3 Key Take-Aways for Content Marketers From the 2015 CMI/MarketingProfs Benchmark

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“This is the fifth year that MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute have put together this report on how marketers use content in their marketing mix. With changes in the industry, the report may look a little different than you remember.”

Source: www.slideshare.net

Content Marketing is being adopted very quickly, especially by B2B Marketers. The Content Marketing Institute together with MarketingProfs published this great report that gives many enlightening facts about the key challenges they face and how they resolve them.

Among other great findings, here’s what I found particularly interesting:


1. How often should B2B Marketers publish content?

Of course, there is not a single answer to that question but 59% of B2B Marketers publish either weekly or more often. 42% say they publish new content every day or several times a week. Only 20% publish monthly or less than once a month.

These numbers are progressing year over year so what does it mean to B2B marketers?

It means Content Marketing is a race. You can’t stop at publishing occasionally anymore. You need to find ways to scale up your content to become a daily publisher because that’s where the market will eventually drive you. To achieve that without exponentially increasing budget, consider lean content marketing techniques.


2. What new Content Marketing Methods are being seen as the most effective?

The survey does a good job at differentiating usage vs effectiveness. To identify new methods which are promising, you want to look at methods which are not massively used yet but are seen as highly efficient.

For instance, while SEM is still seen as effective by 52% of B2B Marketers, it’s already used by 58%: nothing new here. Content Discovery tools are however used only by 13% of B2B Marketers but they have an efficiency rating of 36% which says a lot about their usefulness potential – particularly with regards to #1.


3. How much budgets should you spend on Content Marketing?

28% on average but the situation is highly contrasted. Only 16% of B2B Marketers spend most of their budget on Content Marketing. 44% spend less than 25% and 25% less than 10%. So Content Marketing is far from being the bulk of the marketing spendings but 54% say they will increase over the next year.

An interesting parallel to make here is to look at the challenges that B2B Marketers face: “producing engaging content” and “producing content consistently” have been the Top 2 reasons for the past few years in this benchmark.

So by correlating these 2 points and also talking to a lot of our users and customers, it’s not surprising to see that B2B Marketers are also planning to invest in initiatives to publish more engaging content: 88% of them say they are doing that right now or planning to do so in the next 12 months.

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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer. http://scoop.it/u/gdecugis
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