Inbound Marketing: the power of content curation

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Inbound marketing is definitely more efficient and appealing to the sophisticated modern customer than traditional interruptive outbound techniques. But for inbound marketing to work, you need to have its lifeblood: content.


This Slideshare is from a talk @Marc Rougier recently gave on how content curation helps to solve inbound marketing #1 pain point: scaling the content you publish to feed your landing pages and conversion loops.

Content curation has played an important role in content marketing for some time now. And as content Marketing and inbound marketing are converging – especially for B2B marketers who are looking for ROI – we wanted to look specifically at what it brought to inbound marketers specifically.

These slides contain explanations on how content curation helps inbound marketers, what ROI they can expect vs created content as well as case studies from both SMBs and larger enterprises.

In particular it has data from our latest white paper and study which found out that 1 dollar invested in content curation was 50% more efficient than the same dollar invested in created content – plus a lot of other great findings.

It also goes through the various ways to generate leads with content curation in a visual way and with concrete examples: adding lead collection forms to subscribe to a newsletter, adding contact form enabling your prospect to contact you easily once they discover your curated content or even enabling sign-ups directly on your content curation mini-sites to enable your readers to personalize their experience as Cisco, and the MIT Sloan Management review do on the InnovateThink site.

Finally, one thing to note is that content curation doesn’t just help marketers do more and better by being more targeted. It also helps build trust as this study demonstrated: customers have become more sophisticated and stopped to fully trust vendor-created content because they know it’s been designed with an agenda. Curating and publishing 3rd-party content is not 100% objective either but it brings an independent perspective that helps with regards to building that trust.

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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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Patricia Lynn
8 years ago

Very informative article on content curation and online marketing for your blog

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