Content curation can be hugely beneficial for your marketing campaign and save you a lot of time. In fact, in today’s competitive digital marketing space, content curation is almost a necessity. Building your brand relevance, saving time and energy, and connecting with your audience are some of the many benefits of content curation.
Your brand’s image is the content you share because it’s how your audience sees you. So, it is imperative to share content that lets you connect to your audience emotionally. An AI content writing tool can make your content more impactful by optimizing the right emotions.
Sharing your original content is great, but giving your audience the taste of curated content once in a while can work wonders for your business. No wonder 60% of B2B marketers say that content curation can help to produce engaging content! Also, if you want to give your curated content a personal touch, you can always use an AI content writing tool to make it more impactful by optimizing the right emotions.
This blog will cover the nitty-gritty of content curation. It will also highlight its advantages and how you can use content curation to scale your content marketing strategy.
Let’s get going!
What is Content Curation?
When you select content created by others and share it with your audience, it is called content curation. The selected content can be anything from an informative blog post from a company in your industry to a topical post that relates to your signature product or service.
Advantages of content curation
Let’s briefly look at the many advantages of content curation:
- Easy fix for gaps in your content calendar
Your content marketing strategy must include posting at least thrice a week to your various social media platforms. However, if you encounter gaps in your social media content calendar, then content curation is a convenient way to fix them.
- Time and energy efficiency
Producing your original content each day can be time-consuming and require effort from you and your team. However, curating content can give you much-needed relief as it requires much less time and effort.
- Building brand reputation
Content curation establishes your reputation as an expert in your industry when you share content from renowned brands. This provides your audience with additional value and multiple perspectives to feel like they have made the right decision to follow you.
- Building your network
It allows you to foster amity with other brands in your industry when you share their content on your platforms, thus helping to build your network. This might encourage them to share your content, thereby increasing your brand presence.
How to Leverage Content Curation to ace Your Marketing Campaign
Here’s how you can leverage content curation to accelerate your marketing strategy and create impeccable content.
Content curation, if done correctly, is the easier way to maintain the content flow and, at the same time, enables you to connect with your audience and gain their trust. Various content writing tools can help you with sharing curated content. Let’s go over some proper ways to curate content that will contribute to the success of your marketing campaign.
- Learn what your audience cares about
The first thing to do when curating content is research. Research is the backbone of any marketing campaign, and, in this case, you need to research your audience thoroughly. You need to understand what your target audience likes and doesn’t like to share content that appeals to them.
You can create audience personas as it allows you to think of them as real people with likes and dislikes. Find out about their concerns and their lifestyles. This will help you know exactly what your target audience wants and how you can deliver it in your curated content.
- Choose a reputable source for curated content
All your curated content should always be from a reputable source regardless of your industry. Checking sources ensures that the content is fresh, relevant, and accurate. You must check the Domain Authority (DA) of websites before curating your content. The higher the DA, the more reputable the site is.
For finding relevant content that your audience will instantly connect with, the following sources can be of help:
- Twitter Trends
Try to find something relevant to your brand in the trending hashtags on Twitter.
- Major News Outlets
Big names in the news industry know what is more likely to engage people, so they can help you find something recent that will immediately draw your audience’s attention.
- Buzzsumo
You can use Buzzsumo for analyzing trending content and finding out what is relevant and trending by putting in specific keywords.
- Your Existing Network
You must closely follow your industry contemporaries. This would constantly serve as a source for good quality content for your audience.
- Fact-check the content
Before sharing any content with your audience, ensure that your content is authentic. You cannot take everything on the internet at face value.
Sharing inaccurate content can easily break the trust you have spent years building with your audience. It is of utmost importance that you check the facts mentioned in the content are accurate.
- Add your personal context
Adding your take or perspective on curated content is something that sets you apart. It lets your audience connect with you even though the shared content is from another source. There are several ways to share your thoughts when curating content.
You can summarize the content by highlighting the key takeaways, asking questions related to the content, or sharing a relevant quote.
If adding your personal context seems a little challenging to you, you can use Instoried. This brilliant AI content writing tool analyzes the tones and emotions of your text and provides you with recommendations for emotionally targeted content.
- Quoting the original content
Maintaining ethical standards is vital to uphold the reputation of your brand. Never forget that sharing someone else’s content is fine, but stealing is not. Plagiarism is a big ‘no’ when representing your brand online through content writing and marketing. It can tarnish your hard-earned reputation in a single blow and can even result in legal disputes.
Therefore, whenever you curate content, you must always link the source or tag their social media accounts. Content curation can only help your marketing campaign when you respect the original content creators.
- Schedule curated posts in advance
Publishing content at the right time on various social media platforms can be a game-changer for your marketing campaign. That is why it is imperative to schedule posts well in advance, so you do not have to remember to manually post content at the right time on every social media channel.
You do not need to be at your desk all day and night. So, scheduling posts in advance can save you a lot of time and ensure that the curated content reaches your audience and the engagement level is high.
By now, you must be well-acquainted with content curation, its advantages, and how to do it the right way. Let’s give you more insight into content curation through the below-mentioned infographic.

Content curation is an efficient way to drive engagement from your target audience and increase your brand presence when done the right way. It helps you maintain a regular posting schedule without putting in much time and effort.
It allows you to maintain conversations with your audience about trending topics. As a result, it will enable you to pick up on your audience’s tastes easily and quickly. You can see what kind of content your audience loves to engage with and share with other people.