It is possible to build daily habits that guarantee to give you higher ranking and greater marketing success.
Read the full article at:
www.searchenginejournal.comIn his article,
Neil Patel lists 5 daily habits you can (and should) start doing if you want your rankings to go up and get more results out of your content marketing efforts:1. Write and publish one article – 1 hour per day for 1 to 2 articles per week.2. Update one old article – 10 min per day.3. Post a link to an article on every social media platform – 5 min per day.4. Interact on one forum – 10 min per day.5. Reply to one Tweet, Google+ update, Facebook post, and LinkedIn discussion, etc. – 10 min per day.He explains exactly why you should get these 5 habits to ensure you greater results in your content marketing strategy and then gives you practical insights on how to master those habits.This list is great and I try my best to spend about an hour doing them every day, simply because they do work. Given our experience, I’d like to talk about a sixth practice that has had a real impact on our content marketing ROI, and that I’m sure Neil would like. It’s content curation. Let me know Neil!
6. Curate an article
Time required: 20 minutes. For one blog post. For real.20 minutes a day would give you one article a day. Not too shabby heh?You don’t have to do it every day, but since it takes in average 4 hours to write a full article (in our analysis that’s the average we’ve observed even though I’m sure some people can write much faster), if I spend an hour a day writing an article from scratch and the last 3x 20 minutes I have in the week to curate 3 blog posts, that means I can publish 4 articles per week.Of course, just like writing, it’s not going to take you 20 minutes right away or every time. But practice makes perfect.
The benefits of content curation
– it
keeps you posted on what is being published on your domain by experts, magazines, competitors, etc. You know what your audience likes to read (given the number of shares of the articles) and you can curate accordingly to answer questions your audience is asking.- it allows you to
interact with the actors in your domain. Just like Neil Patel explains in his point #3 to interact with others. And it’s what I’m doing right now! I hope that curating his article and letting him know that I wrote it by commenting his blog post will engage us in a first connection that could grow with time. Who knows, maybe he’ll even publish a guest post for us one day!- it makes your
google rankings go up.
Bruce Clay proved it in a study to calculate the validity of claims that content curation was bad for SEO. He conducted an
experiment with the objective of learning whether curated content was able to reach the same SEO rankings as original content. Here are the results:
– it’s a great way to
publish more content, especially if you find yourself buried in marketing tasks and don’t have enough time to write a complete blog article every week. And since “businesses with websites of 401-1000 pages get 6x more leads than those with 51-100 pages” (Hubspot report), publishing more content is important.
Almost as important as publishing good content.As
Jason Miller, Senior Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn, puts it, “content curation not only alleviates the pressure of having to devote valuable time to creating original content, but it also adds credibility and third party validations to your efforts.”
How to start curating today
If you don’t have a curation tool, it may take a while to find the appropriate content to curate.Fortunately for you there are very good free tools that allow you to automate the content discovery part to find for you content that fit exactly your needs.Not just an RSS feed that gives you all the articles a company blog publishes. Rather, a powerful search engine that will narrow down your search within the blogs you like to the keywords you’ve set (long tail is always more efficient, for obvious reasons). Those tools also allow you to link your social media channels and schedule your messages for you:
And of course, if you want to step up your game, you can upgrade your tool to get a more complete platform, allowing you to:- integrate with your blog,- set publishing goals for your blog and your social media channels,- schedule all of your social media messages on your channels,- analyze exactly the results of each action you’ve set (views, visitors, leads generated, and the same view per blog post).Just in case you were wondering, curation is not duplicate content. Here is an article that
explains why.
And if you’d like to see how content curation can help you improve SEO, you should read this eBook!
Image by Andrew Stawarz.
This is a better Scoop: Brainwreck: The Truth: The many Americans and Jewish Leftist and others are funding The New Israel Fund and Jstreet to help destroy Israel. Both of them work in BDS movement run by the Muslim Brotherhood and have contact with Hamas. This is a violation of the Patriot Act and American Nonprofit laws. This has been reported to the IRS and Israeli Security. EXCLUSIVE: American Tax-Deductible Contributions Pay For Defense Of Arab Terrorists in Israel American Jews are funding the families of Arab terrorists who kill Jews in Jerusalem. 6.20.2015 News Ronn Torossian 18 211411 A… Read more »
Julie, you mention using curation tools, but don’t discuss any specific tools. Can you make any recommendations?
Hi Sherm, Of course I can recommend you great tools! It all depends on your needs. If you’re a beginner or an intermediate, then you can start with a free tool to get convinced of the power of content curation: among them, our free tool counts more than 2M users and has a very good reputation, and you also have feedly or storify that I like. Here is an article that I like to quote for the beginner and intermediate parts: And if you’re looking for something a bit more complete (as I mentioned in the article, some tools… Read more »
Would StumbleUpon be an example of a curation tool? I’m wondering too.
Hi Janice, StumbleUpon is more of a content discovery platform. You enter what you like or search for and they find content on their platform for you to enjoy. Content curation is more about taking that article and curating it to then distribute it to your audience. In that sense, would be a bit different: you enter any website you like, any twitter person or mention you’d like to follow, and then you put some sets of keywords. Then the search engine searches on any platform on the web (google, bing, youtube, twitter, RSS, etc.) for those keywords. It… Read more »
Have you tried They have a great social media curation – curious to see how we can integrate the two.
Interesting! I haven’t but I will look into it. Thing is the search engines searches everywhere, social media included: we can find youtube videos, pdf documents, blog articles, and we search in google, bing, twitter, linkedin, etc. I’m sure if it’s necessary though we could create an integration between both!
Yes, that’s true! It really depends on what you are looking to do. I love Tint mostly because of functionalities and real-time display of all your social content in one place.
I’d like to add to your awesome post here some curation tools we recently researched & wrote about!
Good stuff.
Hey Julie,
This is the first time I have heard of curation and its tools. But it does make sense. I really appreciated how you broke down your time. I do that too but it is a little longer. I am a new blogger with limited traffic, I don’t know how I could achieve this just yet. However I will keep it mind down the track. Thanks.
Hi Rachel, If you want to get traffic, it isn’t about doing “too much”, rather about doing “enough” to get noticed. Curation shouldn’t be used to publish 10 times a day. But curation helps you 1. find great content out there, and 2. when you think it’s relevant, add value to it and publish it on your blog (always attribute your source and quote only a paragraph of the article, not the whole thing). If you’d like to see in detail how content curation works and why it’s probably one of the best practices if you want to improve SEO,… Read more »
Hey Julie,
Thanks for the response. I am at the stage where I am looking at improving my marketing techniques or lack there of. I did hit your link and it gave me the error 404 page not found. I really would like a read. I await your response.
Hi Rachel,
sorry about that, the link above should work now! Let me know!
wow that’s really informative. I better check more articles from here 🙂
Thanks Rick!! Subscribe to the newsletter if you want to get a weekly recap of the posts we send out! 🙂
Your tutorial is awesome and very informative. It will help me more.
Short tips but very effective. People who have blog must really learn from this post. It will surely help boost their rankings.
Thank you for providing all the links. This information was solid and informative.
Nice article! I know a lot of my earlier articles on my blog could use improvement. I think that may a way of attacking “Writer’s block.”
There’s little doubt that content curation should be a daily activity for any/all content marketers whether you’re a big brand or a local SMB competing on the social web
true…and I agree!!