The ability to embed one or more Scoop.it topics in a site is one of the most popular features of Scoop.it. Available for the Plus and Company plans, this allows the scooped content to be distributed in real time on the Scoop.it topic pages into a third-party platform such as a website or a blog.
Your audience can benefit from your selection of content directly on your platform, while energizing your site and bringing your unique angle on the news and trends that interest your visitors.
As well as building your brand’s opinion leadership, this news feed allows you to inform and enlighten by offering various formats (articles, presentations, infographics, videos, …) in a synthetic and commented manner.
Multiply media types
Integration on a site can complement the sharing of information on a Scoop.it topic, via a personalized newsletter or social media. It can also be the main distribution medium for content monitoring.
The advantage of Scoop.it for this type of device? A single point of entry. An all-in-one solution, which will allow you to distribute your monitoring of all these media without accumulating the work related to distribution on each channel.
It is with this in mind that the integration of the Scoop.it window has been developed. Today, we’re taking it a step further by giving you greater flexibility and even more advanced customization.
This involves, for example, the possibility of using different predefined templates, here is the same content in 3 different formats:
The “responsive grid”:
The “minimalist list”:
The “Carousel” :
Easy to set up
Integrating the Scoop.it window into a site is extremely easy. This partly explains why it is widely used. You just have to configure the display options from the integration menu of your topic (templates, colors, elements to display, …), a preview area allows you to check the rendering directly.
Then a simple copy / paste of the integration code allows it to be displayed on your site. No need to maintain this code, new content will be directly published on the page without any action on your part.
Beyond distribution to external audiences
Beyond sites, many companies, organizations and communities use the Scoop.it on-board window to provide internal news feeds. Indeed, it can be installed just as easily on an intranet, tools such as Sharepoint, a Learning Management System or other internal collaborative platforms.
The content is directly propelled to the readers to feed the third-party solution and boost its engagement!