2013: What You Read

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Ahh, December. The best time of year for bloggers. The one month at the end of every year where we take the time to look back over the last 11 and – you guessed it – make lots of lists. Lists of fails and lists of wins, lists of bests and lists of worsts.

As Buzzfeed has certainly proven, everyone loves a list. Lists are easy to write, easy to read, and extremely shareable (hello, #leancontent!). But, what makes a list even more exciting is objectivity. I’m sure my list of the best albums of 2013 would be extremely different than my dad’s. There’s one thing that doesn’t lie, though, and that’s numbers. That’s why I decided to make an end of the year list based on your opinions, rather than my own. Take a look back, re-enjoy the 6 top posts from the Scoop.it blog from this year, re-share them, and if you happen to be inspired, start writing your very own post for us for 2014!

6. Learning to Learn: Fighting Cognitive Biases
In a world with more information than ever, figuring out how to use the brain to its fullest potential, as well as filling it with as much knowledge as possible, is the main focus of a vast amount of people in this world. I’ve made it clear on many occasions that I believe in the importance of being a perpetual learner. One of the key activities associated with learning is exploring and understanding the way the human brain functions, and using the results of this to properly hack the critical thinking process. For example, did you know that something called a cognitive bias exists? This term refers to the tendency to think in certain ways.

Read more from Ally Greer

5. 6 Trending Webdesign Trends
The internet landscape is constantly changing and graphic designers have to keep up with the trends to stay competitive. So, take a look at these six graphic design trends for websites in 2013 and why they’re happening.

Read more from Joseph Stark

4. Learning to Learn: A Series on Hacking your own Brain
How, then, can we find the proper education and training to become experts in these fields? Though there’s not one training program fit for everyone, there is one thing we can all do: learn how to learn. Following this conversation, I was inspired to start a new journey for myself: I’m going to learn to learn. Whether this means learning how to learn or learning for the sake of learning I’m not sure. Maybe it’s both. What I do know is that both of those goals are extremely important today and I’m sure there will be great value to be found in the process.

Read more from Ally Greer

3. Learning to Learn: Finding Motivation with a Think Board
There comes a time in the work day where one aims to seek out that perfectly clear, concise, motivating nugget of wisdom. Whether it be a grab at the day’s fresh air for new power, a calming quotation to alleviate the strain of work anxiety, or a simple side-step from the omnipresent monitor to attain reassurance in the ability to win the day once again. Whenever I find myself searching for that excellent tweet-sized motivation, I turn to my Think Board.

Read more from Jordan Rappaport

2. 5 Less Traditional Ways to Create and Share Online
The communication of knowledge and ideas is intrinsic to the human condition. Our earliest ancestors had a rich oral tradition, through which they passed on what they knew about the world, often across great distances. Our systems of communication have evolved and matured, from those oral traditions to the earliest cuneiform writings and all the way up through books and newspapers, to radio and television. With the advent of the modern age and Al Gore’s gift of the Internet, we’re now able to share our knowledge, ideas, and lots and lots of cute pictures of cats, around the world in less time than it has taken me to write this sentence. Today, the avenues available to our quest to gain and share knowledge are boundless, but I’d like to share with you five of my own personal favorites.

Read more from Lindsay Brunner

And the number one post of 2013….

Welcome to the Meritoc[u]racy
Ideas matter: they make all of us, individuals, businesses and societies, progress. Sharing ideas is equally important as creating them: it honors the creators; it enriches the recipients; and it also benefits the “passers”, who enhance their reputation through propagation of wisdom.

In today’s web, that’s what curators do: they discover, enrich and share content. When they do it well – with passion and expertise and with all due respect to the authors, they make the web a better place and are consequently, quite rightly, rewarded. They, as individuals or as businesses, shine on the web!

Read more from Marc Rougier

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is Scoop.it's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Ed F
Ed F
11 years ago

Thanks for sharing your ideas… Your Thinking board led me to a couple of tools I have already used in the past: My Microsoft One-note, and my mind-mapping software… Sometimes the obvious eludes me when it comes to gathering information… I get bogged down like you said with all the overflow of information that is currently available. You are right, there is a lot of garbage out there, but, with the ideas presented by you here, we can sift thru the non-useful information and get the best of what fellow travelers have to offer. Thank you…

Jordan Rappaport
Jordan Rappaport
11 years ago
Reply to  Ed F

Ed- Great to hear that you enjoyed my blog post, and thank you for the kind words! Focusing on the important messages and keeping them in front of you on a daily basis will continue to reinforce what matters.

M. Philip Oliver
M. Philip Oliver
11 years ago

Happy New Year to Scoop.it and All who contribute to it’s outstanding performance.

Style Whiz
Style Whiz
11 years ago

Happy New Year Scoop.it Thanks for the fabulous ideas and offerings.

11 years ago

voila pour la nouvelle année la robe que jai reçut en cadeaux . http://vimeo.com/82682694

11 years ago
Reply to  vergne12

video degradante et exhibitionniste, à signaler aux services de police

peinture deco
peinture deco
11 years ago

Devis Peinture-Entreprise Peinture Déco-Essonne-91-Evry-Paris …
http://www.entreprisepeinturedeco.fr/devis-peintures/devis-peinture/‎Vous souhaitez avoir nos conseil sur comment choisir un devis peinture? Entreprise Peinture Déco-Essonne-91-Evry-Paris-toile de verre m2-prix.

Marian Dondero
Marian Dondero
11 years ago

Peace in 2014! Thanks for providing a format for sharing good stuff.

Donald Campbell
11 years ago

Your work this past year has been encyclopedic. Scoop.It leads the pack in information distribution and sharing, and I depend on it. Please, please keep the momentum. Although I suspect you might be reticent to take an advocacy position, the huge problem of climate change, affecting practically the entirety of the earths surface, inhabited or otherwise, demands action by all residents and industries. Reducing the rate of CO2 production, as well as other carbon-based gases, will surely help to slow the accelerating advance of climate change. I urge you to strongly support the movement to tax potential CO2 on a… Read more »

Justin Chan
Justin Chan
11 years ago

Wish you all a very happy new year 2014 Guys

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