Harnessing User-Generated Content for Authentic Brand Building

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Did you know that, according to a recent survey, 79% of people stated that user-generated content (UGC) influenced their purchase decisions in a significant way?

This is proof that brands can’t get away with using cookie-cutter templates and copying their competitors’s strategies and selling points.

Hence, in this article, we will explore different types of UGC, strategies to encourage and manage it, and the benefits of incorporating UGC into your broader content marketing efforts.

Types of User-Generated Content

UGC comes in various types and formats, each offering unique opportunities for you to engage with your audience and build authenticity. Here are some of the most common types of UGC:

Social Media Posts

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are rich sources of UGC. Users share posts, photos, and videos about their experiences with brands, which brands can repurpose to reach a broader audience. Social media content is highly engaging and often includes hashtags that help brands track and collect UGC.

You can encourage posts by creating specific hashtags and asking customers to tag your brand.

Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings are powerful forms of UGC that provide social proof. They are commonly found on e-commerce sites, review platforms like Yelp and TripAdvisor, and social media. Positive reviews can boost credibility and influence purchase decisions, while negative feedback offers insights for improvement.

They build trust and reliability, as potential customers value the genuine experiences shared by their peers over traditional advertising. 

Visual Content (Photos and Videos)

Photos and videos are highly engaging forms of UGC that capture real user experiences. They offer visual proof of your product’s impact, enhancing credibility. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are ideal for sharing this content. 

You can encourage users to create and share unboxing videos, product demos, and lifestyle photos by running contests or featuring their content on your channels. Visual UGC not only boosts engagement but also provides valuable content that can be repurposed for marketing campaigns.

Blog Posts and Articles

Blog posts and articles are in-depth UGC where customers share detailed experiences and insights about your products or services. They offer valuable perspectives and can enhance your brand’s credibility. 

Encouraging loyal customers to write guest posts for your blog not only diversifies content but also builds community trust. 

Also, featuring these articles on your website boosts SEO and provides authentic testimonials. Platforms like Medium and personal blogs are common places for such UGC, helping attract and engage a wider audience.

Influencer Content

This type of UGC is highly effective because influencers are seen as trustworthy by their audience, making their endorsements more impactful than traditional ads. 

They create and share content featuring your brand, leveraging their credibility and reach to promote your products or services. The content can include sponsored posts, reviews, unboxing videos, and social media takeovers. 

To maximize benefits, choose influencers whose values align with your brand and whose followers match your target audience. By tapping into influencer content, you can boost brand visibility, drive engagement, and build trust through authentic, relatable endorsements.

Proven Strategies for Encouraging User-Generated Content

The idea is to encourage your customers to create and share valuable content about your products or services. Here are some proven strategies:

Create Hashtag Campaigns

Creating hashtag campaigns is a powerful strategy to encourage UGC. Start by designing a unique, memorable hashtag related to your brand or campaign theme. Promote this hashtag across all your marketing channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your website. 

Encourage your audience to use the hashtag when posting their content, making it easy to track and curate submissions. Offer incentives, such as featuring the best posts on your official pages or rewarding participants with discounts and prizes. 

A great example of a successful hashtag campaign is Apple’s #ShotOniPhone Campaign. Apple asked users to share photos taken with their iPhones using the hashtag #ShotOniPhone to showcase the camera quality. 

The campaign generated over 29 million Instagram posts, creating a vast collection of UGC that highlighted the iPhone’s camera capabilities.

Run Contests and Challenges

These campaigns engage your audience by inviting them to create and share content in exchange for rewards. 

A popular example is when Starbucks invited customers to decorate their white Starbucks cups and share photos using the hashtag #WhiteCupContest.

In the first three weeks, over 4,000 submissions were made, significantly increasing customer engagement and driving sales.

Start by defining a clear objective and theme that aligns with your brand. Use compelling prizes, such as discounts, free products, or public recognition, to motivate participation. Promote the contest across all your channels, including social media, email, and your website. Ensure you set clear rules and guidelines for submissions, including specific hashtags for tracking entries. 

Regularly engage with participants by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. This not only boosts visibility but also encourages more users to join, creating a buzz around your brand and generating authentic UGC.

Leverage Popular Trends

Monitor current trends and challenges on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter to identify opportunities that align with your brand. Participate in viral challenges or create your own, encouraging users to join by offering incentives such as prizes or features on your official channels. 

For instance, If you’re a clothing brand, you can use popular TikTok trends and sounds to stay relevant to your audience. A recent trending sound is “EX7STENCE,” which has been widely used by influencers and content creators to highlight their fashion choices, daily routines, and engaging transitions.

Focusing on staying relevant and tapping into what’s popular will help you boost user participation and generate authentic, timely UGC that resonates with a wider audience.

Highlight Genuine Customer Stories and Testimonials

Share real experiences from customers who have benefited from your products or services. These stories add a human touch and make your brand relatable. Collect testimonials through email requests, social media, or directly on your website. 

Ensure the stories are detailed and specific, showcasing how your product solved a problem or enhanced the customer’s life. Feature these testimonials prominently on your website, social media, and marketing materials. Video testimonials are particularly impactful as they provide a more personal and engaging narrative. 

Airbnb has won this game by sharing real stories from hosts and guests who have had unique experiences using their service. This adds a human touch and makes the Airbnb brand more relatable.

Tips for Integrating UGC into Your Broader Content Marketing Strategy

Integrating UGC into your content marketing strategy enhances brand authenticity and engagement. Start by setting clear objectives for your UGC campaigns, such as boosting brand awareness or increasing sales. Align the UGC you showcase with your brand’s values; for instance, highlight eco-friendly practices if your brand focuses on sustainability.

Also, pay attention to how you store your content in Sharepoint backups, as proper data management can significantly accelerate your content curation workflows. To maximize reach, repurpose the content you store and share it across multiple platforms, including your website, social media, and email newsletters.

Additionally, ensure to incorporate UGC into paid ads for higher engagement, as real customer experiences are often more compelling than traditional ads. 

More importantly, continuously encourage customers to create and share content through contests and challenges to maintain a steady stream of fresh UGC by regularly highlighting new contributions. This keeps your brand relevant and engaging for your audience.

Finally, establish efficient processes for content management and automation, everything from Office to PDF conversion, data annotation, and proper automation chains, to support your content team’s efforts. This ensures smooth planning and execution of your UGC strategy without unnecessary obstacles.

Benefits of User-Generated Content

  • Authenticity and trust: UGC is perceived as more genuine and trustworthy than traditional advertising.
  • Increased engagement: UGC encourages interaction and builds a community around the brand.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Reduces the need for expensive content creation.
  • SEO benefits: Fresh, relevant content has a positive impact on SERP rankings.
  • Valuable insights: Provides direct feedback from customers, which can help you understand your audience better.


Using UGC in your content marketing strategy boosts customer engagement and offers insights into consumer preferences and experiences. As marketing becomes more customer-focused, brands that use UGC effectively will succeed in an era where authenticity and transparency are crucial.

So don’t risk getting left behind. Leverage UGC today to connect more deeply with your audience and drive long-term loyalty and growth.

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About the Author

Shanice Jones
Shanice Jones is a techy nerd and copywriter from Chicago. For the last five years, she has helped over 20 startups building B2C and B2B content strategies that have allowed them to scale their business and help users around the world.