7 tools to improve readability of your blog

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It is every blogger’s dream to churn content that people love reading. In addition, good content gets you followers which in turn gets you more sales. Writing great content is not everyone’s cup of tea. To be a good writer, your content should be crisp and readable. Fortunately, there are easy mathematical formulae to check readability. Some of these are Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease, Coleman-Liau Index and SMOG Index. There are also many tools that will help you improve your readability and correct errors.

Before you upload your content on your blog, do a quick check using one or more of these tools and improve your content based on their recommendations.

Hemingway Editor

This is a quick use tool that does not require you to sign up with them. You can simply paste the sentences you want to analyze for readability and it will give you the results. This tools analyses readability based on ease of reading, passive voice, use of adverbs and more. It also categorizes sentences as hard or very hard to read. It also highlights complex words that have simple alternatives.

For example, we tested the sentences above using this tools and got the below results.

Readability Test Tool

This tool allows you to test both a web page, and text blocks. If you are a blogger who wants to test what you have written, you need to use their second option – “Test by Direct Input”.

As an example, I tested the above sentences using this tools and results are as below. The results how you readability indices, grade level and even text statistics including the percentage of complex words.

Essay Writing Service

Using tools to give you instant results is a savior, but nothing beats the human mind of a researcher. Automated tools cannot be perfect but professional writers, who do this for a living, can definitely give you high-quality content. They can edit your content, proofread it, improve sentence structure and reformat it. If you are a perfectionist, it is prudent to hire a professional writer to improve the readability of your blog.

You can work with freelance writers or credible agencies. For example, choosing an agency that puts you on to the writer is a recommended choice. This enables you to talk to the writer directly and make sure you both are on the same page as far as the deliverables are concerned. Most writers would be happy to chip in with content as well, in addition to improving readability.

HubSpot Blog Topic Generator

Many times, you would have completed your blog, but would be struggling with the apt topic. The title of a post can be a make or break deal because it determines if viewers will actually click open the post. With a short attention span in online viewers, it is important to have an eye-catching title. This tool gives you a few suggestions on what titles you can use for your blog. This works based on the keywords you input. This does not mean you will get the perfect title every time. But it can certainly give you ideas that you can modify and use.

For example, I tried to get some title suggestions for this post and here is what I got.


If you have the broad content in place but need to narrow it down to specific key points, Buzzsumo is the tool for you. This tool gives you insights into what content is popular. It gives you statistical data on how topics perform over different social media platforms, and what kind of user engagement they generated.

For example, we tested “readability tools” and got the following results. These results indicate which similar topic is covered by which website or competitor. It also gives the activity the topic generated on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. They also have a paid version which gives you additional features.

Yoast SEO

If your blog is on WordPress, this is your go-to tool. Yoast needs you to install and set up its plugin before using. If you are even marginally tech savvy, then it is recommended you use Yoast as it gives inputs on how you can optimize your content for good search engine performance.

There are many free tutorials available online that can help you use this tool. This tool gives you information such as word count in sentences, use of passive voice, readability index scores, use of transition words and more.


No blog is complete without good images. Very long text only posts might lead to your reader losing interest and bouncing off the page. Adding eye-catching images, photographs or graphics can add spice to your blog. Infographics are also a great way to present information. It gives your viewer a quick snapshot of what the content is, and at the same time has a good visual appeal.

If you have no designing skills and would not like to hire a designer to make graphics for you, Piktochart is a useful tool. It has over 600 templates you can choose from and customize as per your requirements.

Using these tools can greatly help you improve your writing skills, and over time, you can be a perfect writer, who probably gets a 100% score on all these tools. The key is practice and perseverance.


And if you need help choosing the best software to skyrocket your content marketing results for 2017, download our free guide with over 44 tools reviewed!

Image by Monoar Rahman

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Mike Raines
7 years ago

I love the Yoast SEO tool. Thanks for some great information.

Karoline Page
Karoline Page
6 years ago

As for me, I adore HubSpot and Hemingway editor. I also like Writing Professors to help me with the content. Thank you very much for providing the other tools, your work is highly appreciated.

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