Third-party content is 4x to 7x more trusted than your own

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“I had always believed that most of the marketing content used by a company should be developed internally (…). Because of three recent research studies, I now have a different view on this issue.”


Some people still think that the only type of content that can demonstrate your expertise and show your thought leadership is the one you create.

If you’re still thinking that, think again as the data has spoken.

what types of content do you most trust and value - CMO council

David Dodd used to be one of them and he explains in this article why he changed his mind after analyzing results from several research studies focusing specifically on B2B marketing.

The research – based on an extensive of more than 400 B2B content consumers – highlights beyond any doubt that people simply don’t trust vendor-created content: a Third-party content is 4x to 7x more trusted than your own!

The solution is probably not to stop creating anything: you have opinions and you can create strong original content. But more often then not, you’ll be more convincing if you can publish curated content that supports your overall message, or if you leverage contributors to grow your content production and reach.

(And this article is a curated one by the way so let me know if you feel more convinced).

If you want to get 30 effective techniques to master content marketing along with valuable insights from 10+ influencers like Mark Schaefer, Rebecca Lieb, Lee Odden, Jason Miller or Ian Cleary, download our free eBook now!


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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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10 years ago

Loved the visual 🙂 I completely agree the value of 3rd party content is incredible.
Encouraging brand advocates (your most passionate customers) to share and create content is absolutely the best way to get tons of third party content on a regular basis.

Maruf Abdullah
10 years ago

Nice view. I agree with your thinking.

David Mortaz
David Mortaz
9 years ago

We use Scoop to find share content which gets favorited and retweeted often. But our own website content also gets retweeted as well. But what happened to the promotional plan to upgrade to enterprise for $10 per month?

9 years ago
Reply to  David Mortaz

Do you mean our Pro version @davidmortaz:disqus? We don’t sell the Enterprise version online as we customize it to client needs. Shoot us an email at business at so we can discuss yours and find the best fit. Thanks!

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