay thai, field hockey, tennis, etc.), a traveling fanatic and a foodie (either in the privacy of her kitchen or at new trendy restaurants).
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alen owen
9 years ago

What most people forget is that SEO is a longe term strategy. So, start now

Xavier Tan
9 years ago

content marketing is hard for saas, especially seo. here’s an informative post on how to do seo/content marketing for saas businesses

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