Despite the wealth of information available in today’s data-driven world, it’s not always easy to meaningfully interpret and act upon it — this is true in the context of executing market intelligence efforts.
Without market intelligence, businesses are unable to navigate the tumultuous seas of market dynamics, floundering to survive and unable to grow and innovate.
Market intelligence on its own, though, isn’t enough for a business to survive, grow, and innovate. It needs a critical ally to enrich and empower it with which it can form a symbiotic relationship. Enter content curation: similar to but not the same as content marketing, content curation seeks to educate your audience and passively push your website up Google’s SERPs.
In this article, we’ll talk about how market intelligence and content curation each fuel the other and, when successfully paired together, make it simpler for businesses to make sense of their data and confidently act on it to arrive at strategic initiatives they’re pleased with.
Source: TeachinginHigherEd.com
Differences Between Market Intelligence and Content Curation
Content curation and market intelligence are similar, but at the end of the day, they’re two processes with some fundamental differences that business intelligence and marketing pros should be aware of before they begin bridging the gap between market intelligence and content curation.
What is Market Intelligence?
Market intelligence is all about looking at market-related data to make sense of market dynamics and predict how markets will look in the future. That’s an oversimplification, of course, but so long as you realize that market intelligence is primarily about breaking down and interpreting data related to customers, competitors, and trends, you’ll be well on your way toward applying insights from market intelligence to other aspects of your company.
Source: WallStreetMojo.com
If the title of this article doesn’t hint toward this already, however, market intelligence’s modern form wouldn’t look the way it does without supporting technologies that, in turn, are the reason for content curation’s existence as a process.
The role of technology in market intelligence cannot be overstated. Be it an analytics software application or a CRM, technology is what makes it easier to distill raw data into meaningful insights.
What is Content Curation?
Content curation, on the other hand, is about collecting and presenting data for further evaluation. It parses lots of different sources of information to locate pieces of relevant content that can be arranged in such a way as to offer significant value to business leaders and their teams of business intelligence and marketing experts, mostly in the form of inspiration for their own content.
Thus, businesses can view this way as a form of easy-to-grasp market research. Once a team outlines the competition’s
How Do You Sharpen Market Intelligence with Content Curation?
We know now that market intelligence delivers market insights at our fingertips while content curation amplifies and refines those insights.
But how do they complement each other? Let’s talk about how discovering and curating content correctly fosters a symbiosis that leads to the convergence of content and data as well as better-informed decisions and strategic agility.
Becoming an Authority Source
One often underestimated advantage of adept content curation for enhancing market intelligence lies in the opportunity it presents for white hat link building partnerships. Although links are digital gold and do wonders for SEO visibility, unbeknownst to most, they can also function as a passive research tool.
As released content gains traction and is viewed as a trusted resource, it naturally attracts backlinks from other sites. This lays the groundwork for gathering an entire curated database of competitors who view the site as an authority source. With this new form of content curation, businesses can easily use Ahrefs or SEMRush to gather keyword data and optimize on the run.
Source: Venngage.com
Symbiosis of Data and Narrative through Automation
In market intelligence, tools like Google Analytics provide invaluable quantitative data about customer behavior, sales trends, and website performance. However, to fully understand this data, a narrative context is needed, and that’s where qualitative sourcing comes in.
By pairing the quantitative data from Google Analytics with the qualitative information from Scoop.it, businesses can not only understand what is happening but also why it’s happening, enabling more effective strategic planning.
Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Insights
Business Intelligence platforms such as Tableau are fantastic for transforming raw data into visually digestible formats.
On the other side, content curation tools like Scoop.it can help sift through the plethora of online content to find pieces that are relevant and insightful. In a single interface, both business leaders and marketers can keep track of the competition’s content, get new topics from the suggestions engine, and automatically act on them.
Bridging Analytical Gaps with Curated Content
While CRM software like Salesforce can give you extensive data on customer behavior, it often lacks the qualitative aspect that explains why customers behave the way they do.
Here, content curation platforms can fill the gap. By integrating Salesforce with a content curation tool that provides custom feeds and targeted suggestions, businesses can gain a more holistic view of their market, thereby allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
Enhancing Decision-Making through Collaborative Tools
Collaborative tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams can serve as the nexus between market intelligence and content curation.
By creating integrated channels where data from market intelligence tools and curated content can be shared and discussed, teams can make decisions based on a fuller picture of the market landscape.
Some teams aren’t even stopping there—more and more companies are opting for custom, integrated solutions, such as PDF comparison software with enhanced security features and the ability to collaborate in real time. Mainstream solutions aren’t the only options anymore.
Realizing Strategic Goals through Combined Efforts
The project’s success often depends on how well different aspects are integrated and tracked.
Tools like Asana for project management can help keep tabs on how well the insights from market intelligence are being implemented and how effectively curated content is being used in the making of a content calendar. This ensures that all efforts are aligned and contribute to the overall strategic goals of the organization.
In today’s data-driven world, businesses need help staying afloat in vast oceans of information. Despite a modern and hyperconnected world that abounds with information, the real power behind huge volumes of data lies in the ability to distill lots of information into insights that are actionable.
Enter content curation—a beacon in the foggy landscape of market intelligence. The symbiotic relationship between market intelligence and content curation provides that by successfully curating key content, businesses across multiple industries can sharpen their market intelligence efforts and launch more effective content marketing campaigns themselves.