Be Human in Your Content Marketing

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Don't be a robot content marketer

Here’s one of the most significant tenets of content marketing: People like to do business with other people. They don’t like to do business with faceless, anonymous, inhuman brands or big corporations.


Occasionally people ask us how they could fully automate their content publishing. They’d like to not only get content suggestions automatically but also that this content be published automatically. They’d want to set up once and then forget their content marketing while just reaping the benefits of it. I don’t blame them and I even understand them. But content simply doesn’t work that way for the precise reason Amanda Clark from Grammar Chic introduces this post we’ve curated.

Communication is fundamentally human.

It’s not just an ethical question but it’s also a matter of efficiency because human content now prevails. Over the past few years we’ve seen a major trend: social networks (aka connected humans) changed the distribution rules for content. To the point where they forced Google – in spite of its dominating position on search – to revamp their robotic algorithms to better align with what human liked.

There are a few tips Amanda gives in her post to avoid that mistake and I couldn’t agree more with what she recommends. To build on her #2 point, doing team blogging, I would recommend these 3 tips we listed to make “content everybody’s job”. On for instance, you can practice collaborative content curation and highlight each contributor on your topic page.

You can even go beyond your own team: why not involving external contributors in your content as well? Lee Odden came out with a concept called participation marketing that he believes will be one of the key trends of content marketing moving forward. It’s about involving other people in your content: influencers but also current customers or your target audience. Not just as a way to make it easier and more scalable but also as a way to get more people involved and be more human. When people are involved in your content because they’ve contributed or you’ve curated and re-shared their work, you build a connexion with them. It values their work, highlights their credibility and they’re more likely to amplify your impact by re-sharing your posts. As he describes, this creates a win-win situation for all.

There are other great tips she gives and I encourage you to read them. But in conclusion, it boils down to placing yourself in the shoes of your audience: before you hit publish, read your post one more time as your audience will. We humans, as readers, only want what’s interesting and genuine. So as a publisher don’t be a robot: you’ll be more interesting.

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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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