Introducing Workflows, Drag and Drop Newsletters and Lead Analytics to Improve Content Marketing ROI

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ROI is just around the corner with Scoop it Content Director

The launch of Content Director in February was a huge success and a number of you already love the product! We wanted to thank you for the continuous feedback to help us improve it, and are happy to announce the release of a new version of Content Director that takes into account the many enhancements you asked for and that will help you generate more ROI with your Content Marketing.

This new release is centered on three main areas:

– Scale your content marketing with contributors,

– Create engaging newsletters in minutes with a new drag-and-drop editor,

– Measure What Matters – improve and prove the ROI of your content with the new analytics.

We will host a webinar on May 20th to show you how you can leverage Content Director to improve your Content Marketing strategy and ROI. You can register here.


Scale your Content Marketing by leveraging user roles and contributors

Keeping a consistent publishing calendar is never easy for anyone (even us!). A great way to get more content is to use content curation, but also to involve more people in your writing or curating efforts, whether they are employees or freelance writers.

You also know that content marketing is not an easy job that just anyone could master in two clicks, and that’s why you want to keep a hand on what is published under your brand.

That’s why we built user profiles in the new version of so that your content marketing manager can leverage resources to participate in the content writing and curating effort!

For more details on this new feature of Content Director, read our knowledge base article here.

scoop it content director - Administrators receive a notification and can validate the draft to publish it

#NeverBeenEasier Newsletters

Last year (already!) we shared how increasing our newsletter frequency drove the number of recipients we reached through the roof by a factor of 2.5x.  Promotional content is spammy, curated content is educational.

For the past 3 years, millions of users have successfully leveraged’s newsletter functionality to send regular content that matters to their audiences. And now they asked us to make it more flexible and customizable than ever – and still within a few clicks.

With this new release, we simplified the workflow to create and format your newsletters. Our new editor makes it super easy for you to build a newsletter through simple drag-and-drops of your curated or created content:

– Search among your topics and filter by keyword

– Drag-and-drop articles you want to the Newsletter

– Add any section to the newsletter and fully customize it

– Preview your newsletter “in live mode” (wysiwyg)

and much more… still one-click away!

Scoopit content director - Newsletter - Preview the newsletter

And of course… You now have a full and seamless integration with MailChimp to efficiently distribute your curated and created content and drive traffic. More details here.


MWM®: Measure What Matters – improve and prove the ROI of your content with the new analytics

A big theme for content marketing in 2015 is ROI as many experts who contributed to our latest eBook highlighted.

Enough with the vanity metrics and their Boeing 777 dashboards types!

Focus on the KPIs that talk to your business and to your Content Marketing ROI.

The new Content Director analytics makes it easy to break it down across the various fundamental elements that will help you measure, improve and prove the ROI of your content:'s VATL model to prove and improve content marketing ROI

Volume: number of content pieces on your destination sites and by channels on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Because content marketing has compounding returns that build over time, it’s critical to leverage your team and curation to sustain your content efforts.

Amplification and Traffic: how many times your content was shared and what traffic it generated. This measures the quality and the impact of your content on your audience and you can track it as a time-based chart or post by post.

scoopit content director - analytics - views and visitors

Leads your content generated. Ultimately, you want your content to convert your visitors into subscribers, prospects or customers and this is what you can easily track with Content Director, again as a time-based chart or post by post (check our free content marketing analytics framework to understand why this is important and how to take data-driven actions on your content strategy).

You can view the full list of improvements here.

All in all 🙂

With the newest version of Content Director, it’s never been easier to:

– scale your content marketing with team work,

– create engaging newsletters in a few clicks leveraging created and curated content,

– MWM® to improve your content marketing strategy and prove its value to your company.

-make better decisions and work smarter

We know many of you were waiting for these new features so let us what you think and remember we’re always listening to suggestions and ideas!

Want to work smarter and start generating real results from your content marketing? Find out how to use the new Content Director to help you become a smarter marketer!

new Content Director demo CTA

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About the Author

Julie Gauthier
Julie was our Director of Marketing. Before joining the other side of the Force, Julie was a client of while managing the Marketing of another SaaS software start-up in San Francisco for 2 years (Ivalua). With a Master’s Degree in Consulting from Audencia Graduate School of Management, Julie has lived in 4 different countries and worked in Marketing and Consulting for Apple, l’Oréal, Cartier and Weave Consulting. Besides being a tech nerd tweeting about New Technologies (@JulieGTR), Julie is a pretty serious sports addict (ski, muay thai, field hockey, tennis, etc.), a traveling fanatic and a foodie (either in the privacy of her kitchen or at new trendy restaurants).
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stephen wall
stephen wall
9 years ago

A great way to get more content is to use content curation, but also to involve more people in your writing or curating efforts.

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